Let's make a ritual to try and stop Human Trafficking!

Alright, so I want to make a ritual to try and end human trafficking, one that can be repeated monthly and brings those involved to justice (Aka the traffickers, the people that know about the trafficking and partake in it, etc.) and help the children, teens, and adults involved be able to be returned to their families safely. But I do not know which spirits would be best for the job, any ideas?


Good luck. I mean it. But unfortunately many of those who are part of human trafficking (and i mean the real shit. Not the European to middle east sex trade) have protections set up. They also have many deities on their side as well. Its a noble cause.


Which Deities exactly? Most I’ve interacted with are against it


Have you tried searching the forum? 'Cause we have already had a few threads on this topic so they might provide you with ideas.


Its unfortunately not my place to say. Im not trying to be all secretive but i believe people need to find out on their own. the owl laughs at the crowd. Be careful around bronze statues. That should set you on the path.


I’ve experienced something similar on my journey to stop this and other crimes. Everytime one of the “Hydras” head is taken down, two grow into its place. It’s a Neverending loop at times. A good example was the save our children movement, it was so successful, everyone was getting an edge and then all of a sudden, it ended. There’s no doubt an energy behind it that makes one feel less compelled to share a simple hash tag.


Smokescreens and scapegoats. Bohemian grove as captured on that wobbly cam is bullshit, a circus show made to be debunkable. Robert Sephr talks about it in detail though and explains the true meaning of the deities in question - I forget, Artemis and Marduk or something Those deities names are used in vain. Remember humans are more powerful than they give themselves credit for, and as creator beings, what they say, especially in a group, goes. This has been discussed here before.

The people behind trafficking are psychopathic - psychos are usually atheist, as these people are, because they have no connection and see it as weakness, like kindness is a weakness to them, so they fake it or use it against others. What better way to keep the large body of American xtians busy and not looking in the right place, than rile them up against “the devil”, face them around and make them fight innocents that have nothing to do with it over religion. That’s works very well.


I was just about to mention this. Also is this a group type ritual thread or solo ritual and asking about it?

Shouldn’t the former go in the journal + group rituals section of the forum? Rather then general.


I believe the OP is looking for ideas for spirits he can call on himself. It is NOT a group ritual.


I was thinking that too based off reading through thread. But then the #'s were confusing me + the title. Since it says group-working, etc below title.

It is a group thing, I just need a spirits to add that would help ensure success, so then I can make the actual ritual which I shall post as soon as it is finished. @Mind_Seeker20

But please drop any ideas you have that I could place in the ritual.

There’s already at least one thread for people to go after them. I regularly do so. Post your experiences in this area and others. I got invited, based on my experiences and workings. I would suggest a similar route. Otherwise, the only thing you’re going to accomplish is feeling better, if you don’t have the experience with magic and ritual. I’m not saying you don’t, I’m saying that it hasn’t caught the eyes of people that could ask for your to be invited.


You cannot save everyone. Bare in mind

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I understand that its impossible, even if we all were to band together, to be able to save everyone. That’s the problem with this world, there is just so much violence and things like trafficking going on that we are not able to stop. But still, even if we only manage to help a few people get rescued that is still more than none.


All getting a bit political now so please, take anything like that to PM, I appreciate this was a rebuttal of a claim but please keep further discussion like that to private messages, cheers. :+1:

Were you successful?

Agares, I think would be a good spirit for this sort of thing. And no doubt Belial hates all kinds of exploitation.

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Its an ongoing battle, the fight against human (especially child) trafficking. Raising public consciousness on this issue is another avenue that can be taken, for example the new movie Sound of Freedom and the controversy surrounding it is making more people aware of whats going on and hopefully results in more governmental / law enforcement efforts to combat the problem. But as we know the unseen is often where things start and insofar as thats the case we can call on the help of the unseen to bring about some real change here and judging from this thread the efforts thereof have likely been tangible and effectual in terms of the actual human trafficking combat results

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