Knight Musings


Day 12:

Slept late again.

Performed the Enochian LIRP and Ritual 10 of Success Magick around 2 PM. Nothing unusual to report.

Lesson 12 of CIM: I get whatever I focus on.

In the original Course, this lesson is actually “My meaningless thoughts show me a meaningless world” but Pam Grout decided instead to go with one of the side notes of that lesson because the original sounds kind of depressing.

I think we have all had moments in our lives where we have experienced when something we are really focused on has expanded in our life. We want to buy a certain kind of car, and suddenly it is popping up everywhere we look. We listen to a song, and that song is playing everywhere we go. This particular quirk of our consciousness also works with our fears. The more we dwell on all the terrible things happening in the world, the more they expand in our awareness to the point where we can think of nothing else. When we focus on the violence, ignorance, and stupidity, then all we get in our reality is violence, ignorance and stupidity because we get what we focus on.

Performed the LBRP around midnight.



Day 13:

Performed the Enochian LIRP, and Ritual 10 of Success Magick at 3 PM. Have started to experience a slight headache after the LIRP.

Lesson 13 of CIM: I see a cardboard cutout of the story I tell myself.

This is another lesson form the Course that Pam Grout tweaked a bit. The original lesson is “A meaningless world engenders fear.” This is a corollary of the previous lesson. Our meaningless thoughts keep us in fear because they show us a meaningless world. What we see is merely a cardboard cutout or, in the vernacular of some here, a simulation, of the true reality that lies underneath. This cardboard cutout is a snapshot of the past, frozen in time, and standing in for the real thing, and once we decide this cutout is the way life is, it becomes all we can see.

Dropped my name in for @UnseelieDiabolus’s introduction to the Fae. I am quite intrigued by the possibilities of this, though it is stepping out a bit from my usual currents. However, change is required for growth so I figured, why not?

Once again, I fell asleep without doing the Enochian Lesser Banishing.

Note: Received word that the Lwa have a “minor interest” in me. Another avenue quite a bit outside of my usual currents to explore for growth, but I must admit I have a bit of fear when it comes to Vodun.



Day 14:

Last year I developed a persistent dry cough that lasted for over four months, and now it seems I have developed the same thing once again. And it’s even at roughly the same time as last year, which is weird.

This cough makes it difficult to vibrate Enochian so today I skipped the LIRP and the Call and just did Ritual 10 from Success Magick. I managed to complete the ritual without coughing up my spleen, so that was a plus.

I attempted to chant one of the healing incantations for a few minutes to help soothe my throat from all the coughing. i’m not sure if it helped our not, but I got at least a few repetitions out before coughing.

Lesson 14 of CIM: Make it fun. Make it yours.

The original lesson 14 from the Course is “God did not create a meaningless world,” but Pam Grout recognises that the G word does not sit well with some people, so she reminds the reader to take from the Course what is needed, and to ignore that which you do not vibe with. The principles are the same regardless, and you can still appreciate the content without necessarily agreeing with everything that is stated. Grout’s approach to everything is, “if it’s not fun, it’s not sustainable,” and that is how she recommends the reader approach both the Course, and life. If something disturbs you, or doesn’t ooze pure joy and fun, recognise that it is only an illusion you concocted.


Check any possible locations for mold that could be releasing spores, if you have mold it could also be making depression worse and also lethargy, and problems sleeping when you don’t want to (and therefore, not when you do) so it’s worth investigating.


Thanks, Eva, but I don’t think it is spores, as I developed the cough originally last year when I was staying with my friend in another city after the fire. When I returned and saw my doctor about it, he said it was some kind of inflammation in my throat, but didn’t give any possible reason for it, just that it would clear on its own. Which it did after four and a half months. I don’t know what could be the same in the two locations that could be causing it, though, and the same timing is very odd.


Allergies could honestly do this as well. I’ve got allergies to dust mold and pollens, so it doesn’t matter where I am when some of my symptoms kick in cuz, everywhere has something I’m allergic to.

You could try Claritin or something for a week and see if it helps.


I knew someone (cough ex cough) who got his seasonal allergies around this time, middle to end of August and lasted for at least 2-4 months. It was a type of weed (not one we smoke rofl) that caused it, if he was in an area where this type of weed doesn’t grow he wouldn’t get it.
Allergies can develop even later in life, just because you didn’t had till last year doesn’t mean a thing.



Day 15:

I’m finding myself sleeping a lot. I rushed my performance of Ritual 10 of Success Magick at 2 PM before passing out for three hours.

Lesson 15 of CIM: My thoughts are images that I have made

We all have an inner voice, a critic, that projects the image of the world that we believe we see. It tells us how the world is, and then shows us the “proof” of what it is telling us. But the images it shows us are never true, but simply images that we ourselves have created about the way things are. That’s why we can change our lives simply by changing our thoughts, which in turn changes the images we project and the world we see.

Tonight was the Changeling Rite of @UnseelieDiabolus , and I tried to meditate to sense the connection to the Fae, but I fell into a dead sleep. I remembered no dreams.



Day 16:

Performed Ritual 10 of Success Magick around 1 PM. Managed to read the 9th Call and complete the ritual without coughing up a kidney.

Lesson 16 of CIM: I have no neutral thoughts.

Our thoughts create our reality. There is no escaping this. Each thought we have either furthers the illusion we see (the meaningless) or furthers the truth that we are the creators of the reality we experience and thus have the power to change it. What thoughts do I want to plant in the garden of my experience? As the Kybalion states, “All is Mind.”



Day 17:

Instead of moving on to Ritual 11 of Success Magick today, I chose to do an extra day of Ritual 10 to compensate for the rushed rituals due to my cough.

I’ve been feeling tired, and a bit down, so I haven’t been doing any magick other than the rituals from Success Magick.

Lesson 17 of CIM: I see no neutral things.

Basically, this lesson is about realising that nothing we see is actually neutral because none of our thoughts about what we see are neutral. As Shakespeare wrote 400 years ago, “there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” We all have a story that we tell ourselves about the world and the things we see, and we can literally be blind to anything that does not fit that particular narrative, even when it is right in front of our face.

I have been earnestly cautioned to let go of any preconceived ideas I have regarding angels, and to approach working with them free of the biases and opinions of both the RHP and the LHP. This actually dovetails into today’s lesson from the Course because the proponents of both paths have a tendency to be very narrow minded when it comes to the particular story they tell of what angels are, and what they can do.



Day 18:

Performed the Enochian LBRP and then moved on to Ritual 11 of Success Magick. Nothing out of the ordinary to mention.

Lesson 18 of CIM: I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.

This lesson basically is saying that we are all connected, and that the way we see and experience our imagined reality has a direct effect on those around us. We exchange energy with our environment, and other people constantly, so whatever affects us in turn affects our environment and other people. It’s a constant loop, and our perceptions about the things we see are constantly reinforced through the feedback we receive. In other words, when we think that what we are seeing is the way things are, the energy we give out is filtered though that particular lens, so the energy we receive in return becomes a reflection of what we give. That’s why, when we are in a bad mood, things generally tend to go wrong and reinforce the mood we are already in because everything is interpreted through our negative perceptions. It’s also why it is really difficult to maintain a good mood at work when surrounded by coworkers who constantly complain about their lives and the world. It was once widely accepted that it was physically impossible for a human to run a sub four minute mile, but once Roger Bannister did it, he rewrote reality, and suddenly other people were doing it too.

Fell asleep listening to a Theta binaural beat again.



Day 19:

Performed Ritual 11 of Success Magick. Only realised afterwards that I had forgotten to recite the 10th Enochian Call lol

Lesson 19 of CIM: I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.

Our brains are very talented forgers, and weave such a detailed and compelling tapestry of perception that it never occurs to us to question the reality we experience. Our brain literally makes it all up to reflect our beliefs and dominant thoughts. Our brains can even become our drug dealers, dumping chemicals into our system that further condition us to react according to what we believe about what we see and experience. So question everything. Cause and effect are not separate, and knowing that our brains are playing tricks with us by altering our neuro-chemistry and translating our vibrations and energies into the pictures we mistake for the way things are, allows us to begin to look beyond the illusion.



Day 20:

Today was an off day. I wasn’t feeling anywhere near my best, and wound up not doing Ritual 11 of Success Magick until 530 PM. I developed a headache afterwards.

Then I napped for a few hours.

Lesson 20 of CIM: I am determined to see

This lesson is basically saying that to see beyond the illusion created by our brains, we have to be willing to look beyond our own thoughts and beliefs, and commit to approaching the world differently. What kind of reality do you want to see? Do you want to continue the illusion of separateness and opposition, or do you want to see the truth of connectedness, joy, and beauty? The choice is always ours to make.

Fell asleep to a theta binaural track.



Day 21:

Performed Ritual 11 of Success Magick around 130 PM. Nothing out of the ordinary was experienced.

Lesson 21 of CIM: I am determined to see things differently.

This lesson is basically saying that once we are committed to seeing a new reality, we have to be willing to look at the things in our world with new eyes. We must work to overcome the illusion our brain creates for us.



Day 22:

I did no magick today, not even the ritual from Success Magick. I got wrapped up in the DC Comics FanDome live stream and pretty much ignored everything else. There are some awesome things in the DC pipeline that give me something to look forward to next year though.

Lesson 22 of CIM: What I see is a form of vengeance.

This lesson is basically telling us that the negative voice inside our heads is lying to us. The things we fear don’t really exist, we only think they do because our brains give us the illusion of their reality. All our critical and judgemental thoughts are painting for us the colour of the world we see but we always have the choice to change that colour.

I fell asleep pretty early, around 830 PM after having something to eat.



Day 23:

Today was a weird day. Everything just felt kind of off. I found myself losing energy quite rapidly as the day wore on, and I took a few naps throughout the day.

Performed the Enochian LBRP and Ritual 11 of Success Magick at 130 PM. Nothing unusual to report.

Did some chakra work around 330 PM. Experienced a sharp pain in my Ajna, and got a bit lightheaded during the exercise. My body felt tight and the energy sluggish.

Lesson 23 of CIM: I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts

This lesson is basically saying that, if all you see is the illusory world you create with your thoughts, as the previous lessons state, then to change your world, you must give up your old way of thinking. There is no point in lamenting the world you see, or trying to change it. You created the illusion so only you have the power to create something else. Your thoughts and beliefs are the cause, and the world you experience is merely the effect. To change the effect, you must alter the cause.

This can be seen as a bit harsh because it is saying that you are literally responsible for everything you experience in the world, both the positive and the negative events. The cancer you develop, and the car accident that takes the life of your most cherished loved one are your creations. However, this lesson is not victim blaming. It is saying that it is how you react, and frame your created reality, that matters because you have control over them. If you come home from vacation and find the windows in your house smashed out, you would most likely be incredibly angry and worried about the cost. But if you had just learned you had won the Powerball lottery, you would probably laugh at the absurdity of it all. Same illusory event, but a completely different experienced reality.

Meditated for half an hour before bed.



Day 24:

No-mind meditation at 1030 AM. My mind cleared quickly and I was able to maintain it for 30 minutes.

Performed the Enochian LBRP and Ritual 11 of Success Magick at 130 PM. Found myself sweating after the LBRP even though it was not overly warm in my room.

Lesson 24 of CIM: I do not perceive my best interests.

This lesson basically says that, if the world we see is an illusion produced by our brain, then in no way can our perception ever be accurate in any given situation. Our brains deliberately distort the reality we experience so the real truth of things cannot be seen. In order to perceive the best course of action for ourselves in any situation, we need to transcend the ordinary and identify with the greater part of ourselves, that part which a Christian might call the Holy Spirit, and magicians and sorcerers might refer to as the God Within, that can see past the illusion and into the greater reality.

Note: I am finding it difficult to remember to apply these lessons each day. As I get lost in the mundane aspects of life, the lesson often slips out of my mind.



Day 25:

No mind meditation for 30 minutes upon awakening.

An hour of trancework and chakra exercise around 1130 AM.

Enochian LBRP and Ritual 11 of Success Magick at 2 PM.

Lesson 25 of CIM: I do not know what anything is for.

This lesson is telling us that everything in our lives, the people, places and things we experience, are all for our highest good, only we can’t see it because of the illusion cast by our brains. Our brains looks at the past, applies it to the present, and then uses it to predict the future, so our understanding of reality is extremely limited and we have a bad habit of getting in our own way when it comes to changing our lives.

End of day.



Day 26:

No-mind meditation around 845 AM.

Trancework and chakra exercise at 11 AM.

Enochian LBRP and Ritual 11 of Success Magick at 2 PM

Lesson 26 of CIM: My attack thought are attacking my invulnerability.

This lesson is basically saying that our illusion of the world is our own worst enemy. Nothing can truly hurt us unless we allow it to. Any thought of depression, worry, or anger, is a knife we repeatedly thrust into ourselves. Our true self, our Eternal essence is beyond all that, and once we learn to listen to that part of ourselves, we become invulnerable to the slings and arrows our brains hurl at us to feed its illusions.

This is a radical idea and kind of goes against human nature because, as we all know, we are most often harder on ourselves than the world could ever be. We don’t like to face the fact that we are always the cause of our own misery so we like to blame it on outside forces, but the truth is, those forces cannot disturb us unless we allow them to.

Note: Several times each day, we are required to apply these lessons to our thoughts, but I am finding myself often forgetting to do so.

End of day.


That is btw the essence of the Law of Attraction. :thinking: