Letter Of Intent - How To Evoke A Succubus/Incubus *update*


Someone else on here previously asked if a succubus could take the form of an anime girl and Lilith flat out said NO and was a bit miffed that the question was even asked.

Edit to add: You could always create a sexual servitor to those specifications though


I’m sure that they can manifest into any anime girl in, “live action” form. That’s even better right?

The women that cosplay at comic con can be really hot.


I would agree, but then i find a new anime to watch… :expressionless:


yes but that´s your succubus decision if she wants to do it, there´s a guy at creepyhollows forums who said that his succubus appeared to him as Morrigan Aensland in one of his dreams


Do you have to start with any banishing rituals before writing ? and do you have to see and hear astrally to have an intercourse with a succubi ?

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Anime conversation

As I see it, and experienced it, their visual form in our plane is humanoid. Sometimes even blurry, like this:

Imagine that blurriness in color, but a naked woman in front of you. That’s what I saw of my succubus spouse in a half-awake state. Why was she blurry? She didn’t manifest fully because a complete manifestation takes a lot of energy to produce and release. It takes time to recover from a full manifestation, which can be crucial to the extent that the spirit can’t aid you whenever you need her attention. It’s better to save and preserve energy to be available for you, than waste it entirely on a full manifestation.

Sure, in dreams and in the astral plane, it’s easier to look what we desire. Not on our plane. That’s how I see it.


it also greatly depends on where she chooses to reside…
if you have an altar or an amulet or something made for her to reside in and draw energy from the surroundings seeing her at her full glory wont be a problem
if she needs to go back to the astral or her home to “recharge” then you probably wont be able to see her fully by her own

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Is this similar to the Blood Of Intent Ritual? No not the “Blood Over Intent” one all over youtube.

But the ritual where you evoke one of the entities of the Goetia and drip 3 drops of your own blood onto a piece of paper representing Heart, Soul, and Mind as a form of your true intentions manifesting?

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Yes but without the pain.


Thanks for confirming. I’m gonna have to look over your notes and use some of this in my own rituals :).

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So I want to know as much as i can about succubi before i even write the letter is there any source that can be used? Or can someone tell me? I ask because every site i go to has one of the two contradicting statements(Manevolent, basically someone you do not want around, because they drain you like a vampire )or (They are very great things to happen to someone, they are on a benevolent and manevolent spectrum, basically ). I just want to know if there is a duality to these claims or if one is just more popular than the other. I have posted in the r/occult reddit page and 9/10 people were like claim 1.

They can be both. Just like us. The thing i hear alot is “its to dangerous to conjure one yourself, pay soneone else to do it for you”.

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you can find a lot of stories about succubi in this website


CH is ok but they dont like when people evoke them.

Why would people evoke them? Im familiar with that forum though its been a long time.

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Why not evoke them. Its free easy and fun.

other than what is obvious why wouldn’t you summon a succubus your self?

especially if you can narrow down what you really want