Knight Musings


Chanted the Raziel mantra for 20 minutes in the early afternoon. There was another weird perceptual shift. Not sure what this mantra is doing, but the more I use it, the stranger my head feels afterwards.

Performed Ritual 27 of Success Magick in the late afternoon, around 530 PM. I really like these quick little rituals. Sometimes they don’t feel all that magical, but it’s at the point now where I almost get the sense of some very big levers shifting.

Some light energy work in the evening, followed by no-mind meditation for about 20 minutes.

End of the day’s adventures in praxis.



The constant rain we’ve been having for the last few days made the day feel very gloomy and oppressive, and I felt pretty lethargic.

I chanted the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes in the early afternoon. There was no real effect felt. The mantra seemed flat and lifeless.

Performed Ritual 27 of Success Magick in the late afternoon. This had more life to it than the mantra chanting did today.

In the early evening, before supper, I did some chakra work with the Bija mantras. Pulling power through my chakras helped mitigate some of the oppressiveness of the day, and made me feel more alert and energetic.

End of the day’s adventures.



Today’s adventures were…interesting.

I chanted the personal Raziel mantra for 40 minutes in the early afternoon. So far, I’m feeling this mantra mostly in my chest and head, but the vibration also seems to travel into my pelvic region, making my lower body tingle as if I was sitting on a washing machine going through a cycle.

About an hour later I pulled power through my chakras before performing Ritual 27 of Success Magick.

Ritual 27, Adaptability, has recently had me musing on how its foundational ideas apply outside of the context of success as well, particularly when it comes to my magick. I’ve realised that I need to be more flexible in my thinking, and methods of approach. As I’ve stated before in this journal, I love the structure of ceremonial magick, but if the past two years have shown me anything, it’s that in order to move beyond mere survival and actually prosper, my life and magick needs to be able to adapt to the ever changing chaos of the world. My mind has to get out of its comfort zone, where it has its established order of how things should be, and embrace at least a little bit of the madness.

In the early evening I did a pathworking with Raziel. I asked her for another mantra, one to help push me into deeper states of consciousness, and she obliged. I also asked her about the purpose of the personal mantra she had given me, and once again, she refused to say anything about it beyond “you must learn for yourself by using it.”

Alrighty, then. Keep your secrets. lol

I asked Raziel if doing the angelic ascent pathworking from EA’s book Evoking Eternity would be beneficial for me, and her reply amounted to the equivalent of “follow your heart.” As my friend @anon39079500 said, I could have got that response from a Magic 8-ball. :joy:

I had planned on doing another operation later, but wound up falling asleep unexpectedly early so that was the end of this adventure in praxis.



New Year’s Eve…

The adventure began with a 30 minute no-mind meditation in the late morning. I think I will add no-mind to my daily praxis. I do it every so often when I get the urge but a daily regimen may be more useful.

In the late afternoon, I chanted the personal Raziel mantra for 20 minutes. I felt a bit out of sync with it today, and the vibrations fell flat.

I chose not to do a Success Magick ritual today. Instead, I will begin 2021 with Ritual 28 tomorrow.

In the early evening, I did some chakra work, using the Bija mantras. I’m debating with myself whether I want to spend some time in the new year attempting to obtain some of the siddhi, or powers, that the chakras are said to confer upon practitioners. It would involve long periods of meditation and mantra, which might not be feasible for me, as my legs go numb if I sit in asana for more than 20 minutes so flexibility training for my legs and hips would be a must if I decide to go forward with it.

As the clock ticked down to midnight, I followed the lead of @anon39079500 and did my own version of a Screw 2020 ™ candle. I scratched the year into a small red candle I had, and then pumped it full of all the stress and uncertainty and fear that had built up over the past 12 months. As I lit the wick, I declared that as the candle burned, the flame would also consume all the negative energy, removing it from me, and allowing a clean slate for the new year that was dawning.

The candle burned for over 6 hours…

End of the 2020 adventures in praxis.



Started the new year off with a 30 minute no-mind meditation upon awakening. It was a bit difficult to quiet my mind, as I woke up with the theme music from the Justice League cartoon echoing around my brain, and it didn’t want to leave.

In the late afternoon, I pulled power through my chakras and then followed it with Ritual 28 of Success Magick, Strategy. Beginning this ritual is a bit of a synchronicity, as I have recently been musing on taking a more strategic, long term, approach to my magick.

Ended the day’s adventures with chanting the personal Raziel mantra for 20 minutes.



The day was dark and rainy so I wound up not wanting to leave the confines of my nice warm bed until late in the day.

Started the adventure with no mind meditation in the early afternoon. My mind wasn’t too chatty this go around so it was easier to maintain a quiet awareness.

In the late afternoon, I pulled power through my chakras, and then followed it with Ritual 28 of Success Magick. Felt pretty buzzed afterwards.

The early evening brought chanting of the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes.

In the late evening, I contacted Azrael on behalf of a friend to help bring comfort to someone who is grieving. I had never contacted him before, but the energy felt dark, yet soothing.

End of the adventure.



The day was cool but sunny. with only a little rain.

I started the adventure with some light stretching followed by a 30 minute no-mind meditation. Had a bit of difficulty keeping the mind quiet, though, as I again woke up with music circling my brain.

In the early afternoon I performed Ritual 28 of Success Magick. Nothing spectacular to report from these little rituals.

In the early evening, I chanted the personal Raziel mantra for 40 minutes. Still no clue of the mantra’s purpose.

End of my adventures in praxis.



The day started off dark and rainy, but eventually turned into a cool, but sunny afternoon.

Upon crawling out of my nice, warm, bed, I did some light yoga followed by no-mind meditation for 30 minutes. My mind stayed relatively quiet for the allotted time.

In the late afternoon, I performed Ritual 28 of Success Magick, and then took a brisk walk. The cool air felt nice.

Chanted the Raziel mantra for 20 minutes in the late evening. It felt flat, and though I had allotted thirty minutes, I stopped at twenty because I just couldn’t get into it. I had no focus and couldn’t concentrate.

End of the adventure.



Started my day in the early afternoon with some light yoga and no-mind meditation. I was interrupted by my landlady wanting my help so I only managed 15 minutes.

In the late afternoon, I performed Ritual 28 of Success Magick.

Early evening brought mantra chanting for 30 minutes. I was feeling angry for most of the day, and chanting the personal Raziel mantra seemed to amplify it.

In the late evening I finished preparing the veve for Legba and Damballah, but then found myself falling asleep before I could actually do the ritual.

Thus ended the adventure.



Yoga and a thirty minute no-mind meditation started my adventures of the day off. My body is pretty inflexible so it’s almost painful to bend it lol

In the afternoon, I tried out the new mantra for trance that I got from Raziel a week or two ago for 15 minutes, before performing Ritual 28 of Success Magick.

The mantra really made my head vibrate, and I could feel myself teetering internally on the brink of falling, but I didn’t actually fall. I was in full Beta awareness when I started vibrating the mantra, so I may need to experiment with counting down into Alpha before using it to see if it will push me deeper.

In the late evening, I pulled power through my chakras, and chanted the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes.

End of the adventures in praxis.



Very late start to my adventure today. Didn’t leave my bed until the afternoon :slight_smile:

Did some basic yoga asana, followed by 30 minutes of no-mind meditation. My mind was fairly calm, so I was able to maintain inner silence with minimal loss of focus.

About an hour or so later, I counted down into Alpha and vibrated the new mantra for trance for 15 minutes. I didn’t notice any deepening of the altered state though. The mantra seems to produce the same light trance when vibrated in Alpha as when in Beta. I may need to experiment with vibrating it for a longer period of time.

I followed the mantra with Ritual 28 of Success Magick. I felt a deeper pull from the Enochian square, but I’m not sure if it had to do with the preliminary mantra or not. It’s possibly an avenue for further exploration.

In the late evening, I pulled power through my chakras, and chanted the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes.

After a heavy supper, I didn’t feel too energetic, so that was the end of the day’s adventures in praxis.



Today was a weird day. I stayed in bed until the late afternoon, and then had errands to run, so I wound up not having any adventures in praxis other than starting on Ritual 29 of Success Magick.



These dark, dreary, days are killer. Didn’t have the energy to crawl out of bed until the early afternoon.

Managed to start the adventure with some basic yoga stretches, and followed it with no meditation for 25 minutes. It was a bit difficult to get going, but eventually my brain and body sputtered to life.

Later, I chanted the trance mantra for 30 minutes, and then performed Ritual 29 of Success Magick. Using the mantra before the ritual seems to lightly alter my perception, and give more life to the Enochian squares than usual.

Before bed, I chanted the personal Raziel mantra for 20 minutes.

That was the end of the day’s adventure in praxis.



Slept very late into the afternoon so did not do the yoga or no-mind meditation.

The first adventure of the day was chanting the trance mantra for 30 minutes, followed by Ritual 29 of Success Magick.

The next adventure was some energy work before supper. I think my sensitivity is increasing, which is nice. Guess it means my ability to feel energy isn’t completely dead lol

The final adventure of the day was meditating to a Solfeggio frequency track as I fell asleep.



The day’s adventures started by waking up from an erotic dream. I don’t remember the exact details, but there was a lovely little demoness involved. There may have also been an angel, though I’m not too sure, as the dream faded pretty quickly upon waking.

Once my brain sputtered to life, I did some light yoga, followed by no-mind meditation for 30 minutes.

In the late afternoon, after a light meal, I vibrated the trance mantra for 30 minutes, and then the mantra to unlock magical potential for 15 minutes, before performing Ritual 29 of Success Magick.

Doing the two mantras back to back was…interesting. The effect is a bit hard to describe. I know there was some sort of alteration in perception, but it’s like my mind refused to acknowledge that alteration. As far as it was concerned, nothing happened. It’s quite an odd sensation, having an awareness of an effect, while simultaneously pretending it wasn’t there.

Did some light energy work in the evening, and finished the day with a 1 hour meditation with the Solfeggio frequencies track.


Who is this demoness I’m gonna have to hunt down?! :japanese_ogre:



Slept until the late afternoon so did not do any yoga or no-mind meditation after crawling out of bed.

The adventure started with vibrating the trance mantra for 30 minutes, followed by Ritual 29 of Success Magick. I like this combination, and may try adding in the Enochian Call of the Aethyrs and a banishing incantation.

In the early evening, I meditated to binaural beats for about an hour. Wound up falling into a short nap during the meditation though.

Around midnight I once more vibrated the trance mantra for 30 minutes, and followed it with also vibrating the personal Raziel mantra for another 30 minutes.

So far, it is taking about half an hour of vibrating the trance mantra before an altered state comes on. It manifests along the back of my neck and skull, and is similar to how it feels when I’m trying to fall asleep in bed, like there is a pressure against the back of my head, and my eyes would not focus when looking straight ahead. My landlady called out to me just after I finished vibrating the mantra, and my voice in response sounded to my ears like it does when I’m half asleep, a sign I was at least in lower Alpha. Strangely enough, vibrating the Raziel mantra afterwards pulled me out of the altered state.

I may have to start noting down the weather when i’m doing meditation or ritual. It’s usually recommended entering that kind of thing into one’s magical journal but I generally don’t pay much attention to such things, as I originally thought the effect was negligible. However, now that I’m older, I’m noticing more fluctuations in my mood and energy when the weather is wet and dreary.

End of the day’s adventures in praxis.



Slept late again, so no yoga or no-mind meditation.

The first adventure was vibrating the trance mantra for 30 minutes, then following it with Ritual 29 of Success Magick.

Later, in the evening, I vibrated the trance mantra for again for 30 minutes, and then vibrated the mantra to unlock magical potential for 30 minutes. The two mantras had me buzzing, and my head felt very odd.

Before bed, I vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes, and then meditated to a binaural beat until I fell asleep.

End of the adventures.



I was feeling out of sorts so the adventures were fairly minimal. Had a small run of things going wrong today, like forgetting to turn the oven off and some drippings almost catching fire, and running an errand only to discover that the zipper on my pants had broken so I was essentially walking around giving my nether regions a good airing out.

Performed Ritual 29 of Success Magick.

Meditated to a binaural beat for an hour.

Vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes.

Had a vague plan to do ritual in the late evening but my landlady had a small medical emergency, necessitating a call for paramedics, which kind of put the kibosh on the whole idea.

Thankfully, that was the end of the adventures for the day.



Today’s adventures were kind of fun. I found myself in light trance for most of the day, particularly noticeable in the evening, when things were less busy.

In the early afternoon, I vibrated the trance mantra for 30 minutes, followed by the magical potential mantra for another 30 minutes, and then moved on to Ritual 30 of Success Magick.

Note: I drank an energy drink prior to starting the trance mantra, but I was still able to achieve Alpha. It seems the mantra was able to override the caffeine.

Pulled power through my chakras, and practiced some soul travel in the early evening.

Meditated to a binaural beat for clairvoyance for an hour. This really seemed to anchor the altered state, and I was pretty wobbly afterwards when I stood up.

Vibrated the personal Raziel mantra for 30 minutes. Still unclear on its purpose, but I’m enjoying its vibrations.

My landlady doesn’t seem to sleep at night anymore, so whenever I have plans to do ritual, she’s always puttering around. It’s gonna be hard to talk to my imaginary friends if she is going to be eavesdropping or causing noisy distractions.

End of the adventures in praxis.