Liber hirudo

I have started reading it, and speaking as a qigong practitioner, it has some misunderstandings around how qi works, and it tells you to do things that don’t make sense and don’t explain why, and seems to be making incorrect assumptions.

I would strongly recommend that if you want to do energy working, learn a fully complete energy working system first, and then come back to this, and you will be able to see how to make it work and avoid damaging yourself.

First and foremost, a complete system like qigong teaches you from the get go how to read your own energy and balance it to avoid and fix sickness. This book, like most vamp books, does not - but it does teach you techniques that cause imbalance. I can see people screwing up their systems if they’re unlucky with this.

I posted a list of popular qigong learning books here. Honestly if you can do qigiong you can vamp, as vamping is a small subset of a subset of energy working.

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