Left with more questions than answers

Hi everybody, this is gonna be long so I’ll try and make it short.
This whole year has been a big mess for me, I’ve been going through a lot. I’m fine for the most part, but sometimes it gets really bad.

Anyway. Yesterday I’ve been feeling really bad again, and I’m still trying to recover from back then. I went for a nap this morning and somehow decided to call onto King Belial, who has last spoke to me a few months ago.

He actually came, in the form of a pigeon with an ever so mutating head, which was pretty disturbing at times.
I read something about him last night, that he will try and break you, test your limits, which I do believe it’s pretty fitting for him. He’s tried it on me before.
But I asked him something along the lines of "is destruction really necessary in order to be able to create something? " and he let me know his answer was yes.

But after that I just asked him if he could please change his form since it was freaking me out, and my still not 100% conscious mind insisted on that quite for a while, and I realise I was getting quite entitled and demanding, at times. Him being known as the demon of anarchy, he did not change his form just for me.

Ah, I regret not asking him if he somehow played a part in making my life ‘worse’ and breaking me emotionally, these couple of months. I get the feeling that he didn’t, though. Not a lot, anyway.

Lastly, the pigeon thing made me think again. Ever since I got in touch with Belial, pigeons started showing up at my windows. I wasn’t feeding them, I never did, and they’d sometimes gather in groups of 8/9. I’ve even joked at times that they’re familiars from Belial.
What freaks me out about them is that during certain occasions, some of them showed up at my window at times like 3 or 4 am, when they should be sleeping, and started cooing.
Even my mom, that I think is a natural born witch (has been able to curse and even kill people just with her subconscious intent) has said that they freak her out and that she feels like they are spirits.


aight :slight_smile:

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you are not alone. Everyone is suffering right now, either energy-wise or financial-wise or both. All we can do is hang in there and hope things get better, or the authorities start giving help.

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So, what are you asking?

Bending a link in the chain still breaks the chain, if it no longer binds you. The chain may not be destroyed, but the hold on you was, which is still a win.

There’s no need to bump a 4 hour-young post :slight_smile: … It’s better if you just stay on topic. You could say you’re interested in hearing responses as well for example.

If you’re feeling uneasy that could be your instinct telling either that you’re not ready to work with Belial, or that these are some other spirit that don’t have good intentions for you. Doing magckal work attracts attention on the other side, that’s why learning to protect yourself and banish are basics you need to get down first. All humans can feel bad intentions and react to them, if they trust themselves.

I suggest you banish and cleanse, then see how you feel. Also ask Belial himself about the pigeons, and/or do a Tarot reading about them.


my bad sorry didnt mean too

I’m currently working with Belial and I can tell you that he is a genius. He knows what he’s doing… but he doesn’t care to have his time wasted. So if you call on him… make sure you’re ready to put the work in! It’s a 2 way street and if you put in 100%, he’ll put in 10 fold that. If you don’t feel ready, that’s okay. Thank him for his time, banish and back off. Consider working with Azazel first. He can help you find that balance in yourself. He led me into Shadow Work… and then introduced to me Belial. I made some mistakes… Belial told me what was up real quick. But if you’re ready to face some hard truths and bust your ass… Belial truly is King!

Best of luck my friend!

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I’ve quite noticed as well. He’s hanged around me for a bit but ultimately left because I was still new to all of this and too indecisive.

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Feed the pigeons. lol


Super new to all this too. Belial gives it to you straight. It’s all with love but it’s intense! Azazel reached out to me and he is super real but his approach was so different. He introduced me to something called Shadow Work. Really helped me figure a lot of stuff out.

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Yup, i know i should do some shadow work myself :sweat_smile:

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