Journal 1: The Beginning of My Path

Thank you so much ^-^ im so glad @Lady_Eva told me to make a journal in here or else i would have been stuck.


Thank you so much ^^

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Also look up the Seal of Manifestation on this forum…

As well as searching Lord Yeesch…

That oughta also help you out.

Good luck


Already did that cause my friend in here sent me that ^^ but still thank you

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Online or in person?

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Check out this thread!


Is this for me?


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Thank you ^^

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in person


I wanna share this song to someone very dear and close to my heart that I met from here.

I love you boo boo/pumpkin pie :sparkling_heart:
Please listen to the lyrics.

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What do you mean by this? How did you test if the touch really happened?


I tried to check if it was my shirt or hair making me feel that way and then I try to see if that touch happen again which it did


I feel so lonely like no one wants to be my friend. Im so fed up with always being the one that tries so hard to make friends but well never mind. Im gonna keep trying to open my senses even tho it’s so hard as im living with a chirstian family that has their eyes and ears everywhere in the house and wants to always know what I’m up to and on top of that I’ll be stuck in a chirstian collage. I have no items for ritual nor a space for myself to do it as my relative’s are staying over. I just wish i could be free for once in my life. I feel like a bird caged with no one to help me even my friends would hate me if they knew about what i do overall I just want someone to be my friend.
Sorry for the ranting


Don’t apologise. It’s your journal. If you want to rant, go on and rant to your heart’s content. :slight_smile:


What are you studying?

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Now i feel embrassed >^< but either way thanks bestie


Focus on learning, when you finish college try to move away from that environment.

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Easier said than done is the case for me now but hopefully my mom is a bit chill and im hoping aunt would go back to her house also yes im trying my best to move out. My mom is supportive of me being independent but even she would hate me if i told her about this so until that i have to adjust when it comes to magick.


Yes, I am aware of that. some things are good to keep to yourself, so as not to aggravate the situation further.

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