LasciviousEmerick Has Some Questions

Fuck lol

Mmm only in your dreams hun pat pat.


I have to go to a gig I promise never to do this again.


:blush::joy::joy: just teasing

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Youā€™re fine bro @LasciviousEmerick. Dont even sweat it.


Itā€™s okay bro, I can understand why itā€™s freaky. Trust me, people here wonā€™t have problems helping you understand whatā€™s up.

Iā€™m sure we could even find out whoā€™s contacting you.



Itā€™s okay lol in a bit we can have fun by ourselves :joy::joy:

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Iā€™m so sorry @dagar :joy::joy::joy:

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I understand how you feel first time when I was contacted by demon was since I was a child later as I got older I had dream of Lord Lucifer or Lord Satan. It happens also when I was awaken I was 7 years old I believe and I think it was LOrd Satan in the dark I asked who is there? And he answered " " Dracu" means devil in Romania in a very demonic voice my body was shivering of fear. I think I shit my self a little there. Now since I got rid of religion I am looking forward for encounters like this. But I donā€™t get em any moreā€¦

Why does everybody hate on grandmaā€™s. ā€¦



Was it me :joy::joy:

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Itā€™s @anon9236988.

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ā€¦I mean do you want it to be?

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Haha :joy::joy: maybe

Does it count as a threesome if the third person is just watching or jerking off while you are with the second person.

Or you are having astral sex with one or two persons while at the same time another person is having sex with your physical body. And you can all see and feel the sensations.

this is a ligit question.

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First one Iā€™m not sure but second I would definitely say yes lol

Do you think itā€™s possible that itā€™s a spirit other than Azazel? Do they do that! It seems that the real spirit would crack down on that.

Messing with someone to help them? Lol oh yes they would. Belial has been known to bring a personā€™s life crashing down and than bring them back up better than before.

Spirits (specially Daemons) see the quickest path to a personā€™s evolution and they usually donā€™t try to avoid causing discomfort or pain. Thatā€™s why you have to be clear about what you want when working with them; they will help you but it might not be in a way you like initially.