Ascent isn’t a race with a finish line, ascent is continuous expansion, we expand infinitely like our own universe never stopping.

Good and Evil are merely human concepts, harness angelic and demonic in unison, harness light and darkness, harness the serpent and the dragon, harness the void and the source.

Then we will be eternal, externally expanding, eternally ascending.


Agree that you need to master and combine both approaches to have full access to the “ten thousand things” i.e. everything without limit.

The Tai Chi tu symbol isn’t just a pretty icon - it’s a teaching tool, shows light and dark in balance, moving together, and, that there is always a bit of light in the dark and a bit of dark in the light. You can’t actually separate them if you tried.

Which means, if you do only RHP you’ll still do yourself some self-serving work, and vice versa.


do you agree with people considering the RHP “mind rape”

You mean LHP? I don’t know why you’re saying lightworkers and white witches violate consent, this is he ‘an ye harm none’ crowd. Maybe I’ve misunderstood your post?

and what are your thoughts on magick to hurt a certain target be it finically, physically, or mentally

If they start something, I’ll finish it.
I don’t bother people who’ve done nothing to me or mine, why would I? But the definitions of me or mine and ‘bothering’ are pretty much whatever suits me at the time.


IMHO RHP and LHP is a Marxist extension of right wing and left wing. There is of course no such thing nor has there ever been as left wing and right wing, this was designed as a subversion of public sector and private sector - the attempt to divide and conquer the very foundation of democratic capitalism.

There is however good and bad…!


Oh! i’ve been under the impression RHP is black magick and left hand white

I consider myself a Grey Magician, like the person I quote above. Energy is energy. There is no light or dark. There is only intent and will.

I’ve done both. Why waste more money on a fucked up vending machine? I might as well bang the hell out of it with at least a chance of getting my snack.

This is the very philosophy behind Hoodoo and Chaos Magick. We use what we need, what is necessary to get results and disregard the rest. The moral intent is what makes it RHP or LHP in terms of right or wrong.


I agree.

I don’t consider myself a Grey Magician, I consider myself just a magician :slightly_smiling_face:


Or go to the manager immediately and get them to give you your money back, that usually works for me :grin:

I’m just ‘spiritual but not religious’. It’s delightfully boring: I haven’t managed to scare, interest or offend anyone with that one yet.

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I could easily make this into a funny post.

Situation: Cat stuck in a tree.

Ceremonial tradition: Calls the fire department from a specific phone and at a specific time. Caller uses precise language to describe the situation. Hangs up and patiently waits for the fire department in which the situation is agained stated to the lead firefighter.

RHP: Attempts to coax the cat down with calls of “Here, kitty, kitty!” Until the cat comes down.

LHP: Cuts the fucking tree down, snatches up the terrified animal and walks away.

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Bruh true RHP don’t take shit off no devilborn cat. we lay down da bass like so, SKisM - Power - YouTube, and at the drop we yell BY THE POWER OF RA in perfect synchronicity until the little f*cker gets blasted out by a blinding pillar of heavenly light.

Wow, coming from you lol

Power is Power, Knowledge is Knowledge, Magick is Magick as simple as that what forces we use depends on our preferences.

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I absolutely agree. As someone only here for about 2 years, I was always one to say that there is no LHP or RHP. Balance of 4 elements, 2 hemispheres, and symmetry at its finest degree is the true path. Embracing power from all sources and unifying them into oneself is the evolution of mage. Lol this was not your view 6 months ago brother lololol. But im really happy that someone who has respect in this forum made that loud and clear for others to see.

And ironically I just watched K Joseph’s youtube about embracing both. It seems schyroncity is in the air. Have a great day my friend, or night rather.

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