Is there a way to block all magick in a room?

hello everyone :slight_smile: I hope y’all are having a good weekend.

I was wondering if there is a way (ritual, sigial, radionics, etc) to completely block all magick from working in a single room and if anyone has done this successfully.

My use case is pretty straight forward. A friend of mine has recovered some old magical items and a couple grimoires from a deceased relative and he’s worried that they may have some sort of residual enchantment on them.

We are hoping we can seal off a room in such a way that no magick can operate within that room. My initial thought was to cleanse, ward, and maybe use a servitor to cleanse anything that crosses the threshold into the room automatically?

But maybe there is a warding ritual that blocks all magic in a space? I did some digging on the forums and google, but I can’t really find any instructions just discussions on being claiming to have done it.

Thank you for your time :slight_smile:


I use iron horseshoes as wards, and one of them goes above the lintel of the door to my “craft room” :wink: :wink: … on the outside actually.

This is set with the intention that nothing goes in or out of that room without my express, conscious permission. Maybe you could try something like that.


Maybe this is a silly question but could you store the grimoires somewhere else? I’ve read that black silk contains energy, so maybe you could wrap the books and instruments in that, then banish in the room?

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Hmm. That sounds simple enough to test out. I will track down some horseshoes and test this out! Thank you for the suggestion :slight_smile:

Maybe this is a silly question but could you store the grimoires somewhere else? I’ve read that black silk contains energy, so maybe you could wrap the books and instruments in that, then banish in the room?

I can’t store them anywhere else sadly, but I will def try wrapping them. At the very least that should help with transporting them and hopefully prevent any lingering energies from contaminating my house :sweat_smile:

Store them in a metal box to contain any energies.


LBRP. It’s annoying to see that all the time. It’s because it works. Once a day.


:point_up: This, for sure. I keep my war water wrapped in tinfoil, it works very well.