I am taking another stab at is discovering the Grand Infernal plan.
Marduk is in this iteration the archangel Michael, and not Abaddon.
The biblic war in heaven is a re-interpretation of the war between the Annunaki (who gave us civilization, but also enslaved us) against the Old Ones, (from whom we are created).
Michael/Marduk defeated Lucifer/Kingu.
Kingu (the son of Tiamat) is defeated, but floats back into our reality as Lucifer, who then incarnates or at least put his energy into Jesus. So, when Jesus preaches about God, his Father, it is in fact the dragon Tiamat that he is talking about. And when you take communion in the Christian church, what you are actually doing is getting a refill of Kingu’s blood. Remember, we were created from clay and the blood of Kingu. Add to that that the clay was created from Tiamat. Talk about an explosive combo we are! How cool are we!
The Annunaki team (the bad guys)
YHVH (God of the Old testament) = Ea/Enki who is The real Devil
archangel Michael = Marduk
The Old ones team (the good guys)
God (of the New Testament) that Jesus speaks of = Tiamat/the Dragon
Jesus = Lucifer = Kingu
Source = Azathoth
For background, check my original post:
Sidenote: Shub-Niggurath – the Goat of a thousand young - has floated into our reality as Baphomet. Confirming this from my own experience.