List of spirits that are good for beginners

She (Demoness) :P[/quote]

I first approached Buné expecting this male demon, which was what I’d read, and then it was only working with her a lot (because honestly, three heads and darlk snakelike body don’t give me much to pin a gender on), and finally a spirit calling her Mother, that I came to see Buné the demon as Buto or Wadjet, the snake goddess protecting the Pharoahs, placed over the third eye location as a guardian and also as a channel.

She brought back one of my parents, who died a while ago, into a resurrection body in the astral, so I’m immensely grateful to her for this.

While she will help with wealth, and has done so for people on here (if you search, also chek the spelling Bime) her main role for me has been around ancestral inheritances of knowledge and ability, and also some very complex discussions about DNA that to be honest I still haven’t completely understood. :slight_smile:

But I love her very much and she is absolutely a spirit worth contacting early on!