Lgbt demons

So I know the community is accepted in the whole religion of Satanism, but are there any specific demons that are lgbt or work with lgbt members specifically/ only?


I don’t think so, demons take you as you are. You are not a special snowflake to them for being trans.


no I just asked because im new to Satanism

It’s all right. Just go about working with daemons like any other person would, there are no variables that could change the experience for you. In the end, the entities are genderless, they can come to you in whatever form is desirable to you. I wish you all the luck.


ok thank you

Spirits in general will work with anyone regardless of sexuality or gender identity, as long as you are respectful to them and those under their protection.


ok thank you Prophet

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I’ve worked with Hecate, Artemis, Lilith and Freya for the goal of feminization of the body. The work is slow but seems to be working, though weight loss remains the more immediate goal for the moment. There are also demons whose abilities lend themselves well to transformation in general, Marbas to name one. None of them
refuse to work with anyone that is respectful to them and that they feel will benefit from their teachings.


ok thank you

You could also look into hermaphrodite gods. Raven Kaldera has a book regararding them specifically on Amazon.


Seconding. I adore Kalderas work.



Demons don’t care about that kind of stuff. I’m as LGBT as someone can possibly be, myself and have no issues. They’ll even help you with your goals. For example if your trans and need someone to help make you look more, feminine or masculine. Or if you’re gay/pan/bi ect and need to find love they won’t turn their nose up at you. They’ll help even with LGBT goals. As long as you show them respect they’ll help you, regardless of how you identify. It doesn’t matter your identity. Some entities such as Bune even have male and female forms.


ok thanks

There’s a spirit I know named Zephanese. He claims to have seduced Alexander the Great. He’s bi. Zephanese was a dancer and provided escort services for the elite and weathly. He has very expensive tastes and lives like a prince. Also a keen philosopher. Most of the spirits I interact with are very philosophical. Zephanese was mixed between a Greek and a Persian. He had darker skin than normal Caucasians and black hair.

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i heard those hermaphrodite spirits for a long time what are those?


I wonder if demons even acknowledge that there are sexual orientations. I believe sexuality is fluid. So, I don’t think this even registers on their radars (no pun intended). I think we make it a bigger issue that it should be. Love is love, lust is lust.


Gremory and Agares are both trans demons however they do not exclusively work within the LGBT community. Sexuality is the least of their concerns however they can influence the way you are perceived as a member of the LGBT community. They can make it so you are much less criticized by those who may criticize you. Therefore giving you a much more free and open experience to life.


Interesting. Can they help to make you more masculine or feminine?


Yup they sure can.