Knight Musings

I read through your journal posts and felt like sharing a bit of my life. I hit a rock bottom in my life around 2017. Felt very depressed due to a relationship issue (and also being in a corporate job for 9 years - stress buildup) and went to Thailand and took Ibogaine. It has the ability to mentally rewire our brain chemistry - especially patterns of habit that we find it hard to break away from.

I made a lot of changes to my lifestyle which resulted in better clarity and long term decision making. Financially I have a long road to go to become self sufficient, but I figured out what I needed to do in the last 3 years with a lot of magic, yoga, meditation and journaling. Spent a lot of time diving into my spiritual seeking, couple of ventures where I learnt about my shortcomings and strengths.

You are doing well brother.



Day 37:

I had a late start to my day.

230 PM - Enochian LBRP and start of Ritual 13 of Success Magick.

430 PM - Self healing ritual from Words of Power and Transformation

830 PM - Trancework and chakra exercise.

Midnight - AH mantra meditation

Lesson 37 of CIM: My holiness blesses the world.

Your consciousness is Godā€™s consciousness. As such, everything in your life you have had a hand in creating, so by default everything in your life is holy and blessed. This is why being thankful is a powerful practice. Your consciousness has drawn everything to you, every person, event, and experience, and when you appreciate your own power by appreciating what it has brought to you, even if those things areā€™t pleasant or beneficial, you begin to change the world around you.

End of Praxis.


Iā€™ve always thought that.

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Day 38:

2 PM - Enochian LBRP and Ritual 13 of Success Magick.

Iā€™ve switched to the original Golden Dawn elemental attributions for the cardinal directions in the LBRP, instead of the Damon Brand attributions. There are some contradictions in the work of the Schulers that I am using as a reference for the ritual, so Iā€™m going to experiment and see if the changes make much of a difference.

6 PM - Chakra work. Felt some energy buildup in my head.

930 PM - Tested an experimental pathworking for Hermes given to me by a friend. Seemed valid, and the contact felt real. Hermes showed in my vision as a tall, lanky youth in ancient Greek clothes, complete with winged sandals, standing in a green field. I asked him to do a task, as a god of communication, so weā€™ll see if he fulfils it.

1 AM - AH meditation. Afterwards, my head felt very full of energy again. Iā€™m not sure why my head is filling up but it made me a bit wonky and unbalanced.

Lesson 38 of CIM: There is nothing my holiness cannot do.

Your mind is the mind of God, so there is no reason to keep your focus on depression, or worry, or fear. It is our attention that keeps these things in our consciousness, and thus in our experience, but we all have the super power of choice. We can simply decide, at the speed of thought, to withdraw our power from what we donā€™t want to see, and place it onto what we do. In less time than it took Thanos to snap his fingers, we can change our world.

End of praxis.


I think our workings are really aligned rn Knight. Thanks for posting all of these, really.


I also wanted to clarify, me saying ā€œi always knew thatā€ earlier wasnt like a ā€œbeen there done thatā€ thing it was more like ā€œoooh! iā€™m happy someone could confirm some of the things Iā€™m dealing with!ā€

sorry man.


Just realised Iā€™m behind in my updatesā€¦


Day 39:

130 PM - Enochian LBRP and Ritual 13 of Success Magick.

5 PM - Chakra work

Lesson 39 of CIM: My holiness is my salvation.

I feel there is a lot of misleading and downright erroneous opinion about the concepts of sin and salvation. Sin is usually defined as anything that separates us from God, but contrary to the religious teachings of the Church, it really has nothing to do with codes of conduct or behaviour, because if we are the children of God, as the Course in Miracles teaches, and even Christ himself is quoted as saying in the Bible, then we are never separated from the Eternal. It is only our belief in the illusion of the world that makes us believe we are. Understanding this, the only thing that could possibly be considered sinful is not recognising the fact of our holiness, and then salvation becomes simply remembering what we truly are. The only Redeemer we need is ourselves. No external force or deity need apply.

End of praxis.



Day 40:

230 PM - Enochian LBRP and Ritual 13 of Success Magick.

5 PM - Trancework.

1 AM - Meditation with theta binaural track.

Lesson 40 of CIM: I am blessed as a child of the Universe.

This teaching is pretty self explanatory. We are blessed. Our mind is Godā€™s mind, so we are entitled to love, and peace, and happiness, because we are the Source of it. Anything else is an illusion created by the mortal human ego, which tries to run the show by focusing on the imagined reality of ā€œproblems.ā€

End of praxis.



Day 41:

130 PM - Enochian LBRP and Ritual 13 of Success Magick

5PM - Trancework, chakra exercise, and chanting of astral senses mantra.

9 PM - Chanted astral senses mantra for 30 minutes.

1230 AM - AH meditation.

Lesson 41 of CIM: The Divine Buzz goes with me wherever I go.

This lesson is simply telling us that, as our mind is Godā€™s mind, there is no place we can possibly go where God is not. The joy of the Divine Buzz is always ours, and no one and nothing can take it from us unless we choose to allow it. Contrary to the man-made Church, which seeks control over people, God has never abandoned us because we are God. It would be impossible.

End of Praxis.

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Day 42:

Thisā€¦was not a good day.

Slept late.

Did the Enochian LBRP and Ritual 13 of Success Magick at about 3 PM.

At approximately 10 PM I received word that the kitty that I helped to save last week had suddenly fallen off the couch and was close to death. Within half an hour she was gone.

The death of this beautiful kitty hit me hard, even though I had never met her in person. I had only seen her through some snapshots my friend had shown me, but I felt a connection to her I canā€™t explain. She seemed so full of joy. We had saved her, she was well on the way to recovery, and to lose her now seems like such an act of cruelty from an uncaring universe. My world feels just a little bit empty now, and my days a little greyer without hearing something about her antics. She was a lovely being, with such amazing eyes, and I am sad.

Rest in Peace, beautiful Luna.


Got the news last night. The world can be shitty, man.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss brother



Day 43:

Still upset from the loss of little Luna, so slept quite late into the day, and didnā€™t do much in the way of magick.

Performed the Enochian LBRP and Ritual 13 of Success Magick around 4 PM but the rituals felt listless.

Nothing else was done.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss.



Day 50:

Did my Enochian LBRP and Ritual 14 of Success Magick around 2 PM.

Trancework at 830 PM.

At midnight, I evoked Zalania.

Zelania is a servitor familiar I created for a forum member who for some odd reason could not connect to her. There seemed to be some kind of block between them. I theorised that perhaps I was unintentionally holding her back because I, as her creator, was unable to disconnect myself from her (She was often on my mind) so, instead of activating her kill switch and destroying her, I decided to re-task her instead as my own familiar.

Her evocation was fairly simple. I counted down into trance, chanted Micahā€™s astral senses mantra for a few repetitions to augment my senses and then I summoned Zalania through her name and Gesture of Calling.

She arrived quickly, and rather nonchalantly sat on my bed. Zalania is a buxom, raven haired beauty, with a hypnotic pendant and a lustful aura, created to serve as a companion and magical familiar. I stated my intention to rewrite her purpose, and she nodded.

I followed Damon Brandā€™s method from his book in her creation so I also followed his instructions for her re-tasking. I rewrote her Vision sheet, and then ceremonially burned the previous version, before reading out her new instructions. The re-tasking seemed to go smoothly, but I will need to work with her in ritual to know for sure.

I have put the Course In Miracles Experiment on hold for a bit. The lessons about God, love and forgiveness, were a bit difficult to properly process during the loss of innocent little Luna. I know that is the kind of situation which the lessons of the Course were designed to help with, but, frankly, I just wasnā€™t feeling it.



The evocation of Kelma:

Kelma is a magical familiar I have created for someone. I took a different approach for this spirit than my usual methodology for servitors. I decided to treat her as an already existing being, just unknown, so the ā€œcreationā€ process became something similar to a blind evocation.

I created a telesmanic image of her, and a seal by tracing her name upon the planetary kamea of Venus.

I counted down into trance, and summoned Zalania, my newest servitor familiar, to help deepen my trance. Upon doing so, I felt an immediate pressure in my temples, as if someoneā€™s fingers were placed there, and I slipped deeper. I then chanted the astral senses mantra for a few minutes to make sure I was fully open.

I invoked Omnipotence, and opened the seal of the archangel Raziel. I summoned him forth to supervise the operation, and to aid in the materialisation of Kelma. His presence was a bit overwhelming when he arrived, but he lessened it as I told him why I had called him. He agreed to supervise the arrival of Kelma.

I turned my gaze to the image I had made of her, and opened it like a seal, calling her forth. When the image began to flash, I transferred my gaze to the space in front of me and began to structure her form. The rudimentary outline filled in very quickly, and it only took a moment or two before I was looking into her blazing white eyes. I breathed my omnipotence into her three times, solidifying her.

Raziel then placed his hands upon her shoulders and filled her with cosmic energy. She blinked and her white eyes turned blue. I thanked Raziel and then greeted Kelma, thanking her for coming forth. She smiled, and I spoke to her, telling her why I had summoned her, my words ā€œprogrammingā€ her in a fashion. I showed her the image I had created and the seal, and she nodded. I then asked her to provide a mantra she would respond to and she thought for a moment before speaking three words, which I wrote down.

I thanked Raziel for his presence in my temple and gave him leave to depart. which he did. I talked a few more minutes with Kelma, and then gave her leave to wander around until she is summoned again. I then closed down the ritual, and counted up from trance.

All in all, I think the creation of Kelma was successful, but I wonā€™t know for sure until she is summoned by the one I created her for.


How you program them by talking reminds me of me when I do hypnotic sessions.


Iā€™ve been thinking about my own personal spiritual heritage lately.

I discovered, with the help of friends, that I have a shield around me, put up by my Higher Self, to protect me from some really nasty shit that would otherwise destroy me. Through memory, I can trace its first appearance back to roughly the age of 9, which is about when I first started to feel like the world had become dull and muted. This shield has a compulsion upon it that prevents any entity summoned within it from acting against me (according to one of the spirits, who mentioned his dislike of it.)

I have a protection detail. A friend who I allowed to project to me was confronted by one of my apparent guardians, and said its power level was on par with that of a queen of the Fae. He managed to get its name, but so far I have been unable to find out exactly what kind of being it is. There is also a female guardian that I have even less information about as she seems to prefer to play ninja, and conceal herself from scans and visitors. These guardians are able to pass in and out of my shield without issue, the female spirit in particular preferring to prowl outside its perimeter, which makes me wonder if these beings somehow came with the shield, and will leave once it is no longer needed. If that is the case, though, does that mean they are employed by my Higher Self, or actual aspects of it?

I also apparently have a small legion of demons sitting in the astral waiting for me to take command of them. The same friend who was confronted by my protection detail when he projected to me, also caught a glimpse of this legion. Where it came from, and its purpose, I have no clue, though Iā€™m beginning to think I should maybe find out.

I had a spiritual binding placed upon my material prosperity by an unknown Higher Power which took it upon itself to punish me due, apparently, to the actions of my previous incarnation, who caused much suffering in the pursuit of wealth. I have managed to break this binding, thanks to the guidance from @Lady_Eva, Paimonia, and a nameless African shaman, but I believe vestiges of it may linger, still restricting my material expression.

I havenā€™t done much, if any, real digging into what may lie behind my current existence. My priority has always been improving my material circumstances, so Iā€™ve never been all that interested in peering behind the curtain, so to speak. The above is about all I know about my personal spiritual inheritance. However, lately there have been subtle hints of a possible connection to Azazel, and divination has pointed at some nameless but incredibly powerful forces silently moving pieces around behind my reality. What these forces are, and what their purpose is, I donā€™t know. They are apparently not ready to reveal themselves just yet, to either me, or anyone who goes peeking on my behalf so right now, I know nothing about them.

Ever get the feeling that youā€™re missing something important, but you donā€™t know exactly what it is you donā€™t know?


This is a life long mood.


Hi DarkestKnight
I can see this is your personal journal but if itā€™s allowed to ask and discuss, I wanted to say that this phrase above reminds me the terms of the known Karma. Is that the case here?