Kundalini personal experience

telling my eyes they had the info I did not.
I sat on my chair in my room thinking that to my eyes while activating amplified energy and the energy and my eyes lit and my forehead lit, and trails of light headed down form my parietals down, and a dot of light appeared in mid-air in front of my stomach, and a sphere formed from it and a force field from that which expanded only a little from the sphere, by when I took energy from it to experience astonishment on purpose and I felt the kundalini surging through from the bottom to the top and at the top struggling, and in that struggle with little air left to breathe I built a knot so it would drop back down and it all including the light, dissipated before completion.
this was more than 10 years ago in my case and it was my only time experiencing it.


i think the important thing to know here is maybe i fucked up by wanting for astonishment.

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You should post this in the kundalini and energy sub forum. You may get the answers you seek.

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Moved to the kundalini section.

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I thought I had. struggling to know my way around here. furthermore I know how to do it the right way, what i do not know however is how to amplify my vital energy, that would get me the rest of the way I know my way around. how do i get the question to raising my vital energy answered?

a peruvian chick in barcelona told me that had i finalized that transition with having the force field completely surrounding my whole body i would have achieved telepathy and immortality, but ill know once i´ve done it. how do i raise my vital energy?

and you would think that that would be the wildest ability, i´ve been proven otherwise according to the rest of the transitions.

Looks like hardcore stuff. I’ve had a few hardcore experiences that may have been what they call kundalini.

Try not to argue with people, even if they’re totally wrong. I’ve found a lot of avoidable problems by letting people distract me with nonsense.

Vital energy is raised by caring for your body. Take walks and eat vegetables and drink clean water. That might seem too basic, but kundalini uses lots of physical energy. The brain normally uses a quarter of a person’s calories. Visions take vitamins.

Try dance practice. No joke, I learned a bit of C-walk and it was worth every drop of sweat.

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what you are saying is there is a progressive way to better the quality of life through specific routine tasking. what I’m asking for is, a way to raise the vital energy on command alone, to my hypothesis it`s on thinking a specific way, which way is the question. to now, the only thing I can figure out is in energy bursts. Feel out my energy in silence in darkness concentrating bursts until I manage to figure out a type of burst different from the rest to get me a bigger burst, one big enough to lighten a chain of command to exhume a continuous current enough of energy as a source to get the job done. but I haven’t even ever put it to the test yet. but that’s not to say it won’t work.

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It’s an honor for me to attempt this kind of communication by the way. Lots of old traditions talk about the Seer. Norse call them seidr, related to “seethe” or boil like a pot.

The gauldr, or wizard, is supposed to know how to help out the seer. I think more black magicians should get into that tradition. Here’s my best shot:

Consider the notion of Escape Velocity. If an object moves fast enough it escapes the gravity well.
If you were a sphere of matter in orbit around a sphere of light, it would be very hard to tell that you were involved in such a relationship as an orbit.

Apply your energy in a way that conserves it for the next beat of your wings. Escape the orbit rather than break the wall.
Break the wall too, but you know


attempt failed, i read it over dozens of times and thought through each sentence multiple times and still, don`t get it. but thanks for the try, feel free to retry.

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I remember gathering energy and trying to make it up onto a plateau of sorts. I found a different way to “move” that kept my energy stable.
I was trying really hard to use logic. Visualizing objects in empty space helped me make sense of some things. In empty space, momentum would be almost impossible to notice. Energy could be added to an object, but that energy would seem to disappear.

It’s fine if that doesn’t apply. Communicating about the kundalini experience is very difficult. The important part is to try. The effort leads to wisdom.

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thx for trying