Is this serious?

Meditation and health is discussed a lot here. So you’re not really making sense. Meditation is the foundational practice of most magick.


Lol :joy::grin::grinning::blush::smile::sweat_smile::laughing::wink:


…And James Randi. Because if a stage magician can fake some effects then that cinches it. We’re all delusional.


:point_up: :rofl: sigh

I really need to stop being lazy and write out my
Magic Cosmology hypothesis.


Right? Modern science cannot even explain the finer details of gravity, so I am going to go out on a limb and say that it stands about the same chance of disproving magick.


Yes, mainstream science has a lot of holes in its cosmology.
With all it’s Ad Hoc theories of (insert random made up energy here)

Cough black holes cough dark energy cough cough.


I am reminded of a Danish scientist who talked about not having anything to do in his office if he thought science could explain everything. He had had supernatural experiences with Indians where he felt spirit presence. So unlike some people he did not suffer from scientism even though he is a scientist.

There is a huge difference between being naturally sceptical and suffer from scientism.


Yes, there is a big difference between science, which is a method, and blind faith in materialism which is what you call scientism. Those types could get ass raped by Azazel and they would say “no, I couldn’t have been ass raped by Azazel. There has to be a rational explanation that doesn’t include demons.”


I pet a cat today, thought that was pretty magical… I guess science can disprove that. :neutral_face:


You couldn’t have pet a cat today because magic doesn’t exist. Because science that’s why.


I think i hate science now.


“Science, at its core, is simply a method of practical logic that tests hypotheses against experience. Scientism, by contrast, is the worldview and value system that insists that the questions the scientific method can answer are the most important questions human beings can ask, and that the picture of the world yielded by science is a better approximation to reality than any other.” (John Michael Greer)


When you look at a thing like cognitive ethology and start to research how much bias against it there was up until circa 1980, and in some scientific circles still is, you start to realize how much science has been affected by crazy ideas about exclusive souls for very few beings thought up by Descartes. Science is very often infected by dogma just like religion can be.


If someone’s life’s work is invested in a particular theory, it’s easy to see how they can be emotional about it.

Similar to a Gnosis for them maybe?

Actual gnosis would be a good thing. It’s more like pistis for some of these folks. Blind faith in other words.


While I agree with this, It must be stated that dogma is merely the believes someone holds to be true based off of experiences they had in the past

Everyone has a dogma, even saying you don’t believe in dogma is a form of dogma itself.

It seems people have a strange phobia of the word which I think is necessary

A better word I feel more suitable for this would be -Indoctrinated.


Dogma is a religious or ideological dogma or doctrine which is not up for discussion for reasons of faith or mythological reasons. When you deal with the occult you deal with something that constantly asks questions in new ways, tries to find new languages about perception, self-perception, reality etc. so I disagree.

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I would say that everyone has faith, not dogma and also add that dogma is very often NOT based on experience but indoctrination of some sort.

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It’s very real. I’m a beginner and I see all kinds of changes around me. Call a demon up and see how you feel.