Is that st. Michael?


So, I did a prayer (kind of, honestly just talked) to Archangel Michael and asked him to give me a sign if he’s listening. Nothing happened until I wanted to post about him and Archangel Samael (i felt worse in my head, i took it as a no and didnt post anything). Then I commented somewhere something like ‘if it’s meant to be it will be’ and the flame in my candle started flickering a little, but the moment i wrote about having God by my side it started flickering COMPLETELY. And it still is! But it was not before I talked to st. Michael nor was ir after until what I said happened.

I have one question about it, though.

How do I avoid being deceived? How do I know if it is St. Michael? Because I didn’t really get any other sign - only cold sensations on my legs before but i dont think it was from him(?). What do I do? I dont want it to turn out to be a lower entity, trickster spirit or whatever.

I’m sorry if what I post about is dumb, I don’t know where else to look fot advice.

Generally, as a human I say it’s worth getting used to being uncertain. It’s ok to take risks.

Rely on results at first, and then your intuition as you get more confident with it, but you’re not usually ever 100%. Leave room for course corrections as needed.

Kind of like, developing an artistic skill, it takes time to learn the ropes, and the more you practice the more confident you get as results follow your intuition.

Was it Michael? Why does it matter if you get the results you were asking for? If you personally feel that it was, then treat it s if it was, run with it until proven otherwise and then analyze the lessons learned in that. Commit. Like an artists making performance cannot guarantee that he will not make any mistakes, he will still try. Don’t try; won’t get.

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I’m just worried because I can hear clicking and feel cold sensations instead. So I want to know what do I do now?

Not enough information to say. Write it all down in our journal/grimoire and as you get more info and practice you will find out.