Law of Attraction: Getting What You Want Without Spells

[quote=“jboy, post:40, topic:7128”]Had a bit of an unbelief relapse today. But I’m pulling myself out of it. It’s always a struggle when I hear talk on here about spirits just being a product of human creation. That set me negative and the whole day went to shit. Plus, some of the bigger things that I was “focusing” on didn’t pan out. In fact, it panned out exactly how my rational mind told me that it would. Maybe an example of what Ravens Ascent said could happen with negative thoughts?[/quote] Never underestimate the power of not giving a damn of what other people think.Its all about what YOU thank and feel that’s important.None of what others say about magick or spirits is.Take what wisdom you can and use it as you will.And never let anyone tell you that’s wrong.Because again in the end its your world and your rules=)

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Thanks very nicely summaries.