K's journal

aren’t you supposed to be cleaning? Oh and can you do my laundry while you are at it? pwetty pwease?

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Yeah I am but I keep thinking about things to say and procrastinating. Lol and yes just go ahead and throw it in my hamper.

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Will do. Don’t even think about trying on my clothes…

Without sending pics :stuck_out_tongue:

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A good example of why compartmentalization of sciences keeps people ignorant. Archaeologists can’t seem to figure out how ancient people moved around multi ton stones to build the gigantic structures they did. To these "geniuses " it’s baffling. (must have been magic aliens. ) And modern engineers can’t seem to replicate these structures even with the available machinery and technology of our modern era. But for some reason some fucking guy in Michigan seemed to pull it off with no problem. Well it’s because he studied Physics , engineering, and archeology and with the combination of knowledge he did this.

The old rich dudes that control the world want people to know enough to be useful but not enough to think for themselves and create because that might render their bullshit they are selling obsolete.

Now having made my point about how the entirety of academia whom follow the cold universe model suffer from what I call "Dining Kruger syndrome " google Dunning Kruger effect and it will give you a good chuckle. Let’s go ahead and jump in with some starter stuff.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magick. Arthur C Clarke

For me magick is a technology, technology by definition is science used to make our lives better or tools. What separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom is the ability to create and use tools or technology.

Tools don’t have to be physical items to be considered tools they can also be techniques and when it comes to mental processes these tools are in the form of ways of thinking and methods of manipulating our own mental states and faculties towards specific purposes and goals.

My journey into magick started with anthropology. One of the first books I read about magick back in 1996 was titled Real Magick by Issac Bonewits.

He enrolled atUC Berkeley in 1966; he graduated from the university in 1970 with a Bachelor of Arts in Magic,[3] perhaps becoming the first[1] and only person known to have ever received any kind of academic degree in Magic from an accredited university.
The man had an IQ of 200

The following are his definitions from his book real magick.

Magic:(1) A general term for arts, sciences, philosophies and technologies concerned with (a) understanding and using various altered states of consciousness within which it is possible to have access to and control over one’s psychic talents, and (b) the uses and abuses of those psychic talents to change interior and/or exterior realities. (2) A science and an art comprising a system of concepts and methods for the build-up of human emotions, altering the electrochemical balance of the metabolism, using associational techniques and devices to concentrate and focus this emotional energy, thus modulating the energies broadcast by the human body, usually to affect other energy patterns whether animate or inanimate, but occasionally to affect the personal energy pattern. (3) A collection of rule-of-thumb techniques designed to get one’s psychic talents to do more or less what one wants, more often than not, one hopes. It should be obvious that these are thaumaturgical definitions.

Theurgy:The use of magic for religious and/or psychotherapeutic purposes, in order to attain “salvation” or “personal evolution.”

Thaumaturgy:The use of magic for nonreligious purposes; the art and science of “wonder working;” using magic to actually change things on the Earth Plane.

True Falsehoods, Law of:“It is possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given personal universe (including a single person’s part of a consensus reality) and yet to still be ‘true,’ provided that it ‘works’ in a specific situation.” See Pragmatism, Law of and Reality, Levels of.

Pragmatism, Law of:“If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, then that belief or behavior is ‘true,’ ‘realistic,’ and/or ‘sensible’.”

Reality:(1) The result of consensus opinion. (2) That which is most comfortable and convenient to believe. (3) My universe.

Reality, Levels of:The concept (resulting from the Law of True Falsehoods) that a given idea may be “true” in some situations and “false” in others, depending upon the aspects, sections, areas or other subsets of the personal or consensus universes involved; such subsets may be considered “levels” of reality.

The next piece of the puzzle comes from psychology.

The following excerpts are from an article in psychology today. Written by Dr. Jim Taylor PhD

Here is a dictionary definition of perception:

“The way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.”

And here is the dictionary definition of reality:

“The world or the state of things as they actually exist… existence that is absolute, self-sufficient, or objective, and not subject to human decisions or conventions.”

Perception acts as a lens through which we view reality. Our perceptions influence how we focus on, process, remember, interpret, understand, synthesize, decide about, and act on reality. In doing so, our tendency is to assume that how we perceive reality is an accurate representation of what reality truly is. But it’s not. The problem is that the lens through which we perceive is often warped in the first place by our genetic predispositions, past experiences, prior knowledge, emotions, preconceived notions, self-interest, and cognitive distortions.

Daniel Kahneman, the noted psychologist who received the 2002 Nobel Prize winner in economics, created a veritable cottage industry by identifying what he termed cognitive biases (there are 100s) that are systematic ways in which humans create subjective social reality that deviates from objective reality.

I appreciate that some philosophers argue that reality doesn’t actually exist, but, instead, is a subjective construction because we don’t experience reality directly. Rather, we experience reality through senses that limit how we process reality. For example, humans only see a circumscribed spectrum of colors or hear a defined range of sounds. But, just because we can’t perceive a dog whistle doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist in reality. Thankfully, we have the technology in most situations that can objectively measure reality (of course, disbelievers could argue that reading the instruments requires perception, thus “proving” their point that perception is reality, but let’s not go there).

But we are going there because that’s where we are headed here.

There is no objective reality only the illusion of one created through a consensus. Objective reality is a true falsehood. The human mind can’t handle the truth that there is no objective reality and therefore will create one no matter what it takes. I think therefore I am, or so one would believe. But what if it’s not that we think and so must be but more we are because we think.?

Next we will get into the physics stuff.


So I’m already familiar with the dunning kruger effect. Spend enough time with my old man and you’ll be a self taught expert in DK.

In so far as they cold ambiance of modern education, I do see your point buttttt, any professor worth their salt knows their job is to lay down the foundation with the hopes that their students will use that to help think for themselves. Though these are few and far between.

Did you just mansplain psychology to me? lol j/k

I am very grateful for this. It is really lonely being stuck between the two worlds. It’s like living with divorced parents lol. Most of the pagan community (that I’m used to dealing with, not everyone) is anti-science, and the scientific community is anti-paganism. It is nice to know someone else see the connections between the two worlds. thank you.


Lol I don’t doubt you have a good working knowledge I just like to be thorough because I myself appreciate it even if I know all the information already and it’s more for the random noob who doesn’t know this stuff that may at some point stumble upon it.
And yes I agree, I’ve had some good teachers and they were few and far between. My grandmother who was a nurse and went to nursing school back in the 50s told me its a very different game these days than it was back then. She said her teachers told her that their job wasn’t to fill their heads with information to later be regurgitated because that’s pointless instead it was to teach them to think.
I think a big part of the problem these days is exactly that, the goal is the memorization and regurgitation of information rather than actual education. They want to bring people in take their money and make sure they pass their tests and get their permit to work. Lol
A lot of people end up with useless degrees. I ended up working in the family business anyway.
A friend of mine majored in gender studies went into debt and now she works as a grade school teacher because she couldn’t actually find a job using her gender studies degree. She told me they really hyped it up and made her feel like it was the right thing to study and although she enjoyed it she wished they would have been realistic with her about it’s actual use after she graduated.

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I figured, was just busting your balls. I know you were doing it to help with context for your point.

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Most of my classes have been like that. The biggest exception was my evolutionary bio prof. He always said “think like a biologist.” our tests and exams weren’t asking for word vomit. Not taken out of the book. We had to think for ourselves.

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Sounds like a good professor.

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i would say so.

the physics stuff?

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Hold on I’m getting there. :smile:

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I get that alot.

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OK here it is.

Previously we learned that perception is reality. Because we can not experience reality directly and are limited to senses and filters and have no way to prove that there is or isn’t more than we perceive.

This is the first level of uncertainty
The second level of uncertainty is concerning what we can perceive.

Here we learned that consciousness is not necessarily needed for the wave function to collapse but so long as an observation takes place the collapse is recorded in the universe.
So if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it does it make a sound and the answer is yes it does but only to the tree. The event takes place and is forever recorded in the universe.
Therefore on an atomic level all events that occur in the universe are recorded even if only for later observation and retroactively. Like Schrodinger’s cat. And as for there being multiple universes with all possibilities existing but unable to be proven I think it’s self evident that each universe encompasses one person’s perception. Each person is observing their own universe and I can’t observe your universe because I’m not observing it through your senses and perceptive filters therefore I can’t prove that your universe exists nor you prove that mine does.

This is where consensus comes into play and true falsehoods, and that your only reality is that which is perceived by you. But there is a consensus and somehow there must be some connection between your perceived reality and mine for this consensus to occur and for events to be observed and recorded even if not by any one single persons consciousness. The only answer is that an event is being recorded now to be observed in the future a retroactively created event.

It almost seems that the more the fans of the cold model attempt to keep consciousness from being relevant the more relevant it becomes. In other words the more they try to keep it cold the hotter it gets. Irony at its finest.

You see the tree has to make a sound because one day someone will trip over the log.

The underlying view of the cold model is that the universe would exist with or without us or I should say consciousness. But they are completely unable to prove this because they cannot observe a reality without consciousness without a consciousness to observe it. Therefore by default it can’t exist. And even if it did they would never be capable of proving it anyway. And so the cold model can’t be considered valid under the law of pragmatism, the law of true falsehoods or any objective reality whatsoever. The ultimate Irony of the cold model is that it is one that must be taken on blind faith alone.

Where as the warm model can be validated under all and in every conceivable way.

So either our consciousness collapses the wave function or the consciousness of the universe it’s self is collapsing the wave function or both.

And so the warm model being true by all definitions opens the door to possibilities of all manner of psychospiritual phenomena.

Now that we have validated the legitimacy of psychospiritual phenomena we can begin to go into detail about how they function.

Hey, I just "proved the existence of the divine " on a black magic forum… Decent!

And I answered the question of the meaning of life on another thread on this forum. I’m batting 1,000!!!


This was quite a read. Thank you.

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Very creative, I have never seen a knitted poppet before, what type of ritual was it used for?

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thank you very much :slight_smile: that was for a friend of mine who was having an under active libido issue.

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So love and attraction magic, thanks for sharing.

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The poppet pattern is for anything. Not really. it is more complicated than that. It was more for her depression which was diminishing her libido and subsequently her marriage. So I was trying to lift her spirits a bit.

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Someone else’s post reminded me of my first and only OBE about 15 years ago.

I used to volunteer at a soldiers home during school vacations. I was really tired one day so I took a nap during my break on the employee break room couch.

At one point I was walking out of the room, down the hall and past an employee. I remembered her from earlier working in the kitchen. She always knew how to make my coffee just right. I really thought I was doing it. Everything about the room, hall felt real. All of a sudden she (employee in the hall) woke me up.

I’ve tried many many times since then to reproduce that experience. no dice. I’m out of ideas. Anyone have any tips?