Killing with magick for fun

Hiya OP! Fun is one of the principle variables of life, all things want to have fun! Everyone has a different idea of what’s fun though, and it’s perceptible in their mental energy patterns. Seeing something as fun helps cut through the subconscious barriers you have to it! It’s a good trick. :slight_smile:

‘Permissible’ just means if you can get all levels of your mind on the same page, and fun’s a good glue for unifying the unconscious. You can do anything to your heart’s content when you’re not in your own way, but it’s easy to get bored of something like random magical destruction.

Think of it like this: do you have fun slapping flies? Or trying to crush a tractor with your bare hands? If those comparisons sound like fun, go around kicking wimps or throwing your face on monsters. If they don’t, congratulations! You’re not made of the type of stuff that kills for fun. :slight_smile:


I am seeking a mentor for teach me, Is there any experienced magician willing to get a English not good students? I still not able to success meditate :sweat_smile:


I met a man who claimed he got involved in a group that did shit like this. He’s now a born again christian haunted by evil spirits. Morality is a construct, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences to your actions. I can’t say whether these “evil” spirits he’s talking about are enraged over the actions he partook in and seeking retribution, or if they are legitimately evil and took those actions as an invitation to “play.” However, two phrases every occultist should already know are “You reap what you sow” and “As above and so below.” Basically, what you put out into the universe will only attract the same in greater amounts. If you send out the intent to take a life for no reason than for fun, you may succeed. But you will attract to you whatever entity has that same intent towards you, and you may not be prepared.


Hiya! This is something that happens frequently, and if you’re concerned about your survival in light of bloodthirsty wandering phantoms, that’s completely understandable. There’s a lot of ways to redirect or negate the tools ‘Black magicians’ use to commit these acts. Fear is a good motivator for getting your combat skills up to par. Society has fooled us into thinking there are safe places and reasonable people, but the world’s a brutal nightmare! Use your fear of being randomly crushed to death, painfully poisoned over years by a bored magician, of being eaten alive by a fanged squid with your mother’s face and unborn child’s cries of agony, to be on the winning edge! :slight_smile:

The better you get, the more horrible creatures want a piece of you. The more horrible creatures want to eat every drip and drop of you, the more bad stuff manifests and turns it eyes to your life. You don’t get strong without kicking the snot out of obstacles! :slight_smile:


I totally get you I also freak out thinking how many magicians in the outside word might be doing this , Just out of jealousy or not liking something I said or did or said to them :frowning:


There are many people that could help you.

For baneful magic - Micah’s

And you are already in I'm taking on serious students for free, aren’t you?

BTW, we’re going off topic, you should create a new thread about it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Is deep English for me, I will try understand whole meaning, thank you for sincerely encourage me. Bless :heart:

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That is really scary… :confounded:


Ok, thank you for remind me. Bless :heart:

Yup, I am at that discord group, but seems no one talking…just me ask questions… ==


Hiya! Sorry to hear about the language barrier, I explain things the way I know how. In more straightforward terms, the more magical energy you accumulate, the more negative attention you draw, and the more negative attention you draw, the more bad things start to happen to you. There are ways to move around negative attentions, so you don’t catch much spiritual fire, but it’s not a passive role so much as an active part of life, if that makes sense? :slight_smile:


OP, you shall note this down.

I don’t believe in karma like stuff that Dave mentioned, but all that jaw breaking stuff can really happen if you’re not careful enough and mess with the wrong people or entities.

Was just google translate it, thank you for tell me this, but the answer from google in Chinese is a bit weird, I guess is this mean as, the more we get , the more bad attention from people jealous we will get, no matter in what kind of things, we must always keep strong faith and positive energy in our life, and not to waste too much times to “think” and “put our attention much” on the things that not so important but will brings more negative energy to us? Sorry if my understanding still not good enough, I will try to learn and improve myself. :heart:

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But will they feel guilty on the things they do? Other than they wrongly mess with people or entities, they really can totally no feelings on people losing life? :persevere:

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It completely depends on the person whether they will feel guilty or not.

I can mercilessly kill pedophiles, child rapists, molesters and terrorists and torture them in the most horrible ways imaginable without feeling guilty, but that’s just me. Everybody’s different and I don’t think that a person who could willfully decide to kill someone for fun would fell guilty if his/her desires manifest in reality.

We live in a very fucked up world with a lot of fucked up people.


I agreed that we really live in a crazy world with many scary people…if the one get kill is a criminal person as you mentioned I can understand the motive is they want the justice, was just scared of the term “killing for fun without valid reason’s innocent people life” that maybe just come with a reason of jealousy or personally hate.

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Jealousy and hate is a reason why many people curse others but there are many sick people who harm and kill others just for the fun of it.


Idk man. Kinda admire you myself…


Bad attention also comes from spirits! Big or small, they may have reasons to try and gobble you up like the last piece of pie. The more magic you practice, the more these bad beings will seek to eat you and assimilate your power- it’s a feral world we live in. There is magic you can do to protect yourself from these hungry ghosts or antagonistic humans, but it’s active, rather than a passive protective energy field like a talisman. If you gain enough power, you will one day cross paths with something that wants to eat you- could be much smaller or many thousands of times bigger than you. When that day comes, you use your magic to fight. :slight_smile:


This is the main reason I get scared of this topic, my English not good(not my first language) my grammar is bad, sometimes mistakes on a little bit grammar or wrongly use a single word might make the sentence I write becomes rude or totally explain in wrong(opposite) way, and I am totally don’t know I wrong or mistakes , not sure if I have make anyone feel not comfortable before or not, i don’t hate anyone but I know I will get improve day by day, little by little. This topic also force me and give me a big reminder to more carefully when I talk with others in English.

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thank you for tell me all this truth, I will keep your advice in my diary and take it as big reminders for myself forever , thank you :pray: