With it being my birthday, I was imbibing alcohol for most of the day…
My first adventure, in the early afternoon, was an ancestor meditation. I was going to use @Lady_Eva’s Hyperborean Meditation, but I didn’t realise it required some ASMR videos, which I hadn’t taken the time to find, so I kind of improvised my own version.
I was originally going to perform this at my birth hour, but I wound up falling asleep before it came, so I did it at the 12 hour equivalent.
I lit the candle that I use for my parents on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and visualised first, my Mom and Dad, and then my grandparents, standing before me. Then a white mist, which I conceptualised as the mist of Time, swept in, and other figures appeared, a long line of them stretching off into the distance. I thanked them, and acknowledged that if not for them, this incarnation would not be. I asked for their guidance and protection, and sat with them for a while.
It had occurred to me that, as magicians and sorcerers, we often get so lost in the becoming of spirit, that we forget that, without the physical vessel we inhabit, and those whose struggles and survival made its creation possible, all the lofty spiritual goals we have wouldn’t even be possible. I figured my birthday would be a perfect time to acknowledge this fact.
I think I gained some perspective on my life after the meditation.
The next adventure was in the early evening. I chanted the personal Raziel mantra for 35 minutes. I still don’t know its exact purpose, but I have an inkling it may be to extirpate karma in some way. I haven’t felt any energetic effect from vibrating this mantra yet, however, this time I had a persistent vision of myself enveloped in a white fire.
I’m not sure if it was just something my imagination kicked up out of boredom or what, but upon the darkness of my eyelids, I could see myself from outside, sitting crossed legged on the floor, and inside of a blazing white flame, which surrounded me, like I was sitting in the middle of a bonfire. I tried to bring my focus back to the vibration of the mantra, but the vision wouldn’t leave until my timer went off and I ended the meditation.
I don’t know if the vision had any significance, but it was something different, since I hadn’t experienced it before when chanting the mantra.
End of the day’s adventures in praxis.