Lady Sybilia // Queen Of The Fae

So I discovered Lady Sybilia through the Wolf & Goat oils.

I haven’t got the oil myself for connecting with the Lady, although am intrigued.

She is fond of the Holy shrub and Mulberry Tree/Fruit as offerings and as such an opportunity arose for me to attempt connection with the Lady when my brother was put in an awkward situation.

I wrote a short devotional poem including a request at the same time…

I planted a mulberry tree as that was the offering and dedication…

The person that I did this for seemed to get a favorable decision so I feel my working contributed to the overall success of the situation at that time…

And because I was helping someone without even telling them or expecting anything in return, I was rewarded with what I can only describe as the best energetic orgasm known to mankind…

(Someone destroyed the tree since then although that’s a different topic altogether)

Has anyone else had experience with Lady Sybilia, the Queen of the Fae?

Since then I have written a poem for myself and planted a tree in our honor… didn’t get that mind-blowing orgasm this time although was inspired to buy a lottery ticket where the main prize is $500,000 worth in gold… the lottery will be drawn on the 25th of September and I’ve had a male voice telling me that as long as I give my mum $200,000 of that money with no questions or catches then I will win that lottery (could be Lady Sybilia as entities/spirits/beings don’t always have a gender associated with any voice that I may here and as such I can’t always tell who is speaking).

I’ve been watering the tree with agnihotra ash and believe that the above will come to fruition…

Will come to know the outcome real soon, so maybe a forward thanks pre-emting the good result is in order… as after all, Lady Sybilia is known to create good luck in your life, and I used to eat mullberries from a local tree when growing up and had some pretty good luck then too :slight_smile:

I plan to plant at least one more tree, once again for another person I know without telling them, although this time the poem is in a slightly different format almost asking ‘what’s in it for me’ by helping someone else out… kind of selfish, but a test if that could also trigger an energetic orgasm.

The first occasion was purely unselfish simply asking for help, not for me but for my brother.

The second occasion was directly related to me personally and our bond into the future.

And the third will be for my sister, although slightly mixing the unselfish and selfish.

I may work on more scenarios after that… that remains to be seen…

Has anyone else worked with Lady Sybilia?

What were your methods?

What kind of successes did you experience?

Looking forward to hearing from you all!


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I just got this oil myself. What other offerings might she like?

She’s supposed to be mentioned in The Discoverie of Witchcraft.

Did you win?

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Yeah you won’t find much about fae on a forum where demons tend to be the “end all be all” in a sense lol, or if you do it’ll eventually go full circle back to demons.


Frankly demons scare me less than the Fae.


I can understand that lol and agree with you there


:rofl: I can’t agree more


I agree so hard.

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