Totally double posting because this section belongs in here as well:
Overall results while working with the Lataif points:
two energetic serpent-like “streams” did their very best to get all the way up inside of my body. Unfortunately they got tangled into another right in the mid section of my back and stayed like this for a while before subsiding. I could feel the colours of each stream; each of them had a mind of its own, like a separate living being.
The unlocking from Thu’ban continues to shake up some things. Stuff like that is the main reason while I do not wish to rush through every unlocking on a daily basis
From my unlocking with Thu’ban:
He mentioned the triangle quite some time after I discovered the section mentioned above.
Now I do wonder if my cannibalistic tendencies while dreaming comes from the inner urge to overcome the separation motif. Devouring, usurping, becoming one, etc.
I want flashy and corny and extra-ish findings, not this piece of lukewarm self realization.
I might start to see where this unlocking in particular is going.