Look of Corruption 👁 (Beginner friendly curse)

This is a curse that destroys your enemies will and mind. It corrupts their soul and consumes their will to live and their passion.

This work is based off of cursing and hate energy I have developed with my guides and lords of darkness. The curse is extremely powerful but require a great amount of desire to perform. This is one of those curses you do when you want to see someone dragged through hell and back, to see them disintegrate in front of your eyes etc.

DO NOT do this curse if you are uneasy about curses. You need a clear will and desire, to make them suffer and be destroyed no matter how brutal.

You will need one of these things:

A picture of your enemy
(social media is perfect for this)

To have your enemy in your line of sight
(Look at them in person while you do this)

Astral body of your enemy (projection technique)

(For best results use all 3 points of attack but one will be enough).

Step 1. Awakening the eyes of hatred.

For this step you will ask your dark guides to witness your eye activation. These are the guides who have led you to this post or who would will rejoice in seeing you claim your power.
To begin get into a meditative state, but have a surge of infernal energy present as you do so.
Breath in power, and breath out resistance.
Now, visualize your dna, call upon your eyes genes.
And state, “it is my will to unlock the eyes of hatred, it is my will to control and command my hatred from my eyes when i please. All who i gaze upon with my activated eyes will suffer as much as I desire and be subjected to utter hell and all horrid acts of my mind.”
You will feel a surge of energy this is your dna activating the dormant mutation.
It is done.

  1. Activating the eyes.

Eyes of hatred are activated through desire and a flexing of the pupils and eyes.
The feeling is the opposite of zoning out, you have such a hard laser focused gaze. You are bloodlusted and want nothing more than to see your target perish.
Each time you want to use your eyes you will activate them like this.
Bring the desire and hatred into your skull right behind your eyes, activate your eyes and as you do shoot pure darkness, hatred and ill intent at your enemy. Pour absolutely everything into this gaze it should feel like you are ripping their soul to shreds as you stare.
Visualize horrific red or black energy streaming out of your eyes into you targets mind, body, soul, and aura. Once each of these are corrupt begin to infest and destroy them on each plane of existence and through multiple timelines.

  1. Deactivation and gratitude

Once you have poured everything into your attack begin to relax. Let your eyes close briefly as you beging to take deep breath. Breath in gratitude as you have just demolished your enemy.
Be thankful for what has just happened. As you sit there breathing in gratitude imagine all the horrid ways this energy could manifest for that person. You should not be attached to any specific one outcome you are simply directing the energy into multiple currents, by doing this you are giving the energy a blueprint similar to what you desire. Go through as many as youd like, often times at this stage I find myself laughing, it is hard to keep my composure knowing I just ruined someone and I rejoice haha. Im so happy with my malicious will.

Perform this for 6 days straight. You can use each level of attack on the same day or rotate between them.
The curse works better when you curse in the hours of multiples of 3 but it is not necessary at all.

Day 1
In person look of corruption 9am
Astral look of corruption 3pm
Astral look of corruption picture 9pm

Day 2
Look of corruption in person 6am
Look of corruption astrally 9am
Look of corruption picture 9pm

Example 2:
Day 1
Look of corruption in person 6am

Day 2
Look of corruption astrally 9pm

Day 3
Look of corruption picture 6pm

Let me know how it goes and what kind of results manifest as a result.


Best wishes to all you cursing :eye:


Great i’ll try this out
Got some people to take care of

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Bookmarked for… research… purposes.



Sounds really great.
Might try it soon using the picture :bomb:

Quick questions :
Talking about the dark guides, we can call any demons we would see fit to assist us in this ?
When activating the eyes, we only vizualize the energy hurting the target, not the ways it could ?

Not limited to demons but yes.

They need to be aligned with this kind of energy.

Both seems like you are a natural :ok_hand::eyes:

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So, for research purposes…
Anyone (aside from the OP) manage to do this and get a result they wanted? :stuck_out_tongue:

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