Bumping this. Figured it’d be useful.
Anyone got any info on lillith regarding absolute beginners who can’t even sense energy?
you just stated the problem, the simple solution is learning to sense energy
Okay lol so I won’t get anywhere without that?
what about the fifth element of space? What King is there for that? Perhaps some entity of the/a void?
sorry I mean’t learning to sense energy first, or you could scry into her sigil and state what you want, it’s as easy as that.
As I said I’m a beginner What do you mean by scry? Do you mean like people talk about with fire?
You would, tons of people do magic without being able to sense energy. But does it work every time for them? are they getting a rich spiritual experience? that’s subject to personal opinion.
Some magicians encourage perfecting the needed skills that aid the process of ritual. They work on sensing energy, their clairvoyance and astral senses before beginning any magic workings (most magical orders have initiates begin with this). While some people hop onto the ride and train these along the way.
Of course, there are benefits and disadvantages to each one but as Lady Eva says, whatever works, works
okay, I’ll try to relate this to something mundane. You know how we look at all those magic pictures that look like random lines or colors upon looking at them first but start to take shape and become something else when you look at it a certain way? Scrying works like that.
To scry, means to relax your sight, don’t look at the sigil, look through the sigil. Relax your eyes and gaze lightly at it. Don’t focus on individual lines but try to perceive the whole symbol as a whole. You’ll know it’s working when you start to feel relax and things start to get fuzzy and the sigil begins to “flash” basic magic talk for the lines doing funny things, like disappearing and coming back, lines rearranging themselves, sigil floating in the air, it just does weird stuff.
I hope i could help, ps scrying into sigils become very easyonce you get the hang of it.
You did lol. I’m going to do some more research before I evoke her
okay, it actually doesn’t literally relate to this
sorry i meant translate, sigh autocorrect [quote=“Aluriel, post:52, topic:8784”]
To gaze like ea said in his shop magic thing
Hey! can you pm me , i have a fre questions. thanks
There are no across the board answers, everyone is different both in terms of personality, need, and learning style. If you mean which are the most responsive right out of the gate, there are many. The ones who get the most attention are “Generally” the most open to who they work with.
If they get a lot of attention it’s for two reasons. They are damn good at what they do and they WANT the attention.
Such a great information for beginners! I truly appreciate your huge aid!
Generally speaking a beginner shouldn’t worry about talking to other entities until their senses are better because any entity that can be beginner friendly aren’t always because different personalities and what not but even then the beginner could easily jumble things up themselves and blame the entity.
Yes, I know what the dangers are, thank you for telling me. But I just meant that it was good ‘information-wise’. I do NOT want to invoke an entity rn as I don’t wanna piss 'em off and get them hate me. I am aiming to know more about each entity and, at the same time, improve my skills like clairaudience, astral senses etc.
The last thing I want to do is blame the entity. I really respect each being and blaming them will be my immaturity. If I was a spirit and I came to a beginner who would start blaming me for the things he/she messed up, I would feel bad and disrespected too.