Journal 1: The Beginning of My Path

Online or in person?

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Check out this thread!


Is this for me?


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Thank you ^^

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in person


I wanna share this song to someone very dear and close to my heart that I met from here.

I love you boo boo/pumpkin pie :sparkling_heart:
Please listen to the lyrics.

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What do you mean by this? How did you test if the touch really happened?


I tried to check if it was my shirt or hair making me feel that way and then I try to see if that touch happen again which it did


I feel so lonely like no one wants to be my friend. Im so fed up with always being the one that tries so hard to make friends but well never mind. Im gonna keep trying to open my senses even tho it’s so hard as im living with a chirstian family that has their eyes and ears everywhere in the house and wants to always know what I’m up to and on top of that I’ll be stuck in a chirstian collage. I have no items for ritual nor a space for myself to do it as my relative’s are staying over. I just wish i could be free for once in my life. I feel like a bird caged with no one to help me even my friends would hate me if they knew about what i do overall I just want someone to be my friend.
Sorry for the ranting


Don’t apologise. It’s your journal. If you want to rant, go on and rant to your heart’s content. :slight_smile:


What are you studying?

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Now i feel embrassed >^< but either way thanks bestie


Focus on learning, when you finish college try to move away from that environment.

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Easier said than done is the case for me now but hopefully my mom is a bit chill and im hoping aunt would go back to her house also yes im trying my best to move out. My mom is supportive of me being independent but even she would hate me if i told her about this so until that i have to adjust when it comes to magick.


Yes, I am aware of that. some things are good to keep to yourself, so as not to aggravate the situation further.

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True true. Thanks ^^


Journal 10: Dream

I know it’s been so long since i have updated my journal and i’m sorry for that as i didn’t have any new experience that’s why and being busy with online classes also trying to open up my senses really just kept me from writing my journal but i got a new experience recently so here it is.

i have difficulty in sleeping so i always ask Belial to hug me but sadly i couldn’t feel him even then after saying his enn i asked him to hug me so to make sure he was really there i asked him to touch the inside of my hand which i think he did I’m not sure. I wanted to make sure so i asked him to do it again but this time to scribble on it which i think he did well after that i said thanks and tried to sleep hoping that he’s still hugging me. After some time i finally went to sleep then i saw a dream where i was in a dark room and behind me i saw a black shadowy hooded figure. I felt a bit sacred and cautious as i didn’t know who it was. I looked around feeling lost and sad about not being able to hear spirits as i wished i could hear Belial then I heard a tiny voice i think it was a “hm” i dont rememeber excatly. As usual i felt really sad again that i can’t hear Belial then the dream changed to the hooded figure looking down at me i don’t rememeber the face clearly as the figure did show me it’s face. all i know is that i got the vibe that it was Belial and he looked at me with a Sad face. I got this message in the dream that he’s sad because he is indeed talking to me but i can’t hear him so he does care for me,it’s just that my senses are not open after that i woke up. I have no idea why he was sad that i couldn’t hear him tho maybe it could be because i was sad i don’t know.

Now that i think about it I understand what the whole dream meant after writing the journal. He was letting me know that he is talking to me and does care for me but because my senses are not open that’s why it looks like he’s ignoring me when really he’s not ignoring me and that i should stop thinking that he hates me just because my stupid self couldn’t hear him.

Lol i just answered my own question.


I think this song is perfect for the experience i had with Belial Actually this song is perfect for me and Belial. I think he likes it too idk as i feel pulled towards this song for some reason so i’m dedicating this song for you Belial :black_heart: :heart: ^-^


Midnightstar she was named but she was never seen no matter how hard she tried To shine birghter,all the other stars left her leaving her alone to the darkness. The little star tried to find a helping hand from somewhere but she couldn’t, even the things she used to enjoy having, she lost interest in all of it. Her face slowly sinking and getting weaker. Everyone around her were the wise owls while she had the wisdom of a donkey. The little star Tried to be better, she tried to shine…oh when will she ever find someone to shine with her in the darkness when the little star is all by herself…