Issue about spirit relationships and human ones I need resolved

Info. I have a beautiful boyfriend who I love very much. He doesn’t know about my experimentation with spirit partners. I’ve cheated on him and I feel awful, like a real piece of shit, and yet I also want to explore spirit relationships and not be tied down.

I don’t even have the slightest interest in any other humans, and I never want to hurt or betray the one I love, but I am just getting pulled between my desires and I can’t set my priorities straight. If I were to choose between the two, I would stop experimenting and just stay entirely unopen, but I feel like there’s a better solution that doesn’t involve me feeling like shit.


You bring up an interesting topic with this I’m actually gonna look forward to peoples responses. I wonder where the line is drawn between just raising sexual energy or actually falling in love with an entity. I think at that point for me it would be considered cheating LOL


You already made up your mind.Either he will accept the truth or he should get the boot.

I guess you can also not let him know this too :thinking:


We get different things from different relationships. We have friends and family and familiar business partners and romantic and/or sexual partners because these different people in our lives meet different needs individually and grow us in different ways.

ONE relationship doesn’t meet all our needs. Our relationships with spirits are no different. We get different things from each individual friend, we learn different things about ourselves through each individual lover. We accomplish different things partnering with each individual business associate based on the different personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and wisdoms that all people we come into contact with have.

You are getting needs and desires fulfilled by a spirit partner. I see nothing wrong with this. If you feel bad about getting needs met elsewhere, he cannot meet them all anyway. That’s not how people work. If you feel bad because you feel like you are being dishonest with him by not telling him, then tell him. And let happen what may.

You can introduce him to it gradually by doing sex rites together, and then progress to involving spirits such as invoking samael and Lilith for a rite, then introduce your Spirit lover into the equation. Maybe suggest that he find a spirit lover of his own and tell him of the benefits to himself.

You don’t necessarily have to just blurt it out that you’re getting some astral cock on the side. But you don’t have to keep it a secret forever. It’s just one of those wierd things we deal with as practicing casters and such. You just have to approach it how you think is best.


A shortcut could be call Lilith on his behalf to send him a succubus and then drop succubi and incubbi in conversation one day to get things rolling. But it’s your show .

I’m just throwing ideas your way.

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He’s crazy sexually… active? Like not with multiple people, he’s just got a secretive hyper horny side. So that may work. I might. I think I’ll ask the dark lady what she thinks.


Oh then he could seriously benefit from a spirit partner. Especially one that can balance out his other energies with his sexual energy.

Keep us updated on how things go. I hope you both find a subjectively healthy way to handle the overall situation. :rose:

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Invoked her and showed her the post. This is how the convo roughly went

Basically, what needs to be done is this; you need to communicate. I know it seems hard and he may not listen, but if you express your actual needs he will comply.

You want sexual experiences. [Redacted]. I can help you there, ease him into doing it sexually, but you need to bring it up. I can do a lot of the leg work, you just need to introduce the idea to him

What exactly am I trying to get across?

“MAny magickal rituals include sex as a driving powering force. Wanna try?” Simply as that. It’s a great way to open that door. I’ll help out. Sound good?

Yeah, I like that idea. Thank you, Lilith! Anything else I need to know?

Nope. Just keep that in mind.



Do you have rituals in mind? How open is he to this stuff?

Turn the tables, what if he came to you and said he wanted to experiment. There’s only some things he can feel with another woman, how open will you be then?

How long have you and your BF been together? I’m drawing a blank.


He’s different.

He’s open, to the point where he helped me charge a sigil. Remotely, though, he just masturbated to it. Didn’t work cause it was too much to ask for.

He’s also gay.

And we’ve been together for four months. We have a lot of experience together though, we mesh VERY well.


I don’t really agree with the boot him just because he may or may not accept your desire to explore spiritual relationships. A spiritual relationship is not quite different from a physical one. So if you’re into having multiple lovers tell him and see what happens. Clearly the fact you feel bad about doing what you’re doing says something.

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The issue is being resolved. Thank you! :slight_smile:


Good to hear that my friend :slight_smile:



I do think is cheating, but on a different level that should not bother you. You reminded me of a very young me with my first girlfriend so I think cheating is new to you and yet unexplored.

Actually is good that it bothers you, a spirit once told me that it doesn’t matter (to her) cause monogamy or whatever you wanna call it is a human invention that they don’t care about… But you are human so I think is very good that you feel bad for this, is healthy.

What about you tell your boyfriend about this?
Maybe he doesn’t care, maybe he doesn’t even believe all of this is real and laughs and says it’s ok as long as it’s a spirit. I think you should try that.

Sorry to kinda write stuff as it occurred to me.

I don’t think monogamy is a human creation. Polygamy and monogamy is present in many races besides humans. I’d personally never cheat on the one I love, spirit or human no difference.

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I will not tell him. I know that is wrong, but allow me to be selfish there.

I lost interest in dating female humans so i’m trying spiritual dating, i find human dating to be impossible.

Do what you gotta do :roll_eyes:

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I feel mildly bad about whatever Rungr posts lately. I don’t know where we stand anymore.

Like your profile picture.