Killing or vanquishing a succubus

What if this girl is possessed by a parasitic entity?


Learn from the experience yourself. You don’t have to kill it. I don’t advocate the destruction of my kind.


It’s funny because my thought was stab it in the heart with a sword, but you did apply the sword method lol.

Destroying astral beings, while not impossible is insanely difficult. Which is why we typically advocate using banishing methods instead.

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See ive got a speculation this all happened in a voodoo death shop in lousiana usa two and a half years ago, lots of cool stuff over there btw. I did not call anything nasty ive done quite a few evocations lately and also met some of the fae. I was warned about being cursed and then was told something was after my astral body, i asked King Paimon with help for a love spell recently and was told it would not be beneficial to my ascension and that law of attraction would play out. I attacked the entity not my girlfriend. Im trying to rid her of that. Ive come to a solution im going to have her walk through a triad of freeze spells, so i can bind the spirit to my will to try to banish it, or atleast have an interesting chat.

Here’s an option I could never get off the ground. Force that bad girl in this,

It does work so don’t be skeptical

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Oh ok, so, you and your gf went to the Voodoo shop and you think something was hanging round the store possessed your gf?

Well that would make me mad. I’ll tell you what I do, it’s quick but you must be fierce and very decisive, and KNOW that this is what’s happening. Not believe, not hope, feel it and know it.
I first find the spirit where is in my sphere, and grab it, encase it in blackness, squish it tight so it can’t get out. Now, there’s a handy dandy black hole at the center of the galaxy, and the Sun is a portal to it - so either send that ball of blackness through the Sun into the black hole, or send it directly to the black hole. I do both, as I feel. Don’t stop there, see that black ball going through the black hole, and see that mess of energy get converted to unshapen energy, recycled and ready to have something else made of it.

Never had a spirit come back to me after that. Maybe they’re just like, “oh-kaaay, leaving then!”, but I mean to kill them and all of them are gone from my reality. But I had a lot of crappy low-lifes around me at one point, and they finally broke the last straw and I kind of went berserk. If you care about being a nice person maybe a banishing or getting another daemon to intervene for you is a better idea.


Thanks =^.^= im going to try this

It told me that it has eaten the spine of the atlas

What did you try?

i tried the teacup, but to no avail, ive got my freeze spells set in a binding manor and i was able to ask what the problem is and it looked at me witha deep fire in its eyes and said “I ate the spine of the atlas, and the weight of the world is crushing it now.” Im going to use my freeze trap and the suggestion of throwing it through a blackhole or into the sun as a combo when i see her in the coming days.

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I think the teacup would work better for me if i has seen it in real life though.

Alright we got issues here. This isn’t your run of the mill succubus.

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You are literally under attack at this point, this isn’t a simple entity


I was able to talk to my girlfriend like my actual girlfriend and not that thing and she told me she doesnt know what happened and she started hearing a voice in her head months ago that isnt hers

You have a legit possession on your hands but it is a bit more sinister, like someone has done some serious hex/baneful magick or something of the nature.

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You said you talked to king Paimon, how finely tuned is your evocation?

King Paimon is wonderful he helped me with the freeze idea, hes the one who told me something was attacking me to begin with and has been training me in botany and astrology all month. Hes been teaching me cleansing methods, im thoroughly convinced my living quarters are pretty locked down when it comes to clean energy. King Paimon wants me to work with King Belial to work on self defense stuff soon but i have to stop smoking so were working on that first.

I have a thread on my evocations with king paimon that I will post again soon i just got caught up with these attacks so ive unfortunately gone from learning about plants and the universe to wearing an entities bones like a fox all week.

You may be good, but this girl is harboring a dark soul.

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