Is there any justice out there?

Yes sure. I was just referring to the damaging air pollution that the humans are causing, the fires in purpose, the wars which are destroying whole cities and spread tge death, the misery and millions of refugees… the overconsumption/ overindulgence of the earth s sources…
Those are facts that are causing the imbalance of the nature. Everything is a huge domino
Anyway let’s stay in the topic, of the justice in the world and who/ how the consequences are being created

Although it is admirable to view all organic lifeforms as a brotherhood suffering together, it is highly self-destructive if practice is put to the alleviation of this suffering.

The crudest and basic job of a leader is to decide who suffers and who does not. If you have a limited amount of food only capable of feeding one population, and both your own people/tribe and another people/tribe are starving, you have three choices: 1), you feed your own tribe but let the other tribe starve. 2), you feed the other tribe but let your own tribe starve. 3), you split the food equally and inflict suffering on both tribes with both incurring heavy losses. Regardless of the choice, suffering is unavoidable. If you cannot handle this simple truth and act on it, you are not fit to be a leader or guide anyone.

Unfortunately, today’s leaders are not removed from their positions of power upon proving their inability to choose anything other than option 3, which in turn inflicts greater and unnecessary suffering.

It is not only natural, like Helena stated, but is also logical if you wish to preserve and protect them. Any other conclusion is due to a lack or surplus of intelligence.


I guess in some fantasies there is the Justice league.

Which does exist irl … Terminal Station Cincinnati

I’d be all for turning the Museum /Station into the new HALLS OF JUSTICE!

Show was inspired by it thats for sure.

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Looking back at the ethnic diversity its a pity most superheroes were of a rather white depiction. I mean it was the times but honestly i think the atlantians would have changed more to greening/blue tone and scales/gills, wonder woman may have had a more grecian tint, etc etc. There were nods later on but i recall it was about selling comics/toys etc. Some change has happened since then and tbh I can’t understand bigotry/racism since we are all human.

Human nature of many civilazations has enslaved others to destroy cultures. Its not a new concept and more than just darker skinned Africans were affected. Many are now gone or absorbed into other groups. There is still slavery going on but mostly in the form of sex slaves and factories overseas like China’s unethical treatment of their citizens, North Korea etc.

Justice in various “leaders minds” differs and often those in positions of power lose sight or don’t care.

Perhaps karma. The important thing is where do you as an individual stand on just that virtue? Will you toss aware other virtues, aspects of humanity, and well being just to enforce a cold unblinking justice to a particular cause. What is just to some is injustice or wrong to others. People don’t often want absolute truth but they do want their faith in their beliefs (be they moral or not) rewarded.

I don’t see too many selfless souls or beings. There is always an underlying reason even if its something like “do good to get to heaven.” That isn’t selfless… you still expect a reward.

Selfless is almost on the edge of chaos. You do xyz and don’t expect or care what happens to self. You could be obliterated and erased ftom all existence or rememberence. A sacrifice for an end . Do that for a cause and no one ever knows ir ever knew. That might be selfless. Not sure thats possible. Even Jesus Christ was not selfless. God being immortal all putting his avatar self on the planet to nake change knowing he’ll always exist to gain more follower souls reeks of selfish not selfless. And its done a lot of evil by mans hand no matter what its true intentions.

I recently saw a short series done pretty well. Its odd and a little too naked imho…

She sacrificed to try to end witches/magic girls cycle but it just changed it and karma. Rather interesting cthulu like references.

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There are some Spirits you do not curse with period and I’m not getting into that. Some deities and entities will judge you and will show you alternatives.

In my case, Freya told me she’ll curse my friend because I was upset but she didn’t as she knew it’s not what I wanted. These beings know us better than we know ourselves and by working with them, we realize aspects of ourself we never knew existed.

Back to topic, it comes down to the Spirit. Some carry out your task without batting an eye if you’re paying them well whike others will show you alternatives first.

They will heal him. Especially if he has a friendship with them.

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Thank you for your reply @Twilight_Dragon !
I see, it depends on each spirit how he will react and answer to a request like that.
What i realize now is that noone really knows or has experienced a case like that.
Its so difficult to say for sure…

Wow mate, what did you find there :smile: