Lilith invocation From Liber Lilith A Gnostic Grimoire

The Prayer of Invocation. "Great Lilith, Queen, Maiden, Old Mother, descend, descend, descend into this Generative Flask. The Groom has prepared it for your use. With care he has cleaned it with great care, with love he has warmed it with love, with desire He has opened it with desire, it is empty and waiting to be filled. Put on living earth. Make him the vessel for your fiery spirit. Assist him with your loves and receive his adoration. I call you by your name, your true name , truly your name is: ιιιιιιιιι εεεεεε οοοοο υυυυυυυυυυ αααααα ωωωωωωωωωωω, ιεα, αιω εισ, ουα, ιιι εεε οοο υυυααα, αισι, ειυυααα, αισι, ειε why the six directions. I call you, from hwy4, ywh5, yhw6 to my left I summon you. Assist me, by the power of ydX7, assist me. Sax, Sax, Abrasax

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And this is from where? What’s the source?


Did you write this, or find it somewhere else? If you found it somewhere else, could you please cite the source for us? Have you tried using it? What results have you garnered from implementing this prayer/invocation in your practice? :slight_smile:


I found it in Liber book of Lilith and most of his spell based in loves intercourse with genii finding genii who could give you pleasure and so so


and if you are a man lilithy can work and if you are a woman lilith can call samael to filful your pleasure all are in that book

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Thank you for the information. I’ve called upon Lilith recently for something else, and I’m sure I would personally have no issues despite being a woman, if that were what I was after. :slight_smile:

Have you attempted using this yet though? I’m sure the members that will try this, will be curious about your experiences with it.

I edited the title, so that it was more clear what the source was, so that they won’t have to scroll through to find that. :slight_smile:


Seems to me the writer was just pressing random keys.
Or his cat walked over his keyboard.


I wondered, but I haven’t checked out that book so thought well, sometimes I see weird shit in occult books lol.

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You are better off reading the actual book if you can find a cheap copy as some of it is fiction. The spells and rituals are ment to be tweaked to the individual path. Some spells you won’t be able to use because you know illegal. Lol. There are metaphors beginners will not understand about some of the more difficult rituals. As there are substitutions to make the ritual work. So without a good knowledge of somethings in magick you won’t be able to work the grimoire


How do you know? Do you have any actual experience with this invocation?

If so, please share it, because it is generally frowned upon here to just copy something from a book or website, and say it will do a certain thing if you have never actually used it.


You can work with both Lilith & Samael. Even if your tastes are swapped lol. Again you have to read the whole book and know how to tweak the rituals.


Not sure why you replied to me and not the OP lol

I’m on mobile it easier lol

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no no no no mistake i has done and call it as i wrote every things there are so occurate

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If that’s accurate, and her name is…this… Then that’s not a name or a word or anything. It’s just something that I’d feel silly saying during a ritual. I wouldn’t trust it non the less. I had a book with similar “old spells” I laughed a lot reading it back in the days.


I can’t google translate it, but it makes me think of like angelic grimoires where you might chant eh ah oh 30 times to get into a trance lol.


He could just say kjlfdgklaj asjdf klasjfak akjs and call it a magickal word. Just saying :rofl:

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Hey, my keyboard is upset that you are trolling keyboard angry speak, and forgot proper characters and punctuation.

It should read like this:

afdalsdfd&f!!! adfjadslfsfs@ adfasdfjaodgadgaedg!!!$

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It’s basically a variation of the solomonic calling on yahwah but using the Greek letters or trying to anyway lol. Like I said it’s done on purpose so it not workable for non experienced users.


I was assuming you were correct it’s not really advisable to just jump and run with it, without the context of the book, because without the context, we are sitting here joking about what the purpose could be and the context more than likely reveals that information.

Most of the rituals I use or create would be very similar. Without the premise, it would just sound silly.

I only asked questions above, for anyone coming across it and wanting to use it. The way the first post read without any context, I just figured we could use more information for those who might want to use it.

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