I've been hearing rumors that Jehova is being imprisoned by angels due to his malevolent acts and ill intentions towards humanity

I heard that Jehova made bail and is currently under house arrest with an ankle bracelet.


Jehovah created angels he cant be enclaves by them

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While they do have free will, I do agree in a way, if anything his fellow pantheon can.

Jehovah created angels? I thought angels were and Abrahamic recreation of the fae.

This thread… :woman_facepalming:

Does no-one study history any more?


Angels are angels.

So let me get this straight! Jehovah is a war deity who created angels to serve him?

Yahweh was said to command the heavenly Hosts in Canaanite Lore, the 40 sons of Yahweh who were unnamed in my own personal theory were possibly these angels.

However, angels exist in multiple mythologies not just Yahweh’s, such as Erotes are seen as angels who are creations of Aphrodite.


Idk, do you have children so they serve you?


If I remember right (someone correct me if wrong) the idea that fae are fallen angels spread by means of Doreen Virtue and her earth angels views. Angels and Fae have no direct connection.


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Well, not every group of angels have anything to do with the Abrahamic god. For example, the Amesha Spentas do not. They are connected to Ahura Mazdā.

Judaism, as well as Christianity, adopted many concepts from other religions throughout its developement, angels included. While i am sure some where created entirely within that system, I have to question that being the case entirely, especially with the more obscure angels in Jewish Legends. It will likely become a project for me one day.


Interestingly, that sounds loosely based on a plot point from the third book in a popular young adult trilogy, which is currently being made into a tv show :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, most people don’t know how to pray correctly.

Also, praying to the one deity for every last thing never made sense to me. It’d be like going to a crowded restaurant where there’s only a single employee and s/he does everything from valet to hosting to cooking to running the till, for every customer who walks through the door, all at the same time. Not a very good system.


Lol. Its called rumours for a reason my friend.

The Jew God is a Coward. Send his little Bastard to hang on a cross. To chicken and impotent to hang himself. ““Junior, hang yourself, gratify me”” Glorify = gratify. … This Rabbi created thought form cannot even keep his faithful servants out of Hell, much less save the world… ( Experience first, confirmation later. ). Peniel Ngonde hell testimonies, youtube. ) 1 in 1,000 ‘christians’ get to heaven. The ‘‘born again’’ trying to be faithful kind of christian. The great Jew God is so impotent he cannot keep his faithful out of sin, even whey they cry out to Him for help. Yes, he is that bad. ( Based on these hell testimonies. ) Also, Jew,hova, imprisoned by ‘his’ angels. ? That sounds like a deception . And, this has nothing to do with Jews. Just the religious Rabbi black magician created thought form they call ‘god’.


Lol Yikes.


damn bro, dont want to get Yahweh angry, or he’ll smite your ass with lightning


Stay out of it’s reach. Big thought form stomping around. Little puppy dog jumps to the task, barking and yelling, ““I’m going to eat you up””. GULP… ““Good luck with that one””… Best, to just, stay out of it’s reach… I had this thought a couple decades ago, for a few days before a church service… They kept saying “God hates the fearful”. Based on the available information being given, I kept thinking for a few days that the Jew God fits the coward’s description. That Sunday, the prophet yells, “I am not a coward. I sent my son to die for you.” . Facing me when he shouted it. ( Prophet is definitely Telepathic. Human potential. ). this god thought form was quick to respond to me… So much for turning the other cheek… Jew God is a hypocrite as well as a coward. Like one of us saying to our little kid, ‘’’'Junior go out and let the enemy shoot you dead. I will stay here on my throne and reap the benefits."". Really. I don’t want to go around a monster like that. MORAL TO THE STORY , stay away from hard core christian telepaths, as their monster thought form will tear you a new asshole, and then tell you it is for your own good… ( These people are dead set against occult practices, but, good telepaths, or, excuse me, ''the power of God". Yeah, right!.. These Fundamental christian denominations do not care about mankind’s personal evolution. Just a name for themselves, and easy money, and they lie and hinder other’s from spiritual growth and personal power… “Swallow a camel and strain a gnat.”… “Hide the keys of knowledge, refuse to enter, and hinder other’s from entering”. Pharisees, hypocrites… So I agree, this thought form is dangerous. best to avoid it. Again, this is actual experience. And nothing against good, honest, hard working Jews, Christians, Muslims. As far as the Rabbi created ‘god’ thought form, and it’s hard core elite leadership followers… Satan burn them in Hell Fire.

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:neutral_face: :neutral_face: