Kabbalistic or Jewish prayers to destroy your enemies

Hi everyone
I create this topic because i need your help. I wanted to know if you know powerful prayers to destroy your enemis Jewish or Kabbalistic prayers for this matter. Those people has to be destroy for what they did to my familly and myself. I thank you all in advance for your answers.

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I’m jewish and i was haunted by a witch i tried snd searched and learned for years every secret,prayer,amulets,and pslams in hebrew thai i could find,my mother prayed 10 years from the jewish psalms,nothing worked,she threw it all of the windo and looked for other path,discovered she is a very gifted hoodoo witch, i discoverded the lhp so after 20 years of begging and praying ,nothing helped and 1 and a half year in the lhp found lucifer and well… no more witch.:sunglasses:
So save youre efforts and breath,praying doesn’t help.
Welcone to the lhp.
And praise lucifer!!!:heart::heart::heart:

An orthodox Jewish family all the five got struck by lightning last week the youngest son died.:pensive:
The family keeps praying.:man_shrugging:
But maybe other had more successes i dont know…


I read what you said trust me i will keep this in mind. If you said that i trust you. Honestly i have a Big connection with LCF but it’s been a long time i didn’t been able to see him nor speak to him. I want those people to be destroy for what they did. But if prayers doesn’t work i will find an another way to make them paid.

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It’s not Kabbalistic or Jewish but…


Hmm personally I’ve found prayer to be very effective in the past, although I’m not Jewish, most of my experience is with Norse Pantheon Gods, so I can’t really say but I believe prayer can definitely be effective.


Darkest knight thank you very much. I said kabbalistic or Jewish because it’s has been my introduction into the magical world. Those days it’s more runic magic. But anything is good. i will use this incantation.


The same for me i’m not Jewish but i used to practice kabbalah and now runic magic. I agree about the fact that anything done with trust and faith Can work

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I also recommend picking up a copy of Angels of Wrath by Gordon Winterfield. It is Kabbalistic magick, and has a ritual called Destroy With Wrath. It requires looking at a Hebrew talisman and vibrating words of power.


Excellent thank you so much i Will do that. this book seems very interesting.

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I do also like the norse gods they are very dependable and protective.
I base that on thor who iwork with a d is always protective even without asking.:grinning:


Pulsa deNura is something you may want to check out.

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From my own experiences i totally agree Pagan Gods generally are loving and caring. i don’t know for everybody but Norse Gods loves but put you in harsh situations sometimes. I suppose those bad experiences are important for our own development.

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What is that? I Never Heard of it.

Whips of fire, there are references to it involving politicians and organisations casting it on one another.

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Psalms is a part of the Tankah (holy text in Judaism) so I would say that Psalm 58 would do nicely for destroying an enemy if powered by intent.


He definitely has very strong and protective energy, also very calming and encouraging in a unique way.


I will totally check this out. Thank you very much

Ok thank you very much Tiberius for your answer

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As @DarkestKnight mentioned, Angels of Wrath has some good stuff in it. It was one of the first things I used after officially beginning to study Magick (though found I’d been doing it unofficially for years without realizing).

That “Destroy All Enemies”
ritual worked in an interesting way for me. Since it was near the beginning for me, it might be more powerful today, but still got good results. They became very sick and things in their life started to fall apart from missing important events to losing business opportunities.


Pulsa danura is complicated.
You need 10 orthdox Jewish people to do it with you,
Doing it with them in the late night hours,while fasting,
And after you have been baptizing in holy pool water,
Wear black cloth and liht black candle and pray and say some incantations from ancients book.
Now in the past like 80 years ago it worked,
But today the orthodox peoples arent have the energy and pure hearth of their ancestors,so it would probably
Fail,acording to the warning the curse acts like a double
Edged sword,if it fails it returns to ones who sended it.

Lucius why don’t you use runes in youre magick?
If you’ll search the forum im sure youll find something better.