Know the answer, then ask the question

you don’t seem to be bothered by all that energy dust that sets on your from all these people. You will drown in this pattern and call it bliss. Maybe it is your destiny and the best is to continue and improve. I would eat those people or ditch them, but i’m not you.

Okay, an intriguing question: what am I?

A fig
Gosh you have such happy, tingly energy, my mouth is watering


The path if the guru… But I will surely curse anyone who exceeds the limits

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What is my connection to the Slavic and Celtic fae?

This info is wayyyy too deep… I’m now collecting pieces…

Did you find the twig?

twig? is that the answer?

I see a tree twig, it’s waiting foe you to find it. It’s a key, so you can help with the shift of energy. Bring the unseen back. These spirits trust you to do so.


Thank you so much! My question is : What do I have to know?

I know you said this is closed but I have a difficult question for you.

Why? And who?
Eris says Hi.

Why? It was a lie.
Who? Names were taken from me, but it was the one with mask, a stab in the back (actually two cuts, one for each soul taken) and someone said to beware of nox.

I don’t know this name, but i see some white garments and i wonder why this color.

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Your place, where you stand. It sounds bad, but the order of things is what it is. Keep improving what was given without lusting for what others have, don’t compare. Create the right environment to bear your own fruit.

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