Journal of Nocte ac die

I used to be Fuego and Nightside, Im back.
On my amazon order:
Complete Works of EA Koetting (also buying the other ones not bound in one book)
Anna Rivas books
Kaballah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self Transformation
The Shem Grimoire
The Golden Dawn
GOM books
and several others.
Candles, oils, herbs, crystal kits, a lot of stuff.
I need a pro job to pay for it all quickly however.

Anyway, back to basics … energy work is my main concern at the moment.
Learning basics of magick, unaided by spirits.
Then Shem work, namely petitions to start with.

Ive been up in the early morning hours for the past week. Can I help you with something? Please keep in mind I have three jobs, and a sort of life.


Since Im up for no reason, I might as well try to master the LRP, MP and LRH.
Not sure why Im up in 3am of the morning, since I dont work a midnight shift anywhere.


Oookie. Then welcome back.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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Welcome back, the hunger for knowledge is real :slight_smile:

The Kabbalah, magic and the great work of self transformation was the book I started with when starting my ritual training. It’s very helpful, so I hope you will get a lot out of it, too, as it provides a structure for you to build from based on the A.A. curriculum, or that is what it claims. I can’t say for real as I’m only part of the O.T.O, where we work with reading lists.
So what path has your main interest now? I’m personally someone too who has both worked the RHP and LHP, but the term middle path sounds so …middle.

For energy work I like Nicky Scullens work, Alchemical Healing and she got some other books, too, also I love the work of Debra Katz, but if you want to be serious about it, starting with reiki certification would help a lot, as you will get attuned. (I know you do not need certification to be a healer, but if you have no experience it helps a lot to have a teacher and to set up a good structure/basis.)

I’m certified in reiki(master), crystal therapy and Brazilian aura surgery, but I’ve learned about many other modalities on my own, having the earlier structure made that possible and easy, writing my own book on healing currently in combination with the darker energies and forces of life.
I feel there is still so much to learn though, there is so much possible and eventually just as with rituals you create your own cleansing methods, but the style is ever evolving.
Naturally I am attracted to darker stuff so spellwork and general witchcraft is a big part of it for me, I believe the strongest healers are the ones that are able to curse because how are you going to remove some heavy curses if you only know love and light healing… Unfortunately I have seen many professional energy workers in my circle getting into serious issues because they did not want to acknowledge they were being taken up energetically because of lack in knowledge and gaps in their protection, still doing daily work on unsuspected clients.

Removing energy is easy, you can do that in a matter of seconds, the difficult thing is, keeping people protected from the energy entering again, which needs real skills as well as the psychology behind why and what they attracted. Developing the clairs are a big part of it, so you can read someones energy field.(Debra Katz has training on this)
A lot of healers nowadays aren’t really healers, they are more cleaners of something they can not even sense/see, but we all know cleaning is very temporarily, to clean well we need to see what we are cleaning, and we need the tools to keep it clean too, if not, worse can be attracted by the person you are healing, especially if they did not become conscious of what was in their field. So energy healing goes hand in hand with psychology/ shadow work but also with the physical body. Illness can be read in someone’s energy field 2-5 years prior of it manifesting in the body, but also working with fields of others filled with illness can bring your own field in danger, and you then absorbing their illnesses is a real thing. I once read that it is why many advanced healers actually become crippled or worse, die of cancer, even back in the days, as this accumulation of energy was not cleansed and banished well enough in themselves and they did too much for others, so remember you always come first when it comes to healing work, never work when you feel tired or feel like you need a nap or cleanse and it is fine to deny people your work, too. When I just started out I made many mistakes, I cleansed people who I knew had curses on them placed by magick I did not know about, this then got me very sick for weeks and they moved on feeling so great, eventually I fixed it, but this was not something I needed and the risks are not being spoken about enough as it is seen as negative and people tend to focus on the positive in the healing community…

If you follow along with your plans of books and combine real energy work/magic with healing then it seems to be going the right direction, so good luck.


Thank you, I like Chistophers book as well.
I’m mainly interested in candle magick and angel magick. For the time being anyway. I want to evoke and commune with the 72 Shem angels.
I will check out the books, thank you! Also on Reiki certified, that is a great idea as well!

Not sure Ive been cursed, but my health is viral atm, bronchitis and a cold. The bronchitis was a bi*ch to cough out last night, but feel tons better.

Guess I will do psychic testing since I have to be on a bus to my new job in three to four hours with no sleep. And if I sleep, I will oversleep. Gonna be fun.

I normally don’t comment in journals, but just wanted to say welcome back. It’s great to see you back, enriching your mind & giving this another shot.


Welcome back

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Thank you, thank you … Im glad to be back honestly. This is truly the most live board out there for magick. In it to make something of myself this time around :slight_smile:

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Proverbs 8 and 9 I read last night (I know angels are invoked by Psalms, but I used to read 5 psalms a day and a proverb of the day based on the numbered day of the month), its quite interesting. I see why people get confused by some stuff in the Bible, because you’re not reading a study bible or not following or reading chain references and footnotes). Proverbs … insightful.

Okay, maybe its burnout, maybe its fatigue. But not getting much out of a Qabalistic Cross or LRP. I dont get it. I was fine a week or two ago with it.

Only work done today was full Liber Resh Vel Helios and Lord of the Universe adorations, and a LRP earth banishing. Due to fatigue and work/commute.

Do I have a lucky horseshoe up my rear or what?
I used to work at this one burger place, and typically (last year) would be the one closing and taking out trash.
So a couple nights ago this guy is taking out the trash at that burger location, and has a gun to his head. He’s told to move inside and knock on the door.
They shove him inside as the door opens, and round everyone up in the walkin cooler so they could rob the place, after the safe was opened.
That could’ve been me. Praise the angels I work in a different location and work days at that.

Okay. Time to go back to my usual diary format.


FRIDAY, 3/11/2022. Ruling Planet: Venus. Color of the day: Green.
Minimal, but at least I got some sleep as opposed to the night/morning before. No dreams recalled, no recall of any name symbol, dreamscape or the likes.
Moon currently 60.0% Waxing Gibbous in 18 degrees Gemini

Current Time: Mar 11, 2022 at 7:01:55 am
Moon Direction: 353.62° N↑
Moon Altitude: -21.78°
Moon Distance: 251,082 mi
Next Full Moon: Mar 18, 2022, 3:17 am
Next New Moon: Apr 1, 2022, 2:24 am
Next Moonrise: Today, 11:50 am
SunSun Pisces 19°44’ Pis
MoonMoon Gemini 18°37’ Gem
MercuryMercury Pisces 0°26’ Pis
VenusVenus Aquarius 3°37’ Aqu
MarsMars Aquarius 3°02’ Aqu
JupiterJupiter Pisces 16°07’ Pis
SaturnSaturn Aquarius 19°50’ Aqu
UranusUranus Taurus 11°53’ Tau
NeptuneNeptune Pisces 22°45’ Pis
PlutoPluto Capricorn 28°00’ Cap
NodeNode (M) Taurus 25°54’ Tau R
True NodeNode (T) Taurus 24°50’ Tau st
LilithLilith (M) Gemini 26°02’ Gem
ChironChiron Aries 11°02’ Ari
Currently snowing and cold and windy.
25 °F°C
Precipitation: 88%
Humidity: 85%
Wind: 6 mph

Mood: Dep High Anx High Mood Mid
Diet: Tasty O’s cereal, pesto bismol and coffee.
Exercise: None
Mental Notes:
Physical Notes:

Liber Resh Vel Helios AM x APM PM APM
Lord of the Universe. AM x PM

Rituals: (daily in order)
Tarot Contemplation Ritual- II The High Priestess – Luna. Repetition, duplication. Done.
Body Awareness/Controlled Breathing- Sore legs/ankles, slight sprains in low and middle back. Teeth. Done.
Empty Mind Meditation-Will do with controlled breathing on bus on way to work.
Relaxation Ritual-Will do with controlled breathing on bus on way to work.
QC/Invoking Four Powers of Earth/QC- ADONAI HA-ARETZ, ADONAI. Done.
Ascent into Cube of Space- tonight
Rite of Elemental Equilibrium- tonight
Rising on the Planes Exercise- tonight
LRH, Venus invoking- YHVH TZABAOTH, ARARITA. Done.
Rite/Novena- tonight
Middle Pillar Exercise- tonight
QC/Banishing Four Powers of Earth/QC- tonight

Planet of Day- Venus
Planet Archangel prayer-
Friday- Day of Venus
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Under the authority of YHVH TZAVAOTH , who governeth the sphere of Netzach and Venus, I call upon HANIEL , Grace of God, bringer of joy and warmth of the heart. Form us unto completion through integrity and responsibility and unselfishness as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.
Archangel Haniel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Venus. Rid me of vanity, overindulgence, and superficiality. Inspire me with love, compassion, sympathy, artistic expression, and provide me with healthy relationships; the means to maintain them, and the influence to facilitate them in others.
I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
Shem Angel invocation-
69th - ROCHEL. His attribute is “God Who Sees All”. He corresponds to the Holy name od “Deos” in the language of the Cretans. His ray commences from the 341st degree up to the 345th degree inclusive, corresponding to the 35th decade and to the angel called Chotare, under the influence of Jupiter. The invocation is done from 10:400 pm to 11:pm exactly, pronouncing the 5th verse of Psalm 16: "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup; thou maintains my lot.
He serves to find lost or hidden objects, and to know the person who has removed them. This angel rules renown, fortune and succession; he influences jurisconsults, magistrates, attorneys, solicitors and notaries. The person born under this influence will be distinguished at the bar, by his knowledge of morality, custom, and the spirit of the laws of all people.
The bad angel rules over reports, testaments and bequests that are made to the detriment of legitimate inheritors, he influence all those who cause the ruin of families, by provoking high fees and interminable court cases. Tarot Keys represented are King of Cups in Pisces, Ace of Pentacles, 8-10 Cups.
Prayers- Lords Prayer/Prayer of David

Meditations: tonight
Peace meditation with white pillar candle-
Meditation on Venus and Fire glyphs, as well as Taurus and Libra glyphs-
Meditation on point and line, salt cube-

Tarot Contemplation Ritual- II High Priestess – Luna
Split Hexagram Spread- tonight
Celtic Cross Spread- tonight
Psychic Testing:
LG5- tonight
GTT- tonight
MCM- tonight

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Have come to grips with wrongs Ive done in the past, which I told to a county psychiatrist. I won’t go into details as its all wrong but borderline wrong. I regret what Ive done but won’t beat myself up over it. Ive told authorities, and they know.
Ive also taken the issues to God and asked him to deal with it, with me accepting the repercussions.
So, thats that.


Thank you :). Nice to be back… The world just seems blah without the BALG community.


Did afternoon and evening adorations to Lord of the Universe and Liber Resh Vel Helios, grade signs and sign of silence.
Venus LRH was fairly simple, but still need more practice with it. Sunday I should try all the forms after knowing exactly the steps of it.
LRP got a little messed up, so need to do another LRP in a minute.
Was hoping to do BA/RR beforehand as muscles are a bit stiff from a hard day of work.
Let’s see … what else … BRH Venus, LBRP, BA/RR, Banishing four powers of earth, middle pillar with 10x circulation.


Banishing four powers of earth/QC - ADONAI HA ARETZ, ADONAI
LBRP/QC YHVH, ADONAI, EHIEH, AGLA, Calling of archangels, then closing QC.
Feel grounded.
Sore but grounded.

SHS - What is my current spiritual health?
Greater Spiritual Influence - IV The Emperor. Aries. Order, Sight.
Lesser Spiritual Influence - XVII The Star. Aquarius. Hope, Meditation, Natures Revealing.
Spiritual Advice - XIII Death. Scorpio. Change, transformation, (ill aspected - sickness, death).
Unconscious Desires - XIX. The Sun. Sol. Regeneration, renewal, new age, happiness, security.
Conscious Desires - V The Hierophant. Taurus. Hearing, Sound. Divine intervention/prophecy.
Practical Advice - 0 The Fool. Elemental Air. No-Thing. Life Force. Source.
Final Outcome: XX Judgement. Elemental Fire. Revelation, renewal, rebirth.

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