Learning the fiery darts of the adversary with Lae’ti’khol

So it’s finally here. Lae’ti’khol Taught me an ENTIRE system that can be used with this.


For those who do not know what these are I will give a quick run down. Astral darts that you aim at someone and it can cause a physical sharp pain in the area you shot. You can sink down deeper even and hit organs and other tissue to cause real issues.

I wrote some hand written notes at work that I’ll show you.

Using the azazel triangle of manifestation (any triangle works I just have this so I decided to use it)

With a black candle on each of the 3 points and the symbol of mars in the middle for fire. Keep in mind she gave me instructions for this entire thing so this is all her.

This will be the control panel for launching off the darts. Except according to Lae’ti’khol. These “darts” are VERY powerful and dangerous once mastered through this working system.

She gave me a few notes I will quote her on as she literally told me these two notes.

“To ruin the harmonious nature of a human being. AKA to bring forth their destruction. One must understand there is a need to build energy up before destroying it. For creating and destroying energy is possible. One must first learn to master the again harmonious nature of both creation and indeed destruction. How else is one going to destroy something or even someone if it has not been built to exist in the first place?!”

I was writing all this word for word as she spoke to me.

It looks like here she gives a quick run down on how the process works.

“We are using the energies of mars to conjure up forth AKA BUILD, the necessary infernal energies in order to the scorch the putrid soul of our victim(s)”

I will go into this now.

Our triangle. Each circle in between the 3 points is an illustration of the constant energy flow of astral fire being infinitely channeled through each candle making an astral imprint of fire of the triangle.

Her explaining to me Something about the the harmony a complete energy circuit can bring.

So the lines in the center are the currents coming out of the triangle and into your hand in the middle. This is charging the fire ball or “dart”. This is all infinitely happening simultaneously.

Fires from the depths of hell circulating from one candle to the other whilst entering your hand.

The candles are the beacons. Confused yet? Lol

Ok so your hand goes in the middle hovered over pointing forward like this

Pointing outward to the front point of the triangle like you’re aiming.

Here are the instructions to firing off a basic fire ball or “dart”

  • have the set up or similar set up to what we came up with above.

  • light all 3 black candles.

  • place your hand in the position I showed above.

  • close your eyes. Visualize your target. What is he or she doing. Are they cooking dinner. Cleaning their house? Whatever it may be visualize what they’re doing wether they are in their normal home or work or wherever. Let the visualization flow to whatever it shows the victim doing. Even if you see him or her flying or some stupid shit it’s ok because you have your eyes on the same victim.

  • while watching your victim pay attention again to your little ritual set up below you where your hand is hovering over the center of the triangle. As you “stalk your prey” and decided where you want to strike. Inhale through your nose and as you do visualize the fire circulating around like I described above and feel it flowing into the two fingers. Infinity charging the weapon.

According to Lae’ti’khol the more patience you have to keep feeding the “dart” the stronger and more painful it will be. Although this technique still requires practice.

Once you’re pleased with your cruel creation. You are now ready to ruin your victim’s day or whatever they’re doing.

Shoot the dart. The entire time your eyes are closed visualizing. When I do it I always see myself in first person as the dart flying towards the person.

And finally watch it make impact on the person and watch their reaction. See the pain they’re in.

Those are the basic instructions.

Now. What are some things we can do with this?

  • hit physical organs potentially causing issues such as organ failure.

  • muscle tissue and bone tissue. Lae’ti’khol Says if you’re strong enough it is indeed possible to tear microfibers in their muscles like this. Causing pain. So before you have the idea of using this as a cheat instead of going to the gym. “You’re using baneful magick against yourself” lol

However when it comes to ailments Lae’ti’khol says you can literally burn them away if you’re willing to endure some physical pain. Lol I like the trade off. I’ll stick to attacking as a predatory art with this.

And that’s all I have for now. I just got home from my night shift so I am too damn sleepy to write the entire next part. Which is attacking chakras. During the darts at chakras. So I will post a large comment below later when I wake up discussing the chakras you can attack and the specific damage it would cause.

Thank you thank you Lae’ti’khol.


Awesome stuff, I love it, that sounds like her.

I think the spelling of her name is Lae’ti’kohl, just mentioning it so people searching on that spelling will still see this post in the results.


Very much eager to know about affecting chakras with darts

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Well. Talk about procrastination! you guys enjoying that comment on targeting chakras?:joy::joy::joy:.

She randomly entered my mind while I was at work today on another thing I want to learn which is causing physical pain with the mind but she told me this is producing the same result and to “stop being a child and do my work” so we are going to get back into this lol. So it’s go to the cemetery to collect some dirt THEN practice with her today. Fun! Lol. Lae’ti’kohl Is awesome though.

Alright folks grab a pen and paper, or I suppose you could bookmark or something lol.

But Lae’ti’kohl seems to want to go off the 12 chakra system. Here.

Starting from the top. 1-12 1 being the divine gateway chakra, going to list below. According to Lae’ti’kohl what targeting each chakra will do to your victim.

1 = can literally kill your victim according to Lae’ti’kohl, requires “intense visualization” and an intense expel of energy. It’s suggested to use external sources for this, Lae’ti’kohl says one session of a dart throw isn’t enough and one must play off a routine repeating the same ritual every day or every other day. Lae’ti’kohl Says over time your victim is going to get very sick, experience a “raging headache”. Depressed which will lead to more health issues. Making their sickness worse resulting in their death in some way or another. Lae’ti’kohl Says you’re basically taking an egg full of lava and cracking it over their head, it’s going to ingulf their every fiber physical and dimensional over time until their fate has been met. It seems again as I said this would be a very long process. And would take a lot of energy.

2 = can cause a raging headache and brain fog physically, whilst making it difficult for your victim to understand his or her purpose or place on this earth, he or she will find it difficult to understand any knowledge that is divine. How the universe works ect. It all will not make as much sense to them anymore possibly leaving them to depression and insanity.

3 = according to her you’re “engulfing their shadow in the cosmic furnace” which is a fancy way of saying.

as the victim their personal image will be damaged, reputation will be tainted. The darkest points in their shadow self, their darkest fears, insecurities and traumas will all haunt them ten fold. Causing an extreme headache possibly as well.

4 = kill what happiness means to them, everything but happiness will remain in their life, they will find it very difficult to enjoy anything in life. Can potentially cause an extreme headache too. I say potentially and can here with all these is cause it depends on the strength and power you put into it.

5 = will open them up to all sorts of different parasites. Lae’ti’kohl Says this is like a great big wooden door that is being banged on by various “pesky parasites” being burnt down to the ground letting them all through. Whatever effects accumulate as a result of the parasites will come as it’s meant to.

6 = now the basic seven here. The crown. Will cause a minor to extreme headache. Diminishing mental clarity. “Infects the crown chakra in molten metal” as she says, leaving the victim’s head to be full of unstable rage and hatred that could lead to other ripple effects.

7 = ok so burning the third eye will result in again, a headache. If they have any psychic gifts they won’t be “gone” but will be foggy if that makes sense. They’ll have trouble visualizing anything magick or not, they won’t be able to think straight. They won’t be able to hear spirits as well over time. They won’t be able to sense energies and spirits the same anymore.

8 = so burning the throat chakra is going to result in trouble swallowing, sore throat/neck pain. Spiritually speaking they won’t be able to hold communication as well anymore, being able to compromise or have any upper hands in arguments or decisions will prove to be rather difficult for your victim over time.

9 = causes chest pain. Will diminish them of kindness and compassion. You’re burning their morals away, their compassion. Their kindness. You will turn them into a piece of shit, that will possibly result in a ripple effect of everyone hating them. Or disconnecting.

10 = abdomen pain. it’s starting to get self explanatory here their strength and power will be burned away. Their mental strength will no longer be as strong “staying strong” in hard times is going to be very hard for your victim over time. any of their power over people or any position of power will over time be tainted. Now I don’t mean If they have a high position in a job they’ll be fired. What I mean is people will stop seeing them as strong and powerful, and stop treating them as such leaving them with the possibility of any emotions arising. Anger/sadness causing more ripple effects.

11 = physical moderate to severe pain in the sexual organs. impotence, low sperm count. Low libido.

12 = stomach pain. “The shits” as well as an accumulation of anxiety and lack of stability. Grounding yourself won’t prove as simple anymore. Your victim will still feel “lost” if that makes sense.

The technique to targeting these actually turns out to be different then just the standard principles of conjuring up darts and firing them. Instead of darts you’re going to visualize in the triangle a black ooze/ball of black fleshy mass start to form and morph around. Now visualize that ooze combust into
Flames, you’re now holding the purest form of the fire element according to Lae’ti’kohl. “Very high vibrational energies coming off this fire” so essentially it’s evoking/invoking the fire element but on steroids. Not sure the difference that makes I’ll have to ask her in a contact and get a more in depth answer that I will have for you all soon.

But she says there is a drastic difference.

Anyway, you’re now going to close your eyes still seeing your entire ritual set up with the astral flames lined around the triangle, the candles everything. Including the ooze you just conjured. See your astral hand reach up and watch the ooze be attracted to your hand like a magnet. Now swirling around your hand faster and more out of control. I kind of see it like the ooze from the movie venom lol. But when it ignites it has the color and pattern of flaming lava rock.

Now zoom your inner vision into this ooze. You’re now the ooze. Meditate on this for a while. How does it feel. What it does it make you feel mentally and physically. Lae’ti’kohl Says it’s possible you’ll physically start to warm up here. You will now astrally as this ooze travel to your victim. See all their chakras light up in their body. Now take your pick. I will use the third eye as an example. Zoom into the third eye and see the ooze shooting back out of your being into the chakra. You’re no longer this ooze you’re just remotely viewing what’s going on now whilst still of course being in control. See the ooze cover the chakra like water absorbing into a t shirt. The darkness from the water spreading and expanding until the whole chakra is absorbed in this blackness. See this glowing ball of light (the chakra) burn up. However you see it be receptive. Stay receptive to anything this entire process. I personally see it as like those incense charcoals how as soon as you light it it all just starts to burn.

Again. All the effects on each chakra are dependent on the amount of effort and discipline that you put into in order to commit to repeating said ritual every day or every other day until the desired effect has been met.

“The more gasoline you add to a fire the bigger it’ll get” - Lae’ti’kohl

What I get from this is the more energy you put into this “dart” the harder it’ll hit your victim.