Let's trade attunements!

I’ve prepared two more images to further the experiment of attuning images to pass on attunements.
Keen for feedback from those who try them out


I have an interesting new development in my experiments. I’ve experimented with ways of creating new attunements in the past. But tonight I tried something quite new, and some seriously cool stuff happened. Maybe a coincidence, too soon to be sure.

So, I was thinking about the kind of things people try to achieve here. One of the really common ones is people seeking to restore old friendships and get people to contact them.

So I decided to use @C.Kendall s antiversal seal (which I have also been experimenting with extensively) to facilitate the creation of an attunement specifically for the above purpose.
I brought in the following energies:
-The colour yellow (friendship correspondent)
-Diralisin (for opening communication)
-Tulatu (for bringing someone back into your life)
-Dantalion (for changing thoughts and feelings)
-Orias (for changing hearts and minds)
-The energy from my enochian belonging attunement

Anyhoo, I executed a ritual for the purpose of weaving together the relevant aspects of these forces and energies and then attuning myself to it.
The attunement experience was subjectively the second strongest I’ve ever felt (the strongest being enochian healing).

Anyway, before the process I decided which three people I would use as my initial test subjects. All people I haven’t heard from in months.

I finished the ritual dead on 19:30 hours.

Checked my email after and one of these three people had emailed me at 19:28 hrs (just before the process was completed).

The second person emailed me at 20:39 hr and the third at 20:42 hrs.

I found this very interesting. The three people I intended to test this experimental attunement on all contacted me very very swiftly- despite me not having actually attempted to use the attunement yet.

This may be coincidental, but it seems unlikely.

I have selected three more test subjects, all people I have not heard from in much longer and will attempt to actively test the attunement on them.

If this is successful, I think it will be an attunement that will be of great help to many. But still in the testing phase at the present time.


JT is selling customised attunement servitors. I’m wondering if anyone has one, and if so what kind of results you are getting? If it functions as advertised, it would be a way of getting better results from our attunements. But its very pricey and there are no reviews, so wondering if anyone has tried one?

I often struggle with forming connections with new entities unless they’ve kind of been waving their names/sigils at me for a while. Definitely feeling stronger energies when looking at these and some of the others you’ve made.

Dantalion isn’t one I’ve ever worked with but the energy from his sigils is usually a little stronger than most others. Can at least say for me that it feels the same, only stronger with the attunement image.

I was going to try attune with one of them the other day but have come down sick so I’m gonna wait that out before opening the doors to any new spirits.

Maybe this is kind of a dumb question too, but can attunements be made for any spirit we have a close affiliation with?

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That is a very good question. I am very interested in attunement creation and I’m not sure how its usually done.
I’ve experimented with it with two methods.
One is a method in a cheap manual I bought on Etsy. I found the method a little cumbersome and patched together but I have managed to create some of my own attunements that way (see my 27 August post above), but I haven’t really experimented with them enough to establish efficacy.

The other method, which I mentioned of two days ago, was by using C Kendall’s antiversal seal. I have no idea how I knew to do it that way. I have made two attunements this way. The first I referenced previously. Aside from the fascinating triple outcome near contemporaneously with the ritual, I am still in experimenting to determining its efficacy.
The other I did about half an hour ago, so yet to be tested. Essentially with this one I tried bringing in all of the enochian entities used in the enochian protection Ritual in Universal Magick (the book on which JT based his enochian attunements) and attempting to create the attunement with them.
Very strong energy through my system during the process and still ebbing and flowing. It felt much like the enochian attunements I got from JT.
But I have yet to begin experimenting with it, so its efficacy remains unknown.

So in a round about way I guess my answer to your question is in my opinion its likely. It certainly seems that they can also be made with spirits we have had no prior contact with. Certainly some of the attunements I’ve got from JT and others were for spirits I had never engaged with previously.

But is this true for any spirit? I cant be sure. Are there some spirits its not possible to form an attunement for? Quite possibly but I don’t really know.

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Thank you for that long and helpful answer!

Since finding this forum I’ve been exposed to a lot of new and different magick concepts that I don’t have experience with at all, despite having been an astrologer and a sorceress for quite a while.

Attunements, at least the way they were designed by JT, is definitely new for me. I’ve been lurking this thread for some weeks, but your image attunements have really piqued my curiosity to far greater degree.

Maybe you’re similar as me with this then? I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this because images have are often had some of the most powerful magickal effects for me if they were designed for that purpose.

Hopefully this doesn’t get too off topic — it’s not quite attunement related, but similar (I think).

So my first tarot deck was Kris Waldherr‘s The Goddess Tarot. The introduction of the accompanying book, though only a few short pages, contains some ideas which seem relevant to this topic. The author/artist speaks about how she had long since viewed tarot as “soul pictures.” Of the goddesses, their deep history, the myths, stories, etc. she says, “They connect us to the celestial realm of the mystical as well as the earthly realm of creation.” Later she mentions how creating this deck had been a dream of hers for a while.

I don’t like saying she created “image attunements” if only not to conflate that with JT’s specific magickal system, but it definitely seems like KW had a similar concept in mind when she created the artwork for this deck — that the images were meant to facilitate connection for those using the cards.

(It’s probably getting way too off topic of this thread to delve deeper into this or give other examples. Might have to make a separate topic on this.)

Anyway, I’m extremely fascinated by the idea of being able to essentially create and program image for the sake of being able to assist others in the development of connections, attunements, etc.

I’m kind of leaning towards the notion that developing these kinds of image attunements probably has quite a lot of versatility, though such would need to be tested out. Not sure if I’d be allowed to partake in something like this until my account is at least 90 days old, but I am definitely curious if more classic/traditional artwork could also be used for attunements.

How did you use it in the image attunements? Was it worked into them? Or did you have the seal visible for yourself while working on them?

The antiverse seal is something I’ve been meaning to work with. Mostly haven’t because I’m trying not to flood too many new magickal practices all at once lol.

Thank you again btw for answering my questions with so much thought and insight.

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Yeah I wouldn’t associate the tarot cards with attunements really. An attunement is essentially a change to your energy system that allows you to easily channel some specific energy through you.

I think theres a lot that you can with images in this space.

Attuning them to an energy for the purpose of attuning someone else to that energy is something ive
only started recently doing. However, I’ve had some very positive feedback indicating success from a few people. So far the experience is going well.

You would be able to use any image at all in my view.

I think there might be a little misunderstanding of the concept of passing an attunement by way of an image. I think you might be getting confused between this concept and charging an image with an energy or intent, although there is a lot of conceptual overlap.

Essentially to attune an image (or object or person for that matter) to a specific energy, one must be able to channel that particular energy. Attunements help a person to easily channel a specific energy type.
So I use the ability to channel energy types that I am able to (by virtue of having received various attunements) to channel that into the image with the intention of attuning the image (thus causing that image to become a channel for that energy), with the specific intention of attuning the receivers energy system to that energy.
Essentially I’m experimenting with this so that attunements can easily be shared more widely than through the more common methods (either directly hands on or by chi ball).

Sorry, I know this is a somewhat confusing explanation.

I think there may be a little confusion between two things here. The attunement images are a separate thing to the attunment experiments I’ve been doing with C Kendal’s seal.

The attunement images are done as I have described above.

What I’ve been experimenting with using the seal is creating specific customised new attunements. This is still in early experimental stages, but so far experiments are looking promising.
I’ll share the approach I am using, but as its more antiversal seal centric than anything, I will post the method in that topic as part of my various ongoing experiments with the seal. I’ll likely post it either later tonight or tomorrow.

I’m guessing you haven’t received any attunements as yet. I’m happy to share that experience if you like.
You can test out receiving attunements from the images, I’ve put instructions on how to do this in my above post on 30 August.

If you are wanting to receive your first attunement in a more established way (by chi ball), that is of course if you would like one, take a look at my list of attunements posted above on 27 August and pick something that takes your fancy. I’m happy to chi ball it up for you.
Just a cautionary note though, the enochian healing attunement is extremely strong, so if you’re energy system is not used to receiving attunements, we will need to stay away from that one. But any others are all good. Angels or demons are usually a good starting point.
Totally up to you of course whether you would like an attunement.

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@CrimeDoc Please be aware that we have a rule here that prohibits new members from offering readings, sigils, ritual, etc to the forum, even in trade, until they have been active for a minimum of 90 days. This includes attunements and other energy scans.

Thank you again for clarifying so much of that. I had read JT’s site on attunements but there was something I wasn’t quite grasping about it. Your post helps substantially.

Lol exactly, you nailed it, I was definitely confused about this. Most of my magical study has been solo and/or from older works, so I am still very much getting my bearing with some newer terminology and descriptions and whatnot.

Really I appreciate how you broke down the two concepts, this makes so much more sense now.
(It wasn’t confusing at all either!)

Thank you! And yea I haven’t received any yet. I was going to try attuning to one last week but then came down with covid — waiting for that to pass before I proceed because I’ve been way too drained otherwise.

Once I’m better I’d definitely like to try attuning though, and probably with a more established form of energy if you’re really up for it. I have never jived all that well with angels so it’s probably best if I stick with a demon spirit. I’ll use the next few days to figure out which one might be best since it’s probably going to be at least that before I can really partake in this sort of thing.

Thank you so much again, I look forward to trying out receiving an attunement whenever conditions improve.

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Mod note: The 90 day rule applies to all readings, scans, energy work, and ritual offered on this forum. This thread may be closed If new members continue to disregard the rule.

Please be aware that trading attunements cannot be done until you have been an active member for at least 90 days. As a new member, you can accept an attunement if someone else is offering, but you cannot offer your own.

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Sorry, I missed that it was a new person.
@CrimeDoc , I’m happy to resume the discussion when you reach the 90 day threshold

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Absolutely fine, just let me know when your’re ready and what you’ve picked

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Looking forward to it!

I look forward to seeing what new attunements you cook up.

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A few more attunement images. See my above post from 30 august for instructions on how to receive the attunements from the images.

Feedback on your experiences appreciated.



Enochian Healing Attunement

I’ve created and attuned this image to pass on the enochian healing attunement. To use, follow the instructions in my above post from 30 August.

Warning: The enochian healing attunement is very strong. I recommend onboarding this one only if you are experienced with energy work and have already received one or more regular attunements (ie, don’t get this a first attunement). If you onboard it without meeting these criteria, it won’t do you any actual harm, but you will likely feel like your energy system has had the shit kicked out of it for a while.


Its so exciting to see that this ritual worked for you. I also did an evocation following the instructions of the book "demons of magick with dantalion and orias 5 weeks ago, to change someone’s mind but with no success so far. Any idea of why they can’t help although they agreed to do it?
Maybe could you share the attunement images of those specific demons ?

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Okay, there are a few things to unpack here.

If you’re meaning the coloured images that I’ve posted in this thread for people to use to access these attunements, I did one for Dantalion above (my post from 7 October). The instructions for activating these can be found in my post from 30 August above.

I don’t have the Orias attunment myself (although I am thinking of getting it in the future).

If you’re meaning something other than the images I’ve posted in this thread, could you clarify?

This actually worked by accident. I was experimenting with using the antiversal seal created by @C.Kendall to see if I could create an effective new kind of combined attunement with it.
The experiment was aimed at creating an attunement custom configured to cause a target to make contact (as that is one of the most popular things people seem interested in).
The purpose of the ritual was to create the attunement that would later be tested to cause people to make contact. The ritual wasn’t intended to cause the contact itself.

But the three people I had intended to initially test the attunement on contacted me almost immediately, as opposed to by way of me utilising the experimental attunement.

I picked three others to test the attunement itself on, but then life happened and I forgot about it. I really must resume the test.

However, calling the specific energies through the antiversal seal seems to have jumped a couple of steps and caused the completion of the first test group by itself.

If you’re wanting to try out the antiversal seal, simply put that term in the search function and you’ll find it easily enough.

There are many possibilities.
The first is that it has only been five weeks. Whereas sometimes results happen quickly, in my experience (and many others here find the same) results often take a long time to land.

It is also possible that they won’t land. This could be caused by anything from the target having protection (or just a strong will), or a reluctance on the part of the target to admit a change of position, or the task not being achievable at this time, or any one of countless possibilities.

In an unrelated note (putting it here just so I don’t double post), I decided to go ahead and get one of these:

I am still in the early stages of experimenting with it

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Yea this is what i meant so i will run into that dates to check :blush:

This is what i feel is the case. He has strong will (no protection i can guarantee because he doesn’t practice or believe in anything.
So my thoughts are, if those demons are not able to change someone’s mind ( please consider that he js just an overreacting, irritable person. Nothing serious happened between us to keep that position towards me) which spirits are able to do so…?
Except the intraquility one which i know is dangerous for the summoner…

Short answer is YES. I’ve doing some of this with reiki to limit my need for real time contact (live sessions) and to allow the user to access it at anytime at their convenience. This also means they can use it over and over until it’s depleted.

I obtained the idea from receiving several attunements which came with audio to guide my through the process.

It works basically the same way except I channel the energies into the image (I create a silly little one with symbols, intentions for the energies and whatever I am calling the individual (name/username etc) scribbled all over a black screen on my phone for simplicity and to give the individual something to gaze at but without a specific point of focus.)

I imagine you could even attach it to a word or sentence and post it in a reply or message that could be use over and over so long as you channeled the attunement with intentions many people would access it over it and over.

I’m finding a few things with how long the energy can be downloaded from any particular channeling holding true throughout my endeavors.

  1. Length of time spent channeling any particular energy does not equate to a stronger charge or longer lasting energy.

  2. Focus on task matters. If my mind flits to three different things during the channeling, the energy in the object, image or audio is not as strong as if I am able to maintain my intentions and focus on simply feeling the energy flow, either through me when I’m a conduit or around me when I’m directing it.

  3. Intentions matter. They affect the quality of energy, what it does and how it’s received. Simply intending the process to be gently and easy will cause the process to go easier, but as a trade off it may take longer. Intend the energy is to help in a specific area, and its bulk will be focused on that area.

  4. Energy channeled for a specific perhaps or task will continue to be available in the image/audio or object until the issue is resolved or is no longer in need of resolving. Regardless of how long you spend channeling, if your intent is to heal the entirety of the problem; as long as your focus is clear too, you will have channeled enough energy to completely heal the problem.

  5. But lesson number 4 doesn’t mean the recipient can take all of the energy at once. They may need five ten minute session, two one hour sessions or some mix of things in between to heal their heart mind and soul, so expect that just like with all magic, the amount of time it takes for results is gonna vary. If your using an images or audio this is great, they can use it over and over as they like.

  6. You can interrupt an attunement or energy download most of the time, even if it’s not been program with a kill switch or just in case mode.

Usually this just involves mentally slamming the word stop! In the general direction of the incoming energy. You may not be able to feel like your directing your inner voice at it, but really just thinking stop and knowing that it’s the energy or attunement you want to stop, will cause this happen.

If the attunement is not programmed for that, most of the time your subconscious will respond like a good little computer throwing up a firewall or a block- like a self defense you don’t usually realize you have.

This may not work for all people though and could could cause you to subconsciously fear or dislike receiving energy if your subconscious has to interfere- which may seem like a wild reaction, but seriously for most of us- our subconscious just loves to screams trauma any chance it can and for some can be frightened easily.

I think I had one more, but I can’t remember it now after all that ramble!

Ps. Im sorry if someone else already came to these conclusions or shared these things, I did not honestly read the entire thread. I just latched onto the question and had to ramble and ramble till I ran out words. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Heya Ket, long time no see! :slight_smile:

This particular query was quite niche. It wasn’t about whether one could attune an image to apply an energy, it was about whether one could attune an image to pass an attunement itself.
I’ve experimented with this in this thread, and so far all feedback I’ve got from people attempting to use the images to receive the actual attunement has been very positive.
So it seems to be a viable approach to attunement sharing.

In terms of attuning images to convey energies, I’ve been experimenting with this for some time and so far it seems to be going well.

Hhhhhmmm, I am liking this idea. I shall have to experiment with it. If workable, in the absence of the receiver having any knowledge or intent of activating it, it could be especially helpful.

Excellent list of findings from your energy work experience too btw.

Totes agree.

I’ve experimented with attuning audio recordings. I find this somewhat conceptually abstract (which may be a blocking factor to some degree) as my approach is to: 1). Replay the recording and try to channel energy into it, and 2). Try to channel energy into the file icon itself

I can’t really do it whilst I’m making the recording as I am fully immersed and engaged in the making of the recording at the time (although I do activate the intended energy with intention at the start, but then my focus goes into the making of the recording).

Recordings are usually 20-30 minutes long, and when I’m using the channel energy into it whilst replaying it method, I do find it hard to consistently maintain that focus through that duration.

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