Is there hoe spirits you can use!?

Probably chaos magick and A. O. Spare type sigils that are not sentient beings and which you use as tools.

But the extent to which these work for you has more variables (strength of will, ability to focus, basic psychic/magickal power) than summoning a spirit.

It’s like, can you build a wall - yes, but your strength, skill, access to materials, and other factors will determine how good that wall is.

Whereas you could just hire professionals and get a more standardised product, but there’s a higher price. Apologies if someone covered this, just doing a quick reply before coffee. :coffee:


EA stated in Works of Darkness that the Powers of Magick are omnipresent, meaning that they are always around us at every moment, and that a banishing ritual doesn’t so much as remove said Powers from our notice, as much as remove us from theirs. Essentially, it puts up a wall between the Powers and you, so you can pretend they aren’t there, and they can ignore you.

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They can be submissive by choice, because at the end of the day, they are pretty much always the ones in control. And to be in control is to be dominant, which are a natural state for a succubus/incubus entity.

As I see it, they have to lead and take the sexual initiative for the interaction with them to work successfully.


Interesting, I know a case where someone suddenly developed hightened sense of vision and could see beings. One astral entity got shocked by that and asked him if he could describe that beings appearance, the moment he did, he was possessed completely by that spirit. So I think being aware of entities makes us more vulnerable/accessible to them.

My guess is that in cases like this the subconscious part of mind get into the conscious field of experience, thus giving the entity direct access to us. ( don’t forget all spirits come from the back of our mind )

But does it really ‘remove us from their notice’ . I don’t know, may be someone who has mastered astral/soul travel can answer it clearly.

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If I remember EA’s words correctly, a banishing essentially removes our consciousness from interfering with the Powers around us via our intention and energy, not so much as removing us form their notice, which was the wrong choice of words on my part. But it is all conjecture, as you said.


I would like to say you want a spirit/entity that’s ‘sexually liberated’. Calling anyone a hoe or slut, human or spirit is degrading and just rude because they’re sexually active and is down for it consensually. Anyways maybe you should call on Lilith if any spirit wants a one night stand.

Anyone correct me if Lilith is okay with this or not?

Hmm interesting, how does that work exactly?

Used to use something very similar to that when I didn’t do proper banishings. Was quite effective, or at least that’s what I felt.

We ask for payment because our corporeal body literally always needs sustenance to survive.

Payment does come in one way or another be it energy/time or offering, it’s just usually when some think of payment they think of extremes like soul selling or blood offerings lol.

A lot of entities don’t ask for payment because the payment is usually in energy as is, some will ask for offerings if the payment isn’t equal to the work given, others won’t mind.