I have chatted on other forums, I am specifically looking into the following, and would greatly appreciate any assistance or advice.
I’m happy to be in a position to learn how to defend myself magickly- sort of like learning martial arts in real life there will be bumps and bruises.
However I have had some long standing issues- a practitioner who was an ex of an ex and a roommate got hold of some personal effects(underwear and other clothing, possibly blood and hair) and stole my altar items.
Periodically have bad dreams and attack symptoms, she comes up in the dreams and divinations. This has intermittently come up in my life. I also have trouble meeting goals etc for example a litany of errors occur right before drivers license test, car breaks down on day of test, car caught alight a few days before test, 2 minutes too late for test, my driving instructor passes away before the test, unable to get test booking because of a strike etc
Similar with educational goals I am 5 credits shy of my degree, every step of the way is a struggle, I hand in assignments, purchase study materials and for the last 5 years I have been trying to complete the last 5 credits, I get told to do subjects xyz, then get told these were not right, but to do abc, after doing abc, they say no qlf and this will take even longer as administrative decision to make these have prerequisites that will each take a year to complete.
I almost lost my job because of malicious colleagues, almost lost my home because of on the receiving end of a home invasion planned by neighbors- that was a lucky narrow escape- so that was great.
I often feel bound up like I almost get something I worked for, but then it never materializes.
I live in a third world country where there are very well versed and practiced local magical population.
I am hated, on some or another level, by most people I have casual contact with. I try not to be a dick, maybe it is just my personality, I feel like an evil eye magnate(this has not always been this way I was once popular and had a wide friend group)
I have done banishing’s and regular cleansings as far as baths .I am putting in place protection measures and I have been quite consistent as far as energy healing practice. I have moved to a safer neighborhood.
Any help or opinions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.