Looking for Information

Hi there!

Thank you all for the welcome and reaching out, it really means a lot.

So, these are a few things that have been happening to me. I was pretty sexually active at 18, met a partner, was in a terribly boring relationship for about 5 years, and now I am out of it and again sexually active with others. So, I do not currently have a partner. I am an extremely sex driven person, I mean so much so that I crave mostly everyone I interact with. I cannot shut it off, turn it down, its such a consuming drive. I love having sex with men. I’m not a dominant person at all, but the thing that I’ve noticed starting to happen is when having sex with a man, I’ll almost feel something take over my body, and depending on whether or not I control it, I become much more dominant. I have to hold back, or I’ll just start becoming extremely aggressive. Sometimes, I find myself feeling the “taken over” feeling just interacting with someone.

Another thing that happens when I am having sex, and occasionally just in passing, is I will feel myself start to suck the energy from a man. I know it is a very unhealthy thing to do, and I very rarely take someone’s energy if I am controlling it. I guess, what I’m saying is this part of me, part of something else, is sucking the life out of lovers. I will also find myself seeing with my third eye, envisioning myself pulling their hearts out, sort of like a long gooey string, and running it through my fingers.

I feel strange saying, or typing, these things aloud. I don’t tell people about my thoughts on this, and I’m almost afraid. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, it feels like an absolute drug, but I would like to at least understand what is going on with me.

Something else that happened, and this actually just happened last night. I slept at a guy’s house last night, nothing sexual happened, he played video games while I slept in his bed, but I remember falling asleep, sort of felt myself trying to drain his energy, and then I would wake up because I had such vivid, i mean absolutely real feeling and touching dreams, that he would crawl into bed with me and start having sex. I would wake up, and think that it happened. This happened twice over the night. I would realize it was a dream when I’d look around, but I have never felt something so real, and I am a very vivid dreamer.

Sorry if this is just a big wad of crazy-ness. Just got done working all weekend, hope all is well with everyone. If anyone out there has any help, advice, thoughts on what is going on, or where I could find out for myself, please let me know.



Invoke Lilith using this method

Also look into psychic vampirism.

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this might be personal, but when you feel like someone takes control of you, does it highten the sensation of the sex or does it dull it?

the succubus killing or being a predator when it comes to sex is a myth, more or less.
I assume you haven’t killed anyone yet… atleast by sex I mean :smiley:

if you feel the thoughts/mental images are something you want removed, you have to work on removing them.
what is your experience of communicating with spirits, meditation and such?


Hi, wow thank you! Very helpful. I’ve read a little about psychic vampirism, but unfortunately all I have found was speaking about it negatively.


I agree with @Laith_wavey lilith should be able to provide some insight, sitri may be able to help with insights also. I’ve used the method posted above with alot of success.


Not personal at all! It very much so increases the pleasure for me.


I must say. You have a really powerful lustful aura. I got very horny just by reading this. I think you might have a place in the lust current. @succupedia what do you think


I’ll send you a message :slight_smile: we have much to talk about


I know right I felt the same thing. I’m usually only interested in guys but I would make an exception for her.(sorry if that’s too much op)


DAMN there should be songs written about you :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::heart:


Did you get my pm

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I’m sorry. Please ignore what I have said

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Thank you for reaching out, can’t wait to hear from you.


Thank you!


Ohh, stop. :wink:


It’s true though

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My brain just spitballing random thought train related to sexual magick.
Working with the spirits and energies of mars related to lust
The spirits and energies of venus related to pleasure.
Working with the spirits and energies of the moon related sex and sensuality.


Thank you for the input! I really appreciate it, please spitball all your random thoughts at me.

If any more bubble up i’ll let ya know. Been hovering between wide awaken and walking dead for 30 mins :laughing: its a weird place to be to ponder ritual formula.