
Well i sorta have this kink but i don’t feel comfortable on sharing it here but is it messed up to have one.?


Whatever it is…its probably not that bad


Not messed up to have kinks, in my opinion, it is only messed up when we repress ourselves and our sexual needs. Having worked with Lilith, Agrat bat Mahlat, Naamah, Eisheth Zenunim, and Asmodeus for awhile now, I have discovered I am perfectly okay with a lot of things, sexually.



Pretty much every member of this forum has a kink or twelve. It’s actually really common.


Yeah, they open up kinks in me and I love them. If only I could get my astral senses and OOBE experiences to work consistently. Sadly, a lot of the world is repressed and bigoted and worse. There are still death sentences, torture, and plenty of shaming and more. Its a sad thing and probably won’t ever completely change. I like women but I love cock toys as well. I like art of shemales/futanari. So naturally, seeing that there are TG dating sites or get meetings are nice to peruse. Some people are at least bi-curious in some form. Demons opened up to art, to stories, books, and eventually toys and more. It’s like a series of doors. Would I be open to what most consider a gay sexual experience or one of those TG trains where your ass and mouth get no rest? Eh, those transgendered women touching you all over would probably send me into a state of bliss and yes I’ve watched some pornhub videos on it. I ain’t ashamed to say that prostrate stimulation is not only enjoyable but pretty fun. Teaching yourself to deep-throat dildo with flavored lube or condoms isn’t too bad either. TMI, maybe. I’ve also toyed with pussy sleeves/male masturbators like fleshlight and such. Its no real experience of another human but its a start. So yeah, that’s just a big sample of my own kinks. But lordy if my relatives knew… I’d be disowned as they’re just close-minded. Most aren’t fans of magic either. Eh…

Sometimes though shame does set in and you think… WTF am I doing? In a way I’ve chosen a type of celibacy so fantasies aren’t likely to happen with flesh and blood humans. Turning to spectrophilia for spirits seems ok. In the end I have to wonder if it matters. My personal pleasure and enjoyment of life is better than being toxic, repressed, and pressured to be what I don’t want. I just can’t share that world freely so I have to either hide it or leave and find a more accepting community.


@Bunnygamer1994 what about BDSM type of kink?

I’ve found those kinks to be like a big “basket of unmet needs” filled with both childhood needs and adult needs. It can feel uncomfortable when they intersect and seem to overlap but often have a unresolved spiritual basis driving them and if explored safely I’ve found the exploration of kinks to be highly transformative. They can act as very important guides on your spiritual journey.


There isn’t anything wrong with bdsm cause I’m into it

Yeah, that train idea I’m talking about, being bound and spanked, pinched, and aggressively petted would be hawt too. But I know there are far more hardcore BDSM kinks. I’m obviously a bottoms type guy. I get tired of being in charge all the time of irl crap.

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@Bunnygamer1994well, i do like beeb thrown in bed and be choked and be tied up, yeah thats normal alright.


You sound like a sub

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Sigmund Freud once said something along the lines of, The only true deviant sexual behavior is not having any sexual behavior at all


@Bunnygamer1994 i’m trying to not to not making sound sadistic.

It’s not messed up, I’m masochistic and thats only one of maaaaany weird things I’m into. Im convinced most people have kinks, but supress their existence to seem more normal


When my Dom in our first few months of dating brought up Daddy/boy play I triggered and said not just No… but HELL NO…

But few gay men have more daddy issues than me having been given up by the age of 8 by my father after my mother died when I was 2. By allowing myself to be that scared little boy in His arms and by letting Him “care” for me I found a path through that trauma. A real path of healing and safety and self acceptance.

And while I respond to emotional and physical attention very intensely like no one has really ever cared for me - cuz it’s the truth - and it’s how I feel. I’m a popular “play thing” in my circle of friends because of it. It took me awhile to not focus on the pain or the underlying trauma, being touched could hurt me, but rather if I could relax enough I could focus the intense pleasure of the attention instead and never think about the trauma. But this took years of training…

Put another way, the physical and emotional trauma left me very sensitive to emotion and physical attention and paradoxically it’s also intensely pleasurable if I focus on that part and not the trauma that caused it. Having a Dom direct your focus and talking to you helps control that focus too.

I was in therapy and was doing some “healing work” and around the same time I shared a tumblr video a young man getting pounded whimpering with a teddy bear. Normally a very taboo thing.

My Dom Daddy immediately took me out to buy me a little teddy bear. And I instantly age regressed and started to pet on that bear like it was the most precious thing I owned. Then in therapy I reached a point where the assignment was to write a letter to that traumatized little boy and to apologize for not talking care of him and promising to take better care of him going forward.

This was the most transformative thing I’ve done in therapy and it was powerful because I was also dealing with that same little boy in a very real way in our kinky play. I knew him and understood him and knew what he needed to hear from me and how I Needed To Change first to take better care of him.

Follow those kinks, they are signaling to you for a reason, you may not understand and you may even feel resistance but the courage to Safely pursue them can lead you in the right directions.


I only have 10 :frowning:


Only ten? Damn, better get cracking on those kinks, bro. You don’t want to get left behind :wink:


No its not messed up to have one
All the women i dated had like more than 5, and they Were pretty straight forward about it

@Aprentiz i lost count on mine.

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Lol, most of us here are kinky depraved fucks to some degree. Getting tied up and choked is pretty vanilla in the kink community so no worries.