Jinn magic on myself

So I have been using Hargroves practical jinn magic book for a while and I could say that I have gotten results. And I don’t have much experience other than that. What would happen if I cast a spell on myself such as asking for dicipline?? Would it be a problem??


No that’s fine :slight_smile:

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Sure it can work! Hargrove’s Jinn magick is pretty good when it works: sometimes Jinn even picked up on things I hadn’t formally done the ritual for yet, like moving a doctor’s appointment I was kinda scared of.
good luck!
I wanna try that book again too ^^


This is one of my favourite magick books. I had some great results with the cursing rituals.


Nice! Can I ask which ones were successful? I’ve used the book many times, but with very limited ability to access information of my foes I was unable to determine success or otherwise. In instances when I did have such access, I had no discernible success curse wise.


Heyy what were ur results like??


I literally went through the book and did ALL the curse rituals, one after the other on the specified days, over the course of a few weeks. I had a huge problem with this bullying psycho bitch at work, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere on here. Initial small results started manifesting almost immediately but the real sh*t hit the fan around 2/3 years later in her life. But it got her out of my face at work in around 3 weeks. Something unexpected happened a couple years later that brought her back again, so I just repeated, and again, worked to remove her from my vicinity quite quickly.

I combined these Jinn rituals with others though. Mainly from the Lucifer book, Angels of Wrath, and the Angels and Demons one.


I had a huge issue with a bully at work a few years ago. I managed to remove her from my office and kept her out of my way. Also caused her serious health issues, her relationship broke up, she fckd up with other people too, who came to see also what a bitch she is. Also she had to move several times as she had issues with her rental places where she was living.

I overheard her tell someone about 2 years after I did the curses that she kept being ill and had gone to various doctors and none of them could tell what was wrong with her. Lol. I didn’t do this lightly but she is a real psycho nasty piece of work who caused me real problems on purpose and also to others. So I felt justified and satisfied with the outcome. My motto is: 'Fck around, find out." ! She did.


Thanks, I’ve done pretty much all the curse rituals - in face the section in my log on this book is 5 pages long (its just two sentences per ritual, the internal one and the spoken one). Not all of these have been the curses of course.
I don’t know if none of the curses have worked, but I’ve seen no evidence of them (very limited ability to get information about the lives of most of my targets of course). But for Force an Ending (aimed at the careers of my 9 primary foes), it would be known to me if that had succeeded, as that is one piece of information that is more readily within my grasp. So far, none of their careers have ended. I did each of the afore said 9 in 2022.

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Hm…maybe it just might take longer? Or they are immune in some way? I mean maybe they have some kind of protection round them?

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Also…have you tried doing other rituals on them? At the time I combined Jinn rituals with Angels of Wrath, Lucifer & the HD, & the Archer Angels & Demons books.

yep, i have tried many different approaches over years

Ah I see. That’s a bummer. They’re not occultists are they? Your targets?

I dont think so. But then no one would pick me for one either

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Did you ever do the Destroy Defenses ritual from Angels of Wrath?

Yep I do that ahead of pretty much every baneful thing I do

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Heyyy so u said that thing kept going on for 3 years and showed up on ur aim’s life. I have been wondering how long rituals and results would last. Like would it last for a week, months or months maybe? Do u have any ideas?? How long results would keep going?