Kitāb al-Fihrist - Unlocking the aspects of the 71 Jinn (and then some)

Today, Thu’ban (ثعبان = “Snake” and I butchered the written version in my notebook oh so badly) was next.

I know this one, already. I had no idea until recently but we have been introduced to each other in 2018, at the very beginning of my path. It feels like it was already ages ago, what the fuck is this timeline. Back then I referred to him as “blue waterdragon” because I was probably too lazy to find a better wording.

I have used the same oil on the candle for Thu’ban that I’ve already used with Zawba’ah. This oil creates a very peculiar link to a third party that I will not mention in this log because I’d like to wait for the big conclusion until I am finished with this.

The visualization pulls me into a city that I can’t exactly match to any place known to me. It must be in the middle of the night, there is nothing and no one around except for one or two cars passing me by. All shops have already closed and its raining; I have no umbrella AND I have no shoes. Blimey. Hopefully this pavement is as clean as this city looks like.

I can’t find any trace of Thu’ban (except for the very wet environment, almost like the last time we’ve met) so I start my spoken introduction while tottering in very small steps with naked feet and no umbrella through the heavy rain. The rainfall makes it hard to recognize the language of the neon signs but I am damn sure that I am spotting a Starbucks.

I am so immersed with this place that I almost don’t realize the little squeezes that are forming around my upper torso, my right arm and my neck. The squeezes solidify into the shape of a small blue…snake-axolotl thing? Thu’ban apparently decided to shrink itself, unlike the last time. He wraps itself around my body and his head is peeking over my left shoulder. He doesn’t say anything so I start the convo with something that makes me really curious about our former encounter. He remains silent so I come back to our business.

I ask him to unlock his aspects inside of me; the squeeze of his snake-like body gets a little tighter and he asks me to go “south west” to find what I am looking for. I am asking him for more signs. “Sirens.” Ohhhh.

I am asking him if he is still guarding a certain treasure. “I am guarding more than you can ever imagine”. I ask him to try my imagination, I will come up with a vague idea.
“Do you remember the triangle? Try to understand this first before you ask any more questions”. With these words Thu’ban slides up my neck and wraps his body around my head, like a very odd snake-axolotl crown. I wake up from this session, slightly freezing. I need warm socks.