Hi all.I am stuck and i need a good advise wich is why i write here.From when i descover you for the first time i read a lot about it and now i realy dont know what to do next?! First let me introduce myself about it(i will try the short version).I am 56 years old,i have a wife ,we love each-others very much, we respect us well (but we lose all sexual atraction),i have also a lot of pets arround-so i have this duty to protect them.On the other side i feel like one who didnt make love from few years(in fact this is "almost " the reality,i dont use “jerk” and when i descover this…“solution”( all my live i think sex in terms of magic or initiatic still,i was very interested to find out the metaphisics of sex,what is beyound the form and the energy.But…now i descover that…to reach tantra need to pass the gate and that gate is guarded by deamons,and from what i learn reading about them-are not that trusted entity(i meen that could have their own agenda ,this is how they live i dont I condemn them for that)-so…i realy dont know what to do .If you try to put in my skeen you will see that big fight betwen duty and affraid to not bring any harm on my family(-on the one hand),on the other side is the must wonderfull gift that i could have it on this life.Its not only about initiatic sex, i wish to achieve at list lucid dream capacity, but now i know that “eventualy” i must “buy” much less “thinks” cose are very expansive and the price seems to not worth (if we speak in terms like next reincarnation or evan more reincarnations for example).I remember one who sugest to make a deal like "i give 20 percent from my nenegative energy for a certanly time,payment make in unit like "nickel-us a coin or unit sistem-i realy dont understand this kind of misure,i didnt find it online).Any way-i remember that one of my friend from other forum , told that quickly after she made his letter intent,it was sick ,very illnes for few mouth-and i dont know if it was because of what he just done or not?! And…you know ?!..i wish to be like many i heard-who already have some good sens,to feel or probably to see thinks when ithey close their my eyes but…i dont see nothink, i cant see evan a button no metter how much i try to imagine-so for me i know that is impossible to find like others-a lover spirit !And…one more interesting thinks ;somethink very weard was hapening with me this days…more than a mouth i had very pleasure feelings in my sexual area-was like some kind of worm,electric field or very energized but for few second and stop short after.The must interesting is that…after i find one who scared me enough to think that is to reasky and evan i dont have right to made this step-i lose like spontaneously that feeling.Was like i had for real an entity who supervise me somehow(not to less but not to hot in the same time-like to make me not be shour about her presence) and when she realised that i am a lose investement she left…Now (wasnt very short this story i know but yet…you dont know the long version .One last mention-right now i could say that my interest is only in tantra ,i am not prepared to work in ocult or magic,so…knowing all this- could you try to help me somehow?! i realy wish to make this step (so much that i have affraid to alowed without intention some deamon cose i cant stop to read and hear about all this thinks).I think was perfect for me to find a way to contact spirit-lovers,but the ritual adressed to Shakti or feminine principe -They sead that you have very low chanse to have succes performing the ritual with them so…Could you give me some advise pls?Only few days untill the foll moon and i already adjourned 2 mouth.Also i am very interested in all information or sugestion that you could offer about this subject.Thx. you
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