good evening forum members, today i want to spark the discussion of left hand path vs. right hand path.
when first conducting research on the occult, i noticed many people write blogs and posts refraining new magicians from going down the right hand path, for it to be immoral and considered ‘mind rape’.
Whereas the left hand path seems to be more universally accepted, but the results may vary depending on the target of your choosing.
What do you guys feel in regards to the left hand path and right hand?
Personally, i think that getting what you desire is the most important when you are casting. The point of magick is to aid the universe in your favour so why would you put energy into spells that may not give you the results you desire? however i do love LHP magick, i just consider when casting more target specific based spells that doing more RHP based spells would be moreno beneficial to the caster at least.
anyway what are your thoughts? do you agree with people considering the RHP “mind rape” and what are your thoughts on magick to hurt a certain target be it finically, physically, or mentally. Thank you :slight_smile:


For me it’s just energy light energy and dark energy think the force Luke…you can be a Jedi aka RHP or a Sith Lord aka LHP it’s energy the force chi etc…

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I am neither right hand nor left hand …

In Lucifers own words (Pulling this from my journal).

“ He who works with one hand, whether it be left or right, will gradually achieve however, he who uses both will perform miracles for a structure built with one hand will never compare to the structure built with both hands “.

In the words of my spiritual father

“ If one embraces the light only the light will blind him, if one embraces the darkness only he will loose sight of his surroundings, so you see my son, embrace both the light and the dark, for only fools split the path of power into two directions “.


I don’t believe in black and white nonsense, for me, only magick exists. I don’t like useless labels.
RHP is full of bullshit and cockblocking shit, like don’t hurt your enemies, never use your power to harm anyone, yada yada yada… According to me, RHP is soul rape.
I personally don’t like the labeling of LHP and the so called principles or rules of it. Although most people would consider me a LHP practitioner.
Nobody has any right to tell me what I can and can’t do.

I’m just a magician, I can hurt the people that I wanna hurt and help the people that I wanna help. I’m what I’m. I can do whatever I wanna do with my powers and myself without any restrictions.


All magick is black.

When did that happened now…

i agree with these quotes!

I agree, while researching there was a large separation between both LHP and RHP but here i’ve noticed be it light or dark all magick is just magick!

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i agree!

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Left hand

Right hand


Precisely, I’m on the same page. I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve transcended light and dark. As if they’re the same.

Now, OP. All Lhp and Rhp are, are mindsets and philosophies in which one typically abides by. Wether or not it is “rape” is irrelevant, as one chooses to follow those mindsets.

Black and White is BS. Whether or not something is “for the good of all” is up for debate. Magick is magick and such terms, are labels. To label is to limit.

I practice magick. How you label it is yo to you.

By history’s standards the modern LHP/RHP delineation’s muy screwy.

Lots of cunning folk were considered good eggs even in times and places when sorcery was technically illegal and they reportedly called up demons on the reg.

Lots of canonized saints and sages and more societally condoned poster-boy type miracle workers by the same turn dueled and killed the crap out of rivals, burned down villages, and did all kinds of other unspeakable shit on their own recognizance that wasn’t seen as a blight on their righteous god-given talents.

This was much the case in still earlier tribal times with holy men as well. What you made a part of your power as an occultist in those days would not in and of itself turn you evil. There were simply lines that if crossed would change you from human into a wicked and diseased creature, evil and inhuman.

I believe that still holds today.

I think you confused LHP and RHP. LHP is the one that’s generally viewed as black magic, and RHP as white. Just FYI.
I see the LHP and RHP as 2 methods to achieve a similar result. A dumbed down example:
A pretty leaf is falling down towards you, but gets caught in a crevice in a wall and is suspended just out of reach. If you want to go the RHP route, you would stretch up on your tiptoes and grab it with the tips of your fingers. If you want to go the LHP route, you would shoulder bash or kick the wall to make the leaf fall down to you.
Another example is a snack stuck in a vending machine. RHP would put more money in or wait for someone to come open the machine. LHP would bump the machine until the snack dropped.
On a more serious note, I advocate the use of both, either separately or in harmony, and in roughly equal amounts. Being balanced and grounded is important, and its hard to be balanced if you’re only working one side. I also feel that magic is a neutral source/force to be used as the practitioner sees fit. I don’t believe in any “3 fold law” or “universal repercussions” type shit.


Very well said, thank you fro sharing.

Imho; for sure both paths can be followed by a magical practitioner, as essentially they have the same goals; indeed Left–Right dichotomy refers merely to different kinds of working and does not necessarily connote good or bad magical actions.

So we only shall receive the Light, similar to our daily life whether The Light comes from East or West or from left or right; does it really matter after all; that’s the same for magick indeed.

what a synchrony,leviathan told me something similar today.

what rhp`?




about balance


the truth is revealed after merging the opposite,
when the paradox became normal.



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The only left and rights are both the tree of life and the tree of Da’ath, when we utilise both darkness and light, celestial and infernal, and transcend the spectrum and harness the power of all.

Then we transcend all.