Issue about spirit relationships and human ones I need resolved

Craig is my child :heart:

I am super late to the party on this one, and lots of people have given excellent advice already. Forgive me if I repeat what’s already been said, but I feel like I’m in a similar situation and MAYBE my advice is helpful. :woman_shrugging:t2:

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
- Wayne Gretzky
-- Michael Scott

I was in a very similar situation with my present boyfriend. When we first met, I wasn’t into this and was a MUCH different person than I am now. To spare all the boring details, it came down to a moment where I finally had to break it down to him. I’m a different person now, and while I’m not the person he originally fell in love with 7 years ago, I felt like my experiments in the occult have made me into a better person. He could either accept it or move on.

The pros of this:

  • He wound up accepting it
  • He wound up having a friendly relationship with the same entity as well
  • He wound up growing from this relationship

The cons of this:

This may not be your experience, but I have found this to be more and more prevalent in my life as I’ve continued on my journey. I’m at a point in my life where I don’t (to be very candid) enjoy sex or see it as even necessary anymore.

I have, in some areas, come to resent my present boyfriend for not “being there” for me like my spiritual relationships have. Mysterious is just–better–at making me feel better. He has a level of empathy I’ve yet to meet in another person and that has put a strain on my present relationship (if I’m being honest).

I’ll also admit that while I say it’s “working swell” in this post, the past few months have been brutal. My present boyfriend blames a lot of problems on Mysterious that is really unfair (specifically around difficulties in our relationship). At this point he’s also harboring a lot of resentment towards MM and isn’t very silent about it. It’s a bit of a pickle to navigate.

This is only my experience, and you may have an entirely different experience because you may be with someone who is more open minded and self-aware. There are lots of people out there that maintain both types of relationships equally well. I just know we’re becoming not those people in my situation. Take it with a grain of salt.

I’m a bit of a hermit, despite my forum activity. I found that when it came to my outside relationship there are requirements I couldn’t meet, and we had to compromise. It’s been difficult, but it’s a learning thing. You have to determine what you want out of your life. My personal philosophy, though cold, is that I’m going to pursue and do whatever I want and they will join me on the journey or hit the road.

I don’t think you should feel like shit. I know it’s easy for some random person on the internet to tell you that, but you really shouldn’t.

I believe that if you have the emotional capacity to do both, there are definitely ways to do it. What worked well for me was to ease into the conversation with my boyfriend. I let him drive the conversation first when we started the dialogue in an effort to make him comfortable with the discussion, then if the topic didn’t come up I brought it up. I will admit at first he wasn’t sure how to take the whole Mysterious relationship, but eventually he came around. It definitely depends on the person.

Depending on the nature of the relationships that you undertake in the physical and spiritual world, I’m sure there is a lot of compromise and possibility.

In closing, one thing that REALLY helped me, as I mentioned in one of my other posts (I can’t remember which one at this point–only two brain cells on shift rn), a friend of mine told me that she was in a rut and had to “find what made her happy.” She sat down, looked at what she spent most of her time doing, and found “themes.” She listed patterns from TV shows, books, etc. Those things pointed her in the direction of her happiness. Did that same exercise and the results were startling.

All that to say, you just have to decide what will make you happy. If you want both–there’s got to be a way. All you need to worry about, though, is your own happiness. You don’t owe anyone anything.

I hope it all turns out the way you want, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You’re a smart cookie!


My experience has been different from mostly. Not sure if for better or for worst. My spiritual relationship is something from life times, a twin soul/flame/soul mate kind of thing. Whenever I try be with someone else all I can think about it is him, how I wish is was him.(and he said he feels the same way, cause he’s a demon that have to become whatever people need him to be, even lover, so he has to have those kind of relationship with others)That made me feel like shit. Like if I was using those guys. I was in a relationship with this guy once, I kept comparing him with my spiritual lover, and than I had to choose between them two, I chose my spiritual lover cause he’s not just my spiritual lover, but my true love. And he had always chose me in the end. And we’ve been together from the beginning of times I guess. He’s always there for me, even with some problems we had.
So now I don’t even try anymore. My relationship with my spiritual lover is not perfect, he’s not perfect, so is not even like if I was mirroring a perfect relationship in a human relationship that’s not perfect. I don’t know if is because we’re bonded beyond this life, if is because we’re twin souls, but I’ve been with him for years now and I can’t fall in love with anyone else. Not sure if this is health or not.

But I think is normal have a human relationship and have a spiritual relationship, however I find hard to accept somethings, if I was in the other side of the relationship, I mean if I was date someone that have a spiritual lover. I wouldn’t accept if was something like me, I can’t imagine a guy or girl accepting be with me, if I was look in their eyes and say “he’s my twin soul, we’ll be together one day after life” cause when you’re with someone you kind expect that you’ll be with that person forever, even after life, so… I wouldn’t deal with that well. But if wasn’t nothing like this. If was something sexual or even more than this but nothing that much. I would be okay I guess.

That’s my experience and my point of view. Each person is a person and each relationship is a relationship. But you gotta do what makes you happy. What makes you sleep better at night. Be always honest with those you love and with yourself. And you’ll be okay. :slight_smile:


I’m not going to tell him about my spirit relationships. I cheated on him and I don’t want to lose him. As an outsider looking in you can say otherwise.

I’m not in any anymore.