This girl I started seeing very recently asked me to swing by a family friend party for a bit and we were also picking up her father on the way to it. I was anxious over the situation. It seemed like a place i wouldn’t fit in.
I asked the angel Kavtziel to give me social confidence and ensure everything goes smoothly. And everything did.
Eventhough i wasn’t officially invited, the birthday lady was more than welcoming. I had a great time chatting and laughing with my date’s dad and his friends. Later on, she told me that he gave me the seal of approval.
The reason i was anxious was that i came from a third world country and English isn’t my first language. The party was full of rich caucasian entrepreneurs and i didn’t feel natural about it due to my own insecurities. But it couldn’t have gone any better.
I was trying to get some dexies to help with socialising the night before and after i did the ritual, i got an easy hook up. I have taken dexies before for social occasions but there was no denying that magick was in the air that night. Even my date was impressed and happy.