Is there an Autumn Equinox ritual?

Is there anything planned for this year? A group ritual maybe?

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I’m not aware of anything planned BALG wise.

I try to catch up with the OBOD (Order of Bards, Ovate and Druids: I am a student of the Bardic Grade with them) ceremonies that mark the Wheel of the Year on their youtube channel.

They’re 5 hours ahead of me and they did it at 7pm UK time, so I join them in spirit and will watch the video after work. You will be very welcome to add you energy and partake in the blessing: it’s for everyone that wants it. :smiley: :herb:

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I played the video yesterday (Sept 22) and I really liked it. I could really feel the warm, loving, light-hearted energy from the ritual.


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In serious LHP covens the rituals involve Leviathan but actually the Gods and demons related to the harvest, riches and so on