Is there anyone ( maybe musician even better) who has worked with Archangel Sandalphon?

My passion, my dream life, my goal… is to live a life playing music, singing and creating.
Im into music since 5years old, this is my path, so I wanted to be accompanied with the appropriate spirits and get assistance from their wisdom and enlightenment.
I have started working with King Paimon already who is super famous in this forum and i have read tones of experiences and info in here :smile:
But I just discovered also Archangel Sandalphon, who is also associated with music.
Has anyone had any experience with him?
Do you think King Paimon would accept being evoked together with Angels?


Yes. He wouldnt have a problem being evoked with angels. If any demons and angels have issue’s, it’s usually personal stuff and not do to being different species.


Yes there is no problem working with angels and demons at the same time, Sandalphon says he improves the overall quality of life of mine he is really nice

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Thank you for your replies @Nostre, @S_vi_Britannia !
I know in general demons and angels are fine together, but just wanted to be sure for the great King :slightly_smiling_face:
@S_vi_Britannia, have you noticed any changes in your life from your relationship with him? Does he like any specific offerings?


Sandalphon is Morino’s Patron check his youtube channel and blog (y)


You’re welcome!! Blessings, angels are very strong


Omg, I looove ya :smile:
Thanks a lot!!! Together with the info i read here in older posts from 2017, I think i will be able to connect easier with him.
I also found that I could call on angel Azrael who can help connecting with Archangel Raziel too, @S_vi_Britannia . Another Archangel that i feel drawned to. Just imagine today, i found a book with angels, and i opened it on the page which was referring to Raziel :smile:
Gklin gkliiinnn message received haha


I am happy for you :slight_smile:
Morino have some videos of Raziel too
Raziel is cool :slight_smile:

Look this from VK’s blog:


Nice!! Raziel is strong with the power of wisdom. You can develop your magical ability with him and he can open you up to the providence of the universe if I remember correctly with the Archangels of magick book by Damon brand


Exactly! This is what i know about him too! Helps with connection with the univetsal divinity and development of your senses, your intuition and your spiritual awakening in general!
I will keep you all updated :blush:


Azrael or Arzel?
I know Arzel is another face of Raziel that’s easier to contact. I never heard about a connection between Azrael and Raziel before


I checked it again and you were right! Azrel is his name, but its pronounced AZR-ALE thats why i got confused…

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Azrael is the angel of death right? What do you mean with that?

Sorry i wrong, correct name is Azrel.
Damon Brand have a book about this

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Haha no worries!
Yeah, I love him, i have 2 books of him and going for the 3rd soon😄

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I’m here to see your progress because I’m into music too and YouTube. I tried some small things with magickal sigils etc but it didn’t help me at all.
Now I’m thinking to call for an Archangel or any entity who can help me about it. I wish you all the best and hopefully we will read about your results soon.


Guys, I’m pretty sure the name is ARZEL.
Damon Brand talked about Arzel (mask of Raziel) being present in NAP as well and I took a look real quick:

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Υea i agree with the name! I did a mistake in the first place with Azrael.
@K.Theo which angels did you try? Maybe you should work continuesly and build a relationship with a spirit while you will be working on your music too…
If you want tell me your YouTube channel in pm, I woukd like to see your work :slightly_smiling_face:

Its a goetia spirt not remeber who. Also in. Lesser key .

Just read your post and I, Too I’m interested in music, dancing, instrument.
and I’m Just curious. How did it go?? did any entity help you out? if they did, who?