You dont always have to summon a certain spirit everytime you talk to them.
If they want to talk, they’re gonna talk whether even you wanted to or not. Yea. Its fucking wild for someone who has never really spoken to a spirit like that before and can definitely send you into a tailspin off the deep end. Now just breathe lmao.
Or maybe I need to breathe because I’ve done nothing but laugh since you got active in this thread
Why would a demon start talking to a washed up agnostic musician in his 40s who knows nothing about magick?
Why is he speaking in riddles?
Why do I feel like the only people who might believe or help me think I’m nuts?
When a spirit takes an interest in you they will do whatever they can to help you. They do this because humans are gods in fleshy bodies and they want the evolution of mankind.
Ya GOTTA get used to that it’s for you to figure out so you think and it helps you learn.
3… That also happens you have to keep this stuff secret to most or it will start eating away at your sanity
And the most important thing to remember they will NOT hurt you UNLESS you Give them cause
Tbh because they probably A.) See potential in you. They wouldnt be talking to you if they didnt. B.) Wanted to fuck with you because its amusing haha. C.) One thing I’ve noticed in a lot of people who have experienced what you’re describing, is that it’s almost like they later in life they started doing magick, the more potent it is. Dont know why.
It’s most likely all of the above.
The whole speaking in riddles thing… they do that to keep you sharp tbh. They help you find answers on your own instead of just giving them to you.
And have you READ some of the threads on here?? No ones gonna think you’re nuts unless you go around shouting you’re the antichrist come to take over the world and create the new world order.
Lol ya you need to chill.
If you get this agitated and uptight like this your not going to do well here and that’s not a threat, that’s saying you’ll be so busy throwing out childish insults instead of learning.
People here don’t follow stupid social norms, we tell like it is and are blunt but that doesn’t mean we try to be mean, most genuently want to help each other here.
You’ve got to just relax and not look for fights where there are none.
Now yes it can be extremely scary having Spirits talk to you. I got used to it at a young age but others aren’t so lucky. Because of Society it’s harder to coup with as an adult.