Is this all real?

@DarkestKnight No, I haven’t but at 18, I had a
series of experiences where in my view G-d said, “I choose you.” But notwithstanding, you said that you’re successful with evocations. Couldn’t you ask an entity with inclinations towards divination if my theory is correct. You just have to compel that entity to tell the truth because as you and I know, some entities do and will lie.

Well it sounds to me like his mind is made up, this will never be “real” to OP because he already “knows” that the god of the Israelites wishes his life to go this way… I guess end of discussion for his will is given over to a deity already and thus his rituals and evocations fail before the first word is ever uttered.

I only have one more question, If you are so sold on your families God and religion, why did you ever try to call upon demons and do all this “research”? It seems kinda against all the written works you believe in. From your religions point of view every one on this forum is your religions version of the “bad guys”.

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I mean there’s christian practitioners who do their practice in the name of their God or the Holy Trinity, and it still works.

@Cernunnos you completely misconstrued what I said above. Yes, it is true, when I first posted this thread I questioned whether or not demons were real. However, even though in all the work I did I didn’t hear or see demons or obtain any results (however marginal) from what I would ask—it doesn’t mean that because it didn’t work me that it’s not real. I’ve been consistently saying from a more mature understanding that demons DO exist and that it IS real. After all, demons are in the Tanach (Prophets of Baal?). If I didn’t believe in demons it would be akin to not believing in the Bible.

Anyways, I put in the time, effort, dedication and money to summon demons not so I could come here and say, “It didn’t work for me so therefore it must not be real.” I did it for the same reasons most people on this forum do it—I wanted to experience kinship, I wanted guidance, friendship and all the above. Your anger is misplaced because I gave it my very best and it didn’t work for me.


How you know it didn’t work for you? I think your expectations are misplaced. You say you want to hear demons talk to you. well, i don’t hear them either and so do many thousands of magick users not hearing them or seeing them etc… Its like talking to the wall when i do magick. lol. THere are little signs that lets you know something is working. Are you observant? Yet what matters to me isn’t proof of contact. I just care for results. That’s what i look for. Start with something small and possible. do enough magick to get results. It’s not just one time and that’s it. It’s also not lusting for results. You have no proof god block your connection. That’s your own belief which can get in the way. One has free will. God will not block such. Everyone have access to any spirit. It also seems you yourself is blocking the connection contradicting universal law with your own belief that you have no access to them. The gom books are literally written for anyone to easily follow the directions. I’ve seen some reviews on amazon and those that says it don’t work usually have a belief that contradicts the process in some way base on what they say. The only thing i would say it has to do with your mind process. That’s the big factor in magick work. That’s why some book works for others cuz the process method is different.

Also from your last post you said you want a relationship with them demons. Interact as if they are in front of you. That’s movie magick. That itself already tells us your expecting too much. Not possible if your senses isn’t open with plenty self work… In other words you want contact. You have’t learn to walk yet you want to run already.
And you want to go right into evocation. People start with petition or invocation. Even the gom books says it may take several yrs working on self before evoke. I think your expectation is too much.

And if you read my many post about my issues, you can see the effort i put into learning magick. The practice time , the testing , trial and error. The persistence, frequency of casting, length of time casting, experimenting, wording /rewording the spells, testing different emotional states. etc… Rereading the instructions to see if i get it right. EAch time you practice you get new viewpoints and it adds to insight. You evaluate your magick practices, journal it. Think of it like an experiment to figure out how it works. The one thing i would say most people lack is awareness or observing feedback of one’s work . YOu do that by being aware of the changes in you and surrounding. Not many people can do that. Many cast and says where’s my result? they don’t see the in between little changes. so they think it don’t work and give up. THey are seeing the single tree not the forest.


You misunderstood what I was saying, their is a difference between knowing something exists and seeing it work for yourself. But if you go into this thinking it will not work for you then you are already lusting for the result of it not working thus your will is made manifest and your spell is complete.

A friend of mine was born in Africa, and throughout his entire life he “knew” that snow was real, but it wasn’t until he visited America in the winter that it became more then just knowledge, it became “REAL” to him. This is the context I was speaking in when I stated “this will never be “real” to OP because he already “knows” that the god of the Israelites wishes his life to go this way…”

@anon37593562 To begin with, I just came up with that theory yesterday. Second, pardon the pun but you said the magic words in your post above—results. My threshold is not being able to hear, speak or see demons. If I practice evocation and I do it correctly and to my earnest and none of those things are there, I’m okay with that as long as there’s that magic word again—results. We can sit and argue until the cows come home. To me, unless you’re able to see, hear or communicate in some fashion (I tried the Ouija board and it didn’t work) with an entity during evocation OR, obtain results for what you’re reasonably asking that entity for within its domain, what’s the point of evocation? You may counter by saying that it’s good practice even if it fails or, that nonetheless I’m exercising “alchemy of my feelings”, in my humble opinion, there’s no value.

there is value. YOu don’t learn to bike in one try. you don’t swim in one try. You don’t get result in one try. you can’t read in one day. You can’t evoke if you have not work on self. you can’t expect instant result. Seems your not wanting to do the work. Some people are natural at these magick stuff due to life past experiences. Or they born more psychic then most. i’m not. i have to put the effort.

something worthwhile always require effort. There some that are gifted an see demons easily , then all of a sudden they can’t make contact with demons at all. this from another forum member. It all depends on your state of mind in the present.

We are trying to help you here with ideas, but it seems you fighting us.

I mean it’s hard to communicate through posting as we aren’t in person to see how you do your magick and give feedback into tweeking the magick process. So most my suggestion is to be your own observant self.


@Cernunnos I absolutely, unequivocally, did not go into this experience hoping that it would fail. In fact, when I first posted 4-months ago, I attributed my failings to not taking it seriously enough, not having the tools and being afraid. All three factors went out the window this time. As I said, I bought a mat with perfect Solomonic circle specs, scrying mirror as per Goetia, right enn, right sigil, didn’t summon a night entity during the day and basically tried every method out there. I did this every day and sometimes, more than once a day (and I’m a busy professional). On one evocation I even smeared a few droplets of my blood on the sigil. And again, nothing. Didn’t hear anything, I didn’t visually experience signs and nor did I benefit from the results I was asking for that was within the domain of the entity being evoked to perform.

Your still focusing on lusting for contact. Intention is misplace due to lusting. Your also focusing on props. Not on the process. You don’t need any props but yourself . and the sigil of course as thats like the phone number. lol

From all your posting. I can say that it has to do with your mind process that isn’t getting you resutls.

Signs is not always during session. IT can be days, weeks, months, in dreams etc… during your everyday life. That’s why i said, are you observant?

Hey man still back to you can have all the alcohol at your disposal but it doesn’t mean you can mix a drink worth a damn. Practice makes perfect and these people giving you advice are rather experienced sorcerers trying to help you. Anywho all the arguing kinda takes the “discussing” aspect out of the word “discussion” so at this point it is as if you are trying to troll this forum so I’m outta here.

PS: Your god of the Torah ignores people all the time yet no one on this forum will argue against his existence, most just choose to ignore him right back so maybe this magickal line of thought isn’t up your ally?

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@anon37593562 I am not “lusting for contact”. As I said above, results would more than suffice for me. Why don’t you do this: evoke the entity you’re used to evoking and ask the entity what I’m doing wrong. If my theory is wrong and I’m doing something incorrectly, I want to fix it because I want to experience what most people on this forum experiences—results or contact.

i can’t evoke. i just do the magick and let it do it’s thing. No expectation of how the magick is. Your still expecting magick to be a certain experience which limits you. that’s all i can say. Your not seeing the process or experience for what it is. you are discriminating magick to be a certain way.

Talking and action is two different thing. Many talk talk talk but they dont’ walk it. You say not lusting but your posting says otherwise. we can read between the intent. you cant’. Sometimes we can’t see our own viewpoint or intention.

You gotta get rid of all the BS beliefs and just do the magick base on the magick without any thoughts that isn’t related to it. Just the fact that your projecting to have relationship with the demons gets in the way. your in your head not in the present doing the magick. Clear mind and just do the magick. And after the magick, you keep thinking bs ideas that it don’t work. guess what? you just mess up the magick.

@CernunnosI’m not trying to troll anything. I want to learn, man. I see your point with the alcohol analogy but if my theory is wrong, maybe a minor calibration in the process can change the outcome. In golf, millimeters can make a huge difference.

If that is the case then I reverse your request, call upon your god and ask him… according to your beliefs he knows all so he should be able to answer one of his “prophets to be” if what your assuming is the case. why should the burden of proof be placed on people of this forum to solve your disbelief?

no god exist. if he did, i wouldn’t be in this mess. =o) the only god is me. seems i’m the only one that can control my life to some very little degree. haha.

just joking by the way. theres’ no proof of god so i am neutral.

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@Cernunnos Excellent response and maybe that’s the answer—to ask the question you’re proposing me to ask. I have no come back from that.

there is no comeback because it’s not an argument. IF your focus on comeback then you miss the point. It’s about learning not who’s right vs wrong or to show who’s more correct.


I continue to say that my theory is correct and that indeed, G-d is blocking demonic contact for me. That came to me yesterday after another failed evocation attempt. If this was an underlying concept I previously had in mind, how come I didn’t think of it prior to yesterday? Unless and until I am provided with specifics in what I may be doing wrong and affirmation that infernal entities do want to have a mutually respectful relationship with me, I will hold on to my theory.

it’s not theory if you believe in it strongly without any experimenting or testing to progress your magick. It has become fact by choice of which makes no room for progress.